Breaking: Omaha, NE mall shooting

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Just to clarify some things about Nebraska Gun Laws:
-Nebraska does allow lawful CCW. The law went into effect the beginning of 2007.
-The CCW law does not preempt local statutes, meaning, local cities can choose to ban CCW.
-Omaha DOES NOT ban legal CCW. Neither does Lincoln. Some NE cities that do include Kearney, Hastings, Columbus, and Holdrege.

-Property owners may post "conspicuous notice" (signs) that ban CCW on their premises. Conspicuous notice and sign design/content are not defined in the statute and these signs DO carry the weight of the law, potentially resulting in a misdemeanor and a loss of your CHP.

Gosh, what is the deal? Why do so many people get this wrong?

The only city who can legally disallow CCW is Omaha, it is the only metro size city (300k), ALL the other cities who are banning CCW are doing so illegally. This is not part of the CCW, because it is an older law dealing with what cities are allowed to preempt. Only metro sized cities are allowed to preempt concealed carrying of weapons. All other cities can only ban what is allowed within the confines of the "laws of this state".

Not only that, section 28-1202 of our statutes say it is unlawful to carry a concealed weapon, however it also says;

(b) It is an affirmative defense that the defendant was engaged in any lawful business, calling, or employment at the time he or she was carrying any weapon or weapons and the circumstances in which such person was placed at the time were such as to justify a prudent person in carrying the weapon or weapons for the defense of his or her person, property, or family.

Our recent CCW also CANNOT PREEMPT the affirmative defense as stated above.
I've carried under this defense before, I've been stopped and the officers let me go because I explained the law. I've also heard of a few that were arrested, appeared before a judge and charges were dismissed. It used to be that $200 in your pocket was evidence enough to show you were a "prudent person" and gave you reason to carry. Now with that said I was stopped ten years ago, I have serious doubts a cop would just let me go if it was discovered I was carrying concealed without a CCW. I would fully expect to have to appear before a judge. The politics of this state have become really strange.

In the 1980's our State Constitution was amended to recognize the right to keep and bear arms. It's Amendment I-1, look it up. Open carry cannot be messed with, it cannot be preempted. And allowances have been in place for a very long time to carry concealed when it's prudent. Some people here fought very hard to make our gun laws of this state akin to Vermont laws. I wish people in my state would get this through their heads. You know what? We threw our rights away by not exercising them. Because people in this state became flippant about their right to defend themselves, this is why we have some stupid signs in the windows of shops saying we can't carry.

You know what? I don't care. I won't venture into those stores. I won't support people who allow political mores to overstep our State Constitution, and I no longer give my money to people who hold such ideals. And I really don't feel sorry for someone who does support these entities with their monies, then gets killed because they put themselves under such stupid laws. All for creature comforts.

Our state used to be relatively free, now it's turned into a state full of people wanting handouts from the .gov, and expecting a Utopia where bad things can't touch them.

Franklin was right, anyone who sells their freedom for security doesn't deserve either one.
30cal slob said:
1. reportedly had a felony drug conviction - ineligible to
own a firearm

2. allegedly stole the sks from his step-dad

3. was reportedly whacked out on psychotrophic medication
(antidepressants). which make you fear death less.

4. NE recently implemented concealed carry, but surprise
surprise the mall was posted off-limits.

5. cnn, fox, and MSM continue to feed the active shooter
phenomenon by posting this guy's picture all over the place,
thereby posthumously giving the loser what he wanted all along.

6. initial press reports had the shooter as a young black male. dont' you love the press?

Can anyone provide authoritative sources/links for 1-4?
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