10 hours left until open carry in Texas!

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Oct 17, 2011
I plan on OC everywhere I can go legally... especially my neighborhood walking trail where dog owners think leash laws are optional... :D I wonder how long until I get the man with a gun visit? I'll keep you posted...
Open carry has always been legal in New Mexico...and of course they are laughing at ya'll Texicans for making such a big deal worrying about what will happen now that ya'll have finally caught up to the other free states. ;)
I advocate every single pro gun law. Congratulations on your state recognizing that constitutional right.

You just may find, however, that open carry isn't always the best choice.
If you haven't already, imagine some different scenarios you may need a gun for, then decide how to carry based on the potential situation. ;)

Yep, I agree that may make some irresponsible dog owners rethink things.
I wonder how long until I get the man with a gun visit?

Or someone "sics" their dog on you, claiming self defense against a would-be robber.

Wouldn't be surprised to see all of the anti groups inundate LEO with MWAG calls to 911
Just to take a couple more whacks at this already dead horse: A couple of years ago, Mississippi politicians got on a real 2nd amendment kick and passed a law making sure that everyone knew that open carry was legal in Mississippi (as it had been for over a hundred years - no permit required). The only persons I have seen carry open in the past couple of years, not in uniform, were off-duty or plain-clothes law enforcement officers. People here carry open in the woods and on the farms, not in town. The only real difference has been the number of signs going up in businesses declaring firearms not welcome. Having lived in Texas in the past, I can declare from experience that it is not much, if any, different from Mississippi, and I'm sure that once the new wears off and the media moves on to something else, the only difference will be the number of businesses with "no-weapons" signs in the windows. For the time being, the anti-gun people may not be the only ones made nervous by some of the yahoos that will be carrying. Good luck with your new toy.
Here in Virginia, open-carry has been legal for a LONG time (I don't know how long).

It's not unusual to see people open-carrying, and it requires no permit here.
I see it on almost every weekly trip to Wal-Mart.

Earlier this week, I saw it at a McDonalds in Charlottesville, which is a liberal college town (University of Virginia).

Although most carry concealed, no one really notices open carry.

I lived in Texas in the 1960s and 70s, and I'm SO glad your gun laws have improved.
They used to be terrible!
The city of Houston has put out a FAQ for open carry. They've addressed the issues for those people that have taken the approach of calling 911 for anyone open carrying.

Question: Some organizations that are in opposition to open carry, have said that if they see someone openly carrying a handgun, they will call 911 and say that person is being aggressive and threatening people with the weapon. How will the police handle situations like this.

Answer: The police will act with caution when approaching the person, they will collect the facts, and when it is found that this person was doing nothing wrong, the investigation will be turned towards the person who made the false 911 call.
Open carry has always been legal in New Mexico...and of course they are laughing at ya'll Texicans for making such a big deal worrying about what will happen now that ya'll have finally caught up to the other free states.

All 3 of them????
I lived in NM for decades, before they had Concealed laws... and that was probably the maximum number of people I saw OCing...

(Probably wont be much different here in TX either)
I'm as well really happy to see Texas starting to come around. All they need to do now is drop the CWP requirement, OC shouldn't require a permit.

IMO, Texas law makers don't want to drop the permit requirement to OC, the reason why, is they would have a whole lot more Texans carrying, thus resulting in a larger number of 2A supporters. More supporters would ultimately result in constitutional carry getting pushed harder, and probably passed. At present, the permitted folks are pretty much the only pro 2A folks on board, do the math.

And yes, as an off and on resident of New Mexico & Arizona, OC has been the norm for us for as long as I can remember. It wasn't long ago that New Mexico finally offered CWP's. And up until that point, the only legal means to carry was in fact OC.

Just a reminder that it's good policy to wait until after your BAC drops below .08 until you exercise them rights.
I believe Kansas may be a bit ahead of all of us now. They can "concealed carry" without a permit!
Just a reminder that it's good policy to wait until after your BAC drops below .08 until you exercise them rights.
There's no established "legal BAC" for the purposes of handgun carry in TX. Don't count on being home free just because your BAC would be legal for driving.
I'm sure that once the new wears off and the media moves on to something else, the only difference will be the number of businesses with "no-weapons" signs in the windows.
There are already reports of some going up.

However, the TX legislature (with the help of the TSRA) was pretty smart about how they went about things. First of all, a typical "no guns/no weapons" sign is legally meaningless in TX. The law specifies the exact wording and size of the lettering on sign that a property owner can post to make handgun carry illegal on his property. The sign is pretty big by the time the wording is right and the size of the lettering is within the law.

But that's not all. To ban concealed carry, there is a specific sign (see section 30.06 of the TX penal code) that doesn't have any effect on open carriers. To ban open carry there is a different sign (see section 30.07 of the TX penal code), also with the details specifically spelled out in the law, and it has no effect on concealed carriers.

So to ban both types of carry, a business owner would have to post both a 30.06 sign and a 30.07 sign.
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I wouldt expect to see much of a change. Ive lived in open carry states for the last 25 years. I think Ive seen one person open carry a gun "in town" in those 25 years.
In Iowa you get a weapons carry permit. It means you can open or conceal carry except where restricted by law, courthouses etc.

I have not seen anyone open carry in the last five years. That said it is nice that I don't have to worry about printing or having my shirt ride up.

Personally I won't be open carrying in town, just seems like a needless political point. I carry concealed every day, the only good thing for me is I won't have to worry about inadvertently displaying.
I won't have to worry about inadvertently displaying.

You havent had to worry about that for several years since they clarified the law (2013)
Open carry is legal in 44 states. Texas will be the 45th. I don't see what the big deal is.
I moved to Oregon almost 14 years ago where open carry is legal. I have yet to see anyone open carry outside of out in the woods. I don't expect it to be any different in Texas. Most that do carry do not want to draw 'any' attention to themselves and will carry concealed. Now, if someone tried open carry back in Hawaii, the SWAT team would have showed up!
As a Texan, I'm glad to see open carry legalized in Texas. But in many cases I can think of, I think it would be a bad idea to actually exercise that right.

I'm sure some people will open carry for a while, just because they can. But I think the novelty of it will wear off quickly and people will go back to concealed carry for the most part.
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