amusing...weapon identification pamphlets needed

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Sep 19, 2007
Armed man' prompts scare at store

By 7News

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

AURORA | The report sounded ominous when Aurora police responded Tuesday morning, July 15, after hearing a man with a AK47 and a banana clip was seen in a Home Depot Store.

Police surrounded the store at 3475 N. Salida St., just before 9 a.m. Employees and customers were brought out of the store as officers with rifles searched the interior for the reported gunman.

K-9 units were also called in the search the store.

Then, an employee came forward and told police that a man matching the description of the gunman had been inside the store earlier.

The employee said the man was carrying a nail gun and was looking for parts. He had left before police arrived.

Mixed emotions on this one...

Managed to choke on coffee instead of spiting it all over nice clean computer screen.

Then, I thought "When will the gun hysteria stop?"

I understand it is very unlikely for someone to be toting an AK47 around a hardware store. However, a holdup doesn't look like a guy shopping for nailgun parts.

So, someone got a quick glimpse and immediately jumped to the conclusion "Eek! It's a GUN"?

Our LEO's have enough to do without false alarms. Let's be a little more observant.
What are you talking about? With more than 12 nails you could really put an eye out.

Can do worse than that. During set production of a play in college, a rather endowed female student managed to nail one of her… female upper bits to the underside of the stage. Hilarity and Hysteria( as well as paramedics) ensued.

It's Bob "the Nailer".

lol, funny if you've read "Point of Impact" by Stephan Hunter. (which was made into the movie "Shooer" with Mark Wahlberg.)

Banana clips are only used by gorilla fighters.

*crickets....crickets....crickets... OOOH HAHAHAHA

yeah, i run a little slow some days.

a nail gun reallly looks nothing at all like an actual gun. at all. too bad the person that made the call won't get in trouble for shouting "fire".
Our LEO's have enough to do without false alarms. Let's be a little more observant.

We should not be expected to entrust our lives to anyone but the professionals.

It would be useful to have both the link and the text for articles like the above. That way it's possible to verify the article and, maybe, to actually use it for something.

It also probably would be a good idea to identify the city and state instead of assuming that everyone knows.

Here's a link to the article:
I know stupid is not a chargeable offense

Seems to me the person calling in the false alarm should have been treated to a ride in a squad car and taken to the police range. There he/she/it could have been shown pictures of the alleged gun, handled some real guns and not allowed off the range and taken back to the store until he/she/it had actually loaded, fired, cleared and cleaned a shot gun, rifle, revolver and pistol. If panic and hysteria is the result than they have a legitimate reason to deposit said idiot in a facility that takes care of mentally challenged people.
You guys should check out the thread on this I started in a different forum. I don't want to cause a ruckus, but PM me if you are interested in seeing some alternate views on it. I mean WAY alternate!
You mean a guy was just walking around with a NAIL GUN. Only licensed and trained carpenters should be allowed to have nail guns. Think of the children.
most, if not all, licensed and trained carpenters have been shot with a nail gun. they are really only fit for the military. normal citizens should only have hammers.
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