30 of 32 died after the cops arrived

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I only skimmed through this thread, so excuse me if I am repeating, but wasn't Cho only in Norris Hall(I think thats where 30 of the murders took place) for just a few short minutes before offing himself before the cops broke the chains?

If this is true, then there is no reason why anyone could even think that is cop bashing...Superman couldn't have prevented this.
Its a plain and simple fact-

NONE of the first responders would make it on the Secret Service Presidential
Protection Detail~! Cuz, the first requirement asked "Are you willing to take
a bullet for Mr. President"? Answer it slowly (or wrong)- and you are on your
way back too being a traffic officer with your favorite department~! ;) :D
The problem here seems to be the expectations placed on the police.

Then why do they preach don't protect yourself. Let the perp take what he wants. Only the police can help dial 911.. :barf: :cuss: :cuss:

Don't forget when they say they are requied to help/invesigate when they will next HIDE behind court findings they are not for the individual , but for society as a whole .

30 died after they were there refute that. Cop bashing by butt. I am a retired sworn deputy sheriff. I only bash the morons who back officers blindly. I am proud to have investigated officers who deserved it. Don't blindly protect A$!#(@& who make us all look bad.
I have seen so many police cars with "Serve and Protect" boldly pasted on the side of them. I guess I was wrong in expecting them to do as they advertise. So....since they are not our protectors. What do we do ??? I guess we should demote cops to be meter maids and hire some kind of force that will take it upon themselves to rush in and save poor innocent kids being slaughtered. Maybe all the money spent on all that Tactical gear and AR-15s would be better spent hiring some well trained officers who will act. I will bet you the police officials in Israel would not have stood by. Maybe we need to research how the Israelis handle this kind of thing.
My take wasn't cop bashing, but that people need to realize the police cannot always be there to protect us, no matter how hard the Officers may try.

I think you have misstated the problem. It is not that police cannot always be there to protect us, it is that police will rarely be there to protect us.

Bottom line is, that unless you hang out in police stations or other places police congregate, you are mostly on your own.
Simply brilliant.

I saw no evidence of cop bashing. The cops did their job well. They just couldn't prevent the deaths.
Excellent points - however - I would have to disagree with the thought that LEO's can NOT PROTECT THE INDIVIDUAL. I would have it be said that when a LEO does a simple OWI arrest he has protected a number of individuals that may have been in harms way when this drunk was on the road.

That may well be true in a few cases, but the vast majority of DUI citations are for people who really do not pose any great threat to others. There are a few cases where police stop a drunk driver who really is a threat, but the majority of DUI arrests are like most traffic citations, it is about revenue.

Two very good friends of mine are Deputies and responded to a 911 hangup - upon arrival they saw a gunman inside holding a woman at gun point. They made entry into the rear of the house ended up exchanging lead with the man before he off'd himself. The woman was able to make it to safety during this event through the direction of one of the deputies.

This is not the norm. Most crimes are not interrupted by police presence. And really, they may not have prevented any crimes in this case. They just dealt with the perp.
Damn in my day you would have for sure been busted for not going in there and chasing the bad guy down. if you are not willing to take the risk you do not have the right to wear the badge. I'm not saying you should be stupid, but come on, at some point you need to get inside and find out what the heck is going on. Standing around outside waiting for something to happen just results in what we see today
I'm not a LEO but this comment by AKCOP rings. Shooting going on inside, police waiting outside; something ain't right.
Another reason to support CCW

The unfortunate truth about a school that bans CCW on campus is this kind of vulnerability. If the law-abiding citizens that carry had been present, they might have made a difference.

As it was, they were sheep to the slaughter.

On the other hand, the Police did not have to worry about collateral damage. The shooter had the only gun!
GREAT job Oleg.

And I saw zero disrespect toward LEOs, only a rational observation that even with plenty of cops arriving on a campus, they couldn't protect all of the students in every building.

Only the students and teachers could do that....if they were armed.
Nice work Oleg!

Bottom line is this incident proves more than ever that self defense is necessary unless you are one of the "elite" that can afford a 24/7 body guard.

One armed student or professor might have stopped the senseless killing.
The police can only do so much, and I am not going to count on them to be there when needed, because they just can't be.
That may well be true in a few cases, but the vast majority of DUI citations are for people who really do not pose any great threat to others. There are a few cases where police stop a drunk driver who really is a threat, but the majority of DUI arrests are like most traffic citations, it is about revenue.

Umm, you may want to rethink that, if you think DUI is a victimless crime like traffic tickets. Far and away, the vast majority of MVA victims that I see in the ER are directly related to intoxication.
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