2A Wins and Losses

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Arkansas went red for the firs time since who knows when. Asa Hutchinson will be our next governor and Tom Cotton beat Mark Pryor for the Senate race.
When Reconstruction ended in 1877, Arkansas went Democrat and remained Democrat (although in the second half of the 20th Century we had three Republican Governors.)

This election is the last gasp of the Confederate Plantation Owners.
I see the new governor of Tx. promises to sign an open carry law if he gets one on his desk.
The question is whether or not he will sign a bill allowing open carry without a permit (which a lot of people are calling "Constitutional Carry" which, of course, it isn't) and whether any bill will get through without being amended to the point of uselessness.
In SC, we got to keep our pro-2A governor. A win for us here.

And congrats on that. :)

BTW, that pic reminds me of a clip I saw recently of pro-gun news gal, Dana Loesch, working her AR at high-speed. Nice. :cool:
And how could I forget Sheriff David Clark reelected with 79% of the vote? Super pro-gun Democrat who spoke at the NRA convention this year.
Vern Humphrey said:
Spats McGee said:
Arkansas went red for the firs time since who knows when. Asa Hutchinson will be our next governor and Tom Cotton beat Mark Pryor for the Senate race.

When Reconstruction ended in 1877, Arkansas went Democrat and remained Democrat (although in the second half of the 20th Century we had three Republican Governors.)

This election is the last gasp of the Confederate Plantation Owners.
Thank you, sir. That fills in part of my Educational Loophole.
True. But much worse is your neighbor State, Minnesota, re-electing the very unfunny Comedian, Al Franken. :what:

And this time no last minute ballots in a car trunk were needed. 10,000 lakes. Is it something in the water there!? ;)

Thank you, I thought it was just me who thought he wasn't the slightest bit funny on SNL years ago. Just a stiff, who pretended to be a comedian. Maybe it's just my sense of humor, after all somebody must have liked him to get elected and then re-elected.

Unless dead people vote in MN like in Chicago? :barf:
Could be worse; they could have elected Lewis Black...or Gilbert Gottfried :p

Nevada went well for us, with the defeat of Justin Jones, the sponsor of SB 221, a failed UBC bill vetoed by our Governor, Rep. Horsford losing his job (narrowly) and many other good outcomes. Thankfully, we have a new legislature, and even a pro 2A candidate won in the Washoe County Sheriff race over an establishmemt anointed expected replacememt endorsed by the anti 2A incumbent.

Sadly the real fight for us is Washington style, with a little luck we can keep Everytown's UBC initiative from being certified. There is some comfort in knowing Clark County, analogous to Washington's King County, was able to replace every anti gun incumbant with one overtly sympathetic to gun rights.
As far as pro-2A, Kentucky went okay in the off year election. Allison Lundergan Grimes is a Nobammo stooge who couldn't distance herself from our current president. Mitch McConnel is hugely unpopular here but he isn't an anti. He's in line to be the next Senate majority leader so I guess we won.
I'm glad you get it, Spats, but I'm a little confused - what does that mean?
After the Civil War, the southern states were ruled by the Federal Government. This was called Reconstruction. Reconstruction ended in 1877 -- and at that time all the Southern States turned Democrat, because the Democrats were the party of slavery, while the Republicans were the party of Emancipation. Once in control, the Democrats imposed the Jim Crow laws -- segregation and discrimination against Blacks. They also rigidly controlled the economy, holding down wages and keeping the Southern States poor.

Slowly, other political forces emerged, and finally the Southern states began abandoning their stand against the Union and Republicans began winning elections, bringing prosperity with them.

Arkansas was the last Yellow Dog Democrat state ("I'd vote for a yellow dog before I'd vote for a Republican.") With this sweeping Republican victory, the Civil War is finally over, and the old Confederate Plantation Owner political machine is smashed.
Vern Humphrey said:
Slowly, other political forces emerged, and finally the Southern states began abandoning their stand against the Union and Republicans began winning elections, bringing prosperity with them.

The change in the South began with LBJ's 1964 Civil Rights Act. LBJ said the Democrats would lose the South because of it and they did. Many Democrats, both voters and office holders, switched parties. The result was a decidedly Republican shift in southern politics, especially at the natioanl and state levels. These Democrats were mostly conservative. Back then, each party had a liberal wing and a conservative wing. This great realignment over the next 20 years also reached outside the South and saw liberal Republicans switch to the Democratic side and conservative Democrats become Republicans.
The change in the South began with LBJ's 1964 Civil Rights Act. LBJ said the Democrats would lose the South because of it and they did. Many Democrats, both voters and office holders, switched parties. The result was a decidedly Republican shift in southern politics, especially at the natioanl and state levels. These Democrats were mostly conservative. Back then, each party had a liberal wing and a conservative wing. This great realignment over the next 20 years also reached outside the South and saw liberal Republicans switch to the Democratic side and conservative Democrats become Republicans.
And the irony of it is, it was the Republicans who passed the Civil Rights Act. Had Republicans voted against it in anything like the percentage the Democrats voted against it, the act would never have passed.
And the irony of it is, it was the Republicans who passed the Civil Rights Act. Had Republicans voted against it in anything like the percentage the Democrats voted against it, the act would never have passed.
But a "liberal" Democrat President signed the bill into law, so the "liberal" Democrats got the blame. So did the liberal Republicans. The party has become steadily more conservative ever since, especially in the South.

(and I hope we haven't ventured too far afield into politics)
All I know about in Georgia is the loss of one pro gun Democrat in my house district to a Republican, but Georgia is still overwhelmingly freedom lovin' and pro gun. This is especially true with the passage of the Safe Carry Protection Act on July 1. Or as opponents called it, the "guns everywhere" bill.

We did manage to defeat Democrat Michelle Nunn by a wide margin and that counts for a lot. Her stand on guns was at best foggy.

I read many of the posts concerning various state's restrictions and frankly it just makes me sick. Usually I never make it through all the comments because I get so agitated. I really feel for some of you guys who have never broken a law yet still must suffer at the hands of a very few power hungry and twisted individuals.

If any of you were to ever decide to move south, all I can say is welcome south brother. We can always use more freedom loving patriotic Americans. I know we're just a bunch of backwards rednecks, but we do love our guns, our dogs, a good SEC football game and lying about our shooting prowess. :)
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We did manage to defeat Democrat Michelle Nunn by a wide margin and that counts for a lot. Her stand on guns was at best foggy.

I believe NRA rated Nunn and Perdue both at AQ, but indorsed Perdue. As far as 2A rights go, I'm far more comfortable with Perdue because I believe pressure from the party's base could sway a senator one way or the other.

I sure enjoyed hearing some folks on the radio lamenting the 'guns everywhere bill'. :D What's the name of that gun lube? :D
Arkansas was the last Yellow Dog Democrat state ("I'd vote for a yellow dog before I'd vote for a Republican.") With this sweeping Republican victory, the Civil War is finally over, and the old Confederate Plantation Owner political machine is smashed.

Thank you, that does clear that up. My state was formed after the War Between The States was over, so we didn't have any of that baggage here. One battle fought here during the entire war, and yes, we reenact it every year at Picacho Peak. ;)

Our stance here didn't change much, but I sure would have liked to see my antigun rep removed...but she won, dagnabbit. Not by much...
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