Monster Hunter International: Review thread with SPOILERS!!!

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I tried to buy the book today but B Dalton didn't have it so I tried to order it but they said theat they can't order from your publisher. I guess I'll have to go to Amazon and order it.
From the blog:

2/1/08 EDITED TO ADD: The preorder is over. You can still order books directly from me for $26 with shipping, but I am out, and will not have any copies here for about two weeks. I am no longer sending out patches as the preorder is done. Because of popular demand, I am making more patches. They will be available for $4 each.
I've got 100 patches being done right now, and a couple hundred more books on the way.

And being the idiot that I am, I totally forgot to attach an MHI patch to my groovy Eagle brand namebadge holder that I've been wearing around SHOT. :p

I have to go write up a rant about the stupidest product ever produced... brought to you by Simunitions.
Got the book at about 2 PM from Amazon yesterday, finished it at about 11 PM the same day. Could not set this one down. The epilogue was pure genius. I will be pre-ordering all future books!
I really liked the book. Nice story and some strange but cool new ideas about some creatures.

I only didn't like the fact that Julie's ex-boyfriend "Grant" just left at the end. (that's what happened right? I read the book 2 weeks ago) Kinda liked that character. Well, not the person itself really, but how it fit into the story.

What I really liked was the fact that the "hero" gets beaten and (almost) killed all the time. I hate it when the "hero" in a book or movie wins every fight and always knows what to do.

I will definitely pre-order the sequel(s) too :)
Finished the book last night. The wife gott on me for reading it too fast and not taking my time to enjoy it, he he he.
Your book kind of reminded me of the Dresden books in a way, but cooler.
I would love to be abel to get abomination, to bad i am stuck here in CA right now, and they don't let you have cool stuff:fire:
I loved it when Milo was talking about faith, and talking about just shooting the He** out of stuff and if that doesn't work explosives. I nded up reading that to the wife.
also loved the STI pair. I have been wanting to get something like that for a while.
the oter two quotes i liked (parafrased)
So how many gun laws does this bread... all of them
How many guns do you have? Lots
Looking forward to the rest of the series
Obe One
loved the book, read it in 2 days, in between a 17credit college schedule and social life. so if i wasnt sleeping, eating, in class , i was reading. i even passed up a chance to go to the bar

loved the book. want the patch haha.

i enjoyed how everyone but Owen understood it. but i think the foreshadowing was pretty heavy.

how ever there was plenty of surprises. the whole add in of susan. the suspense over Harbringer, Skippy, and i can only assume Franks.

love that Owen is the worlds punching bag. hey look, something massive and scary. lets let it beat up Pitt for a little while!

oh and one more thing, according to amazon. alot of your readers are dog lovers!

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Ok, first off, I've only read one of the "short stories" posted on the forums and it wasn't by Nightcrawler or Correia. So I had no idea you could write, Larry. In all honesty, the main reason I bought the book was to support a fellow THR member. I had to break up the reading into 2 days because work got in the way of me finishing the book :/

This concept of the book was great, who wouldn't want to be a bounty hunter that only hunts monsters?

The orcs were great too, I'm used to them being portrayed as villains, to see them on the side of good was a thrill. Completely suprised me that they were in it. The fact that they're metalheads just made it better. \m/

The elves were great. Kudos to your wife for thinking of it. Having to buy info with cigarettes and beer, had me rolling. About time elves were seen as something other then Legolass.

Is FBMG going to do a special custom Saiga that's somewhat of a replica of Abomination?

Can't wait for #2.
I'm slow and just finished the book today. I started it about 2 weeks ago, but read 300 pages in the past two days.
I enjoyed the character development. It really pulls you through the book. From the point we realize that Earl is superhuman (?) and then not-quite-human, I kept reading just so I could find out *** he is! I had no idea the Shackleford's had a holding pen for him. I figured Monster Hunters might keep monster pets, like some kinda of demon raccoon or something. The same goes for Holly's story - "What is her deal????". A chapter about her ordeal would be nice in the upcoming books. Or, possibly an Appendix with the back stories on each of the hunters.

I did not find there to be too much technical gun stuff. When I first heard about the book, I was thinking something along the lines of the technical detail in "American Psycho" when Patrick Bateman goes on and on about various consumer electronics and whatnot. I was glad MHI kep it short and sweet, but there was enough to whet the appetites of those who like that sort of thing.

I enjoyed the Machado backstory and the diversions into his memories. The juxtaposition of the modern and conqusiador eras was great. It's nice to have a respite from Abominations and M14s.

I also loved the Orcs and the Elves. Since I live in a cave, I just saw the first Lord of the Rings movie a few weeks ago so the Enchanted Forest Trailer Park was even more hysterical. (I also hate LOTR... what a waste of 2.5+ hours, but I digress.)

My favorite part of the book was the Asylum section and the ensuing car chase. I love asylums and car chases. :)

As for MHI: The Movie and some of the actors I kept picturing, here is my list:
Owen - Michael Chiklis (only taller)
Julie - Natalie Portman
Holly - Scarlett Johannson
Earl - Jon Voight
Trip - Mekhi Pfeiffer
Lee - Rick Yune (Johnny Tran of Fast and the Furious)
Grant - Christian Bale
Sam - Matthew McConaughey
Milo - Mark Wahlberg
Dorcas - Betty White
Ray Shackleford (Julie's Dad) - Harrison Ford
Susan Shackleford - Teri Hatcher
Agent Myers - David Duchovny
Agent Franks - The Rock

Put me in for pre-order on MHI 2!!
Been meaning to say I picked up the book and finished it last week.

Good job, fun read, waiting for the next one now.
The same goes for Holly's story - "What is her deal????".

Vampire hole, as told about in the asylum (gargoyle encounter) I believe. I'm guessing of course, and there's probably a lot more.
Vampire hole, as told about in the asylum (gargoyle encounter) I believe. I'm guessing of course, and there's probably a lot more.
Yup, I got that part. IIRC, she reveals it when they enter the lair of the 7 which has a feeding pit. The need to know pulled me through the book. It was a bit of a let down that all we got was a small blurb. Owen got a whole stinkin' chapter! (Darn main character... grumble grumble.) ;)
Holly plays a big part in Book II, and you will get to learn a little more of her story.
I loved the book, it made it hard to find time for school, work, and an active social life. I am curious about hollys story as well as trips (looking for more detail prequel sorta). Are you and nightcrawler going to publish those stories as well. I know im asking a lot but I enjoy good novels.
I read the book in forty-eight hours despite working three shifts the first day. Skippy kicks ass, for once not only wasn't there wasn't the usual prong-ear idol cliche, but the whole arrangement was properly reversed.
I was looking for this thread... I was very surprised when i read this. Normally i dont read "monster" books, but after reading the sample chapter i just HAD to get it. Read the first 300 pages the day i got it. I just could not put it down! Great Job Larry! Cant wait for MHI II
Great read, I'm definitely in need of a few patches. Any chance the patches from the other teams could be made as well?

I might do some other patches in the future, but I've got one major problem on that front. Some of them are copyrighted images. They're all nods of the head from me to other people's work that I love.

Thanks guys. I appreciate it. Now tell your friends! :)

Number 2 is coming along, but I'm not going to rush it.

I love hearing people cast stuff. I said the same thing back when I wrote with Nightcrawler. It just always surprises me to see how people picture character's I've created in their heads. Sometimes they are NOTHING at all like what I had in mind, but I can see where the idea comes from.

I won't say who I pictured for what, because that kind of ruins it, though when we make the big budget movie, William H. Macy is playing Agent Myers. :p
I see Earl more like an older Hugh Jackman ( X-men Wolverine)

I would like to see Jessica Biel as Julie.

For Raymond Shackleford III (Boss Shackleford) just for Kicks you could cast Michiel Gross (of Tremors fame)

I can buy the Rock being Franks, but I don't like Duchovny for Meyers, I would go more along the lines of Bill Pullman (the president from Independence Day).

Fred Ward (also of Tremors) as Milo (I know he don't have the facial hair, but he has the right attitude).

Brendon Gleeson (big red headed actor played the sherrif in Lake Placid and was in Gangs of NY) as Sam

For the big square jawed, crazy Ray Shackleford how about Bruce Campbell (from Evil Dead/Army of Darkness)

Holly is a tough one, needs to be cute, little, sexy, but still come across tough. I think that maybe Bridgette Fonda would be a good choice.

James Black for Trip.

I haven't really got a good idea for someone who could play Lee.
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