Sick of dogs.. what to carry?

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I love dogs a great deal but I dont stand for any dog that is not under control around innocent people especially more than once.

Leave a trail of antifreeze behind you as you walk.

In some training I did a time back we learned how to deal with attack dogs. After a bunch of practice I still dont think any of us wanted to go one on one with a pitbull or a GSD unarmed.
"I have been in serious trouble petting K-9 dogs cops have... How was I supposed to know I wasn't to pet a dog like that? I speak dog, and that dog said "pet me" ." end qoute...

Oh boy. That is so me.

Particularly the Shepards.

I agree with the milkbones. Now a lab showing teeth and growling... hmm.. not good.

Dont run.

Keep your body/emotions one level lower/friendlier than the dog's level of aggression. Constantly work your way downwards until maybe just might get a lick and a sniff.

If you cannot stand dogs and wind up inside around them, get a different line of work.

Maybe watch the show "It's me or the Dog" if availible on your home. Some really fearsome dogs are really scardiewardies looking for a little love.

Snarling and barking from one dog is not a problem, now from more than one dog it's going to trigger a pack attack, that is not good. An attacking dog is simply going to charge and clamp a fang around something soft.

Did I say milk bones?

hso nailed it right much. 99% of dogs make friends quickly and food is the way to their heart. cut-up cheap jerky or 'slim jims' or other type of treats. as back up - sprays, sonic repeller and either a staff or large folder w/staff preferred whack them on snout if possible it breaks fairly easy.
in some training I did a time back we learned how to deal with attack dogs. After a bunch of practice I still dont think any of us wanted to go one on one with a pitbull

Good point, but most pits aren't real attack dogs and vice versa. I've never heard of anyone training pits for that work, because they are the opposite of what you want in a protection/attack dog: human-friendly, dog-aggressive. I know that they are known to attack people, mainly kids, but that is the exception rather than the rule. If left to their own devices they are much more likely to become dog aggressive. And with proper training they won't be aggressive at all, any more than any other breed :)

Your point stands - just thought I'd clarify.

I had a job that required me to visit a lot of rural farm and ranch houses. Most had dogs. An ASP baton in the tool pocket of my Carhartts was discrete, handy, and effective. I never had to strike a dog, just having a tool in hand gave most of them cause for pause (paws?). Only problem with the ASP was, it's tough to retract unless there's a hard surface handy. Often not in rural areas.
a lady's compact umbrella

point it at the dog/s and press the open button. you will be amazed at how they react to the sudden size and zing sound. if it doesn't work--ua got what to stuff down its throat.
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