TV shows and anti gun propaganda

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Arkansas Paul

Mar 18, 2009
Central Arkansas
Was just watching the DVR recording of Law and Order SVU with the wife and decided that I'm done with it.

The detectives are talking about a gun that a perpetrator had and one of them says, "He bought the gun on the internet. It was shipped directly to his house. No background check and no registration, but perfectly legal."

My wife was wondering what I was so upset about, that all shows were for entertainment and probably had inaccuracies. I told her that this was more than an inaccuracy. It was a purposeful attempt to make people think that this was a problem in the first place and promote left wing anti gun sentiment. I was so pissed I couldn't see straight.

Most intelligent people will see it as a television show, but there are some drooling morons that are going to believe it because they saw it on TV. :banghead:

Has anyone else noticed this?
Am I overreacting to deciding not to watch the show anymore?
I will watch a show that makes a mistake, but not one that goes out of it's way to promote everything I'm against.
no huge surprise really.....

most 'hollywood' types are not privy to firearms......couple that with the writers need to make dramatic get stuff like this.

...but mainly its the idiot watchers who think that everything that happens of TV is the truth.....god, the fact that people think the "science" in those CSI shows is actually real is bad really is amazing how people cannot grasp the fact that its FICTIONAL.
TV shows have been anti gun almost as far back as I can remember. It isn't always big bold anti stuff, most of it is little subtle stuff, over, and over, and over.....
No your not the only one, unfortunately I can't remember the show I stopped watching now. I thought Hawaii five-O was going down that road.
I've seen that "bought it on the internet" meme before.

It goes something like this:

"He bought it on or, had it FedEx'ed overnight to his door, no signature required. (rolls eyes)

My advice to combat the nonsense:

1. Abandon all forms of pay-to-play TV. Cancel your satellite and cable subscriptions.

Need a reason, just get a load of this:

How about Time Warner Cable owned by Ted Turner?

Millions of legal gun owners have paid tv subscriptions. By paying for this unconstitutional propaganda, we are funding the enemies of individual rights and freedoms in this country. I used to subscribe to Comcast, but after I found out that they engaged in a full-scale war of censorship of ad media, their support forums and so forth, I wrote them a scathing letter of cancellation and got a few friends to do likewise.

These megacorps only care about the bottom-line dollar. If you cancel AND TELL THEM WHY and we do it altogether en masse, they can and WILL lose market share.

2. Seek alternative media. Between Netflix, your local libraries DVD collection, your own Blu-Ray collection, over-the-air free broadcast signals, YouTube, torrents and other streaming media, there's a host of completely legal and engaging content! Live sporting event? Go to the bar every once in a while if you must see it. Once you've been a few months without it, you can do with out and don't miss it. Take a stand and tell these oppressive broadcasting groups that you're taking a hike and doing so with your wallet and integrity intact.

/gets off soapbox...
It was a purposeful attempt to make people think that this was a problem in the first place and promote left wing anti gun sentiment.

That's exactly what it is, and it's done deliberately. What you were watching was nothing more than "entertaining" propaganda.
From Wikipedia:
Propaganda is a form of communication that is aimed towards influencing the attitude of a community toward some cause or position by presenting only one side of an argument. Propaganda is usually repeated and dispersed over a wide variety of media in order to create the chosen result in audience attitudes.

And it's not just you watching. My guess is 90% of the population is watching TV for "entertainment" every day of their lives (if Bloomberg can make up statistics, so can I). This is why our struggle to keep our rights intact, and our country strong is so difficult. The anti-gunners wish the 2nd Ammendment would've never been there to begin with, and they hope the Supreme Court or a Saviour would just abolish it altogether.

Sorry about the mini-rant. But I can't stand most of the "programming" on television, as I can see right through it's true intent; either to sell you a product, or an idea.
I don't know how many people that I know that have been getting ready to buy their first gun and ask me how to go about "registering" the gun. Utah doesn't have gun registration and several of them just plain don't believe me. One went to the point of reporting me to the local police chief for having unregistered guns. The chief isn't what I'd call one of my closest friends, but we get along and are on a first name basis. He got a kick out of it and was able to set my other friend straight.

I haven't watched TV other than sports (with the exception of anything involving Bob Costas), history & science stuff, news when I have to, and shooting/fishing shows. Even Fox News gets RKBA and 2A stuff wrong more often than not. Bill O'Reilly has proposed a nightmare of mandatory federal registration and lots of stop-and-frisk stops with mandatory minimum sentences for possessing an unregistered gun. He had his head handed to him a last week but didn't understand that violating 2 amendments in the BOR instead of just one didn't make things better.

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Law and Order gets gun laws wrong. It also gets forensic science wrong.

It's not deliberate and it's not worth being upset over.
I have to say I don't think it's as bad as it used to be say 80's - mid 90's.

I watch a good bit older shows from that era, the ones I remember. I've seen anti gun episodes of the golden girls, who's the boss, family ties, growing pains, ect, ect. It's almost unbeliavleable I grew up to be a gunowner.

And there were no shows like sons of guns, top shot, there was nothing prositive at all.

I will say I don't think the news media flat out lied as much as they do today, especially about guns.

Sorry for the spelling and capitalization. I'll blame the iPhone auto correct.
I have to say I don't think it's as bad as it used to be say 80's - mid 90's.

I watch a good bit older shows from that era, the ones I remember. I've seen anti gun episodes of the golden girls, who's the boss, family ties, growing pains, ect, ect. It's almost unbeliavleable I grew up to be a gunowner.

And there were no shows like sons of guns, top shot, there was nothing prositive at all.

Every sitcom I can remember had an episode that went like this.

1. Something bad happens in the neighborhood/apartment building/etc.
2. One main character (usually a guy) decides he needs a gun to protect everyone.
3. He actively mis-handles and shows off with the gun.
4. He almost shoots someone he loves.
5. He swears off guns and does a semi-PSA about how guns are bad.
6. Everyone welcomes him back into the fold.

Sometimes they did it with martial arts also.

First find the TV show sponsors. Write letters and call them telling them how the show was offensive and you can't in good faith purchase products from a company that would pay to bring that into your home. Then do all of the above. Networks are scared by people "pulling the plug" but will not change until beyond bankruptcy.
I was just watching Tom Sullivan on Fox tonight. He repeated the "90% of people in this country want background checks" and that's as far as I got. I turned the TV off.

Why can't Fox at least get that stuff right? Does anyone, even the talking heads, really believe that?
Most intelligent people will see it as a television show, but there are some drooling morons that are going to believe it because they saw it on TV

I doubt most intelligent people would even know that it is not true. My brother in law is relatively pro-gun (I'm not sure if he has any anti-gun thoughts). I have talked numerous times about guns and shooting with him. A few weeks ago though, he was telling me about his friend at work that bought an "AK." I asked him "A real AK?" He responded, "I think so. He paid a few hundred bucks for it." "Ahhh," I said. Then he said, "He didn't even register it."

I left it at that, as I was trying to leave a family gathering.. So if his friend really did pay a few hundred bucks for a real and unregistered AK, he was most certainly breaking the law. My guess (and probably a pretty good guess) is that it was probably a WASR-10 or a similar variant.

Bottom line is even people who are pro-gun still are not as educated about these matters as they should be. Then when they hear this crap on TV, it just reinforces their incorrect knowledge of how the firearm laws actually work.
What you were watching was nothing more than "entertaining" propaganda.
At least it's entertaining...could've been [insert show here] :D

You gotta remember that many non-guns out there truly think Hard Boiled was a documentary, and not the ridiculous comedy of violence that we know and love it as ;)

Don't watch TV, unless Netflix or VUDU or PBS programming.

The early evening sitcoms seem to be written for 10 year old kids, with actors acting like 8 year old kids.

My wife watches TV a lot, so our evenings are spent with me on the computer, and her watching TV until she goes to sleep, they I get to bed at maybe 2:00AM when the pain meds finally kick-in.
I watch Masterpiece Theatre on PBS (need my Downton Abby and Mr. Selfridge) or HGTV (home remodeling shows). I even told my wife I'd like to quit DirecTV, but we have a stupid contract for 2 years.

Seriously though, if you can, get rid of cable. With things like AppleTV and Netflix, you can avoid cable all together.
Strange you should bring this up now. I believe it was 2 days ago I was watching one of the cable networks that has older TV shows.

There was a "Dragnet" episode. In a part of the show Sgt Friday & his sidekick (Harry Morgan - can't remember his characters' name) were at a public symposium regarding gun control. I did not watch the rest of the show after this but there was a private citizen standing up for the 2nd. Naturally, even back in the 60's when this was on the air, the network made him to look like he was a little batty. He asked Friday what he was suppose to do if someone was breaking into his house. Both Friday & Harry said just to make sure the door is locked and call the Police.

That was the soulution. In other words, even back then, Hollywood was just telling people to stand by and get slaughtered:fire:

And it is still happening.

This is why, IMO, the NRA has to do a much better job of getting the story out to all Americans about what is being said and what is the truth. Base it on the statistics that the average person can understand. Take the initiative.
Hollywood movies are just the same as the TV shows. Anyone too lazy to Google gun laws, sales, or gun functions will belive whatever TV and movies show them. Back in the late 80's I belive, the Lethal Weapon movies portrayed any black rifle as full automatic and avalible at your local gunshop. Even the dreaded "Cop Killer" bullets, which every bad guy had to have, were a mainstay of movie plots.
After hearing all this, I really think the NRA should make a point of putting together a comprehensive boycott list of companies/non-profits/etc that make a regular habit of mocking legal gun owners, pushing for making them into criminals or just plain old propaganda as listed above.
I thought Hawaii five-O was going down that road.
If you mean the original with Jack Lord, you're absolutely right. Lord was a militant anti-gunner.

I haven't seen enough of the new one to know what its ideological orientation is.
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