Waffle House

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That's great! Google speaks the truth...

I take it you're a BOC fan. Nice to see that a few of us are still running around.


How does something like that happen, though? Did someone hack sKerry's site and add "waffles" a bunch of times so it shows up in keyword searches or something?

Also what is BOC?
Only if Kerry wins...

will it be called the "Waffle House".

I would love to know how it happened. I design web systems for a living, and I am constantly fighting to get my clients listed near the top of the various engines. I know that Google changed their algorithm recently, but the actual algorithm is supposed to be secret.

It may be possible that "John Kerry" and "waffle" are referenced so many times on some many websites that Google's algorithm thinks they are closely related words. In any case it is to laugh. Think anyone over at election HQ knows about this yet?

Slimedog: "Raise your can of beer on high, and seal your fate forever. Our best years have past us by." ~ The Golden Age of Leather.

I guess we have the answer to the McCain-Feindgold 527 bypass.
I always wanted to write an encyclopedia on the common sewer rat.

"Its the nexus of the crisis, and the origin of storms..." ~ Astronomy
Could be fun. LIARS

(Homer Simpson) MMMMmmmmm... Waffles. (/Homer Simpson)

Imaginos, great album. Of course anything by Blue Oyster Cult is good. I've seen them live twice, both were excellent shows.
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