Tomorrow is the day!!!!

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Dec 28, 2002
Mesa, AZ
Doesnt Silveria go into SCOTUS conference tomorrow 11/26? This all might get interesting real quick!
Tomorrow is the Clerk's estimate of when the Justices will discuss the case, he could be off by a conference day or two, but normally results are disclosed the Monday or Tuesday after the conference (dont know how Thanksgiving factors into this, most conferences are on Friday).

But yeah, its gonna ge interesting.

This is the year that the rkba will probably be decided

With the possibility of a SCOTUS, the 2004 elections and most importantly the sunset of the AWB this is the year. If you haven't joined the nRA or like minded group this is the year to do it and get others to do so to. Keep in mind that if we lose this year the war is lost. For 60 years we've waited and now the countdown begins.
TODAY'S the day!

If anyone gets any information whatsoever about this case, please post it ASAP. I fully understand that we probably won't hear until next week, but just in case...
Geez, not even a decent rumor?:(

Somebody get me Scalia on the phone!

Anybody heard if they had the conference or if it was postponed or ANYTHING?

Just have to wait until Monday I guess. Those Supremes sure are tight lipped. :what:
There were something like 150+ cases to be discussed on Wednesday (search the docket files on with "November 26, 2003" (with quotes) to see all the cases scheduled for conference that day). I wonder how they have time to discuss them all in one day, unless they each write up their votes beforehand and only discuss some of the cases.

We'll find out soon enough (Monday or Tuesday).

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