The Highroad or The High Road

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Prince Yamato said:
He is strange and mysterious and from Eastern Europe, where they can bend spoons with their minds!!!
"There is no spoon. Then you'll see, that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself."
Well, for a trucker, "Smokey Bear" would be a term to encompass a collective comprised of police officers, not "the bear that was Smokey." For example, "Smokey Bear [a singular or plural entity] is out there today." Or, you could say, "There are Smokey Bears out there today." Similarly, you can say "Charlie" to indicate both a collective and individual enemy. You wouldn't say, "the Charlie" to indicate a plurality of enemies, but you can say "the Charlies." And of course, you always say, "The Man" to refer to a collective entity, instead of "The Men." The men never keep you down. It's always a vague, nebulous, "The Man" that tries to keep you down.

Ah, the topics you see on THR.

-Sans Authoritas
Sans The Authoritas said,

Similarly, you can say "Charlie" to indicate both a collective and individual enemy. You wouldn't say, "the Charlie" to indicate a plurality of enemies, but you can say "the Charlies."

Wasn't "Uncle Charlie" CB slang for the FCC?

"Riley" was the Ham radio operators' slang for the FCC, as I recall.

230 The RN

{For relevance: I have a gun named "Bruno The .45.")
It's amazing...

Post #2 answered the OP's question. Then we've yammered on for 30 more!! Somebody has too much time on his/her/their hands!! That, or we just like micro-dissecting each others' comments.

Re: Smokey (the?) Bear--I defer to Jorg--he, sensibly, went to the Smokey Bear website and got the real scoop. It IS Smokey Bear, no "the." The song composed in the 1950's had "the" added to the name to maintain the song's rhythm, thus confusing a whole generation of kids, myself included. The song was running through my head as I was composing my original comment. As a kid I was very interested in Smokey--even had a "Smokey" belt buckle. And that bear definitely had an influence on the direction my life took. BTW, the "Smokey Bear" posters predate the actual New Mexico Smokey Bear, the forest fire rescuee.

In college, we all called him Smokey The Bear. That name even featured in one of my club's bawdy songs. (No, I will not repeat the lyrics for you. Use your imagination. We were all into forestry or biology or both.)

Re: Sans Authoritas and "Charlie": He's referring to the Viet Cong, not the FCC. That's why he uses the term "enemy." The FCC is an obstacle, an irritant sometimes, but not an enemy. Anybody who came of age in the '60's knows about the Cong. We had to worry about the military draft back then, too. Yes, the FCC is sometimes Uncle Charlie, alternatively the Friendly Candy Company.

Re: My handle (if anybody besides Valkman cares)--Sorry, no video. I graduated college in 1965. No videotape 'way back then, and darn few personal movie cameras, even. And none on the day in question. For which I'm grateful...I was really handling that 4" hose--really! Right up to the moment when...

I see from Cannonball888's comment that I'm not the only admirer of the sainted Rabbie Burns.

And I have to agree:
Ah, the topics you see on THR.
Gee, that sounds almost Dr. Seussian!
The thing is, everybody wants to intermingle the two terms.

Smokey (the) Bear is a bear who was rescued from a forest fire and used for training purposes as a symbol of the dangers of wildfires.

"Bear(s)" in CB/truckers parlance are traffic police. A "Smokey" or the "Smokies" became a natural derivation of that when the Forest Service animal became popular.

That should settle that. (It won't. :D )

Dr. Seuss visits THR

Ah, the topics you see on THR.
Gee, that sounds almost Dr. Seussian!

You asked for it....

Oh, the topics you’ll see on the THR forum
where the simplest question will gather a quorum
of experts (and others) who’ll argue in detail
over how to clean barrels, how not to pay retail,
and how to shoot snowflakes or estimate resale,
converting the antis to gun-loving toters,
and lubing your guns with the oil from motors,
and how you should carry, or what you should wear,
one round or fifty, and how to take care,
offending the in-laws off-hand or on purpose,
and what kind of ammo is used by the Sherpas
while porting for climbers on Everest’s slopes,
or how to shoot grizzlies while dangling from ropes.
Oh, the topics you’ll see on THR
Like what kind of ammo to use on a car
Or a zombie or maybe a rampaging rhino…
(And most of the answers should be “Darned if I know…”)
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