What did you carry to church today?

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380 Bersa CC
We just had a presentation to community church leaders by the local police on how to set up safety committees and procedures. My wife and I will both be members.
If I was a Sunday church goer, it would be with the same pistol that I carry every other day of the week - Sig P938 Extreme pocket carried in a Desantis Super Fly holster.
Old timer USA made, Gerber fast draw, Rosary, NRSV, BCP. That’s it. My Priest isn’t very progun. As I’m on the Altar Guild and also an Altar Server I’m not pushing it. We have an armed guard outside. If it’s Gods will I will die blade in hand wishing I had my gun.
Okay, it was yesterday now, but...

My "Old Scofield Study Bible"!

And my Shield .45. My CZ 75 compact is too big. I sit at the piano for quite a bit of the time, and the Shield in a belly band worn directly under my belt doesn't print at all. Meaning my wife can't tell when I wear it. Takes longer than I like to get out, but if I needed it I think I would be able to tear it out reasonably quickly. I don't wear a suit coat, but ALWAYS tuck my shirt in. I suppose on "suitworthy" occasions I'd go for the CZ.

Pastor was talking about an "old fashioned day" at church, and if everyone got behind that idea, I'd wear an 1858 Remington probably. The Shield could be my backup gun ;)

Why at church? Because human depravity is universal. Remember the church shooting in Texas? It wasn't that long ago!
Old timer USA made, Gerber fast draw, Rosary, NRSV, BCP. That’s it. My Priest isn’t very progun. As I’m on the Altar Guild and also an Altar Server I’m not pushing it. We have an armed guard outside. If it’s Gods will I will die blade in hand wishing I had my gun.

Pastor doesn't know I carry at church. Why would your clergy (or anyone else there) ever find out? I think this is an excuse for you to buy a smaller gun!
Wife and I were both sick yesterday, so we didn't make it to church. But I usually have a Smith M&P 9 Shield IWB, or a 38 Snubby in my jacket pocket. My wife always has a Glock G42 in her purse.
I'm afraid though, that if someone bent on killing Christians came in the front doors of our church armed with an AR, my wife and I would probably be just more fuel for the anti-rights jerks to just throw on the fire. They'd be able to say, "See there - those people were armed and they got shot anyway."
Please don't get me wrong. I'm not about to give up our right to carry guns, even in church. But the reality is, in church we sit with our backs to the front doors, and someone coming in through those doors armed with a semi-auto anything or two could kill a lot of people before either my wife or I (or for that matter, a couple of other people that I know are armed) could respond. I'd suggest to the church council that the front doors to the church be locked once service begins. But that went over like a lead balloon the last time it was brought up.
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