Bombard the news media on pro-AWB Congresscritter Carolyn McCarthy abuse

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It's certain that they'll pass it off as a mistake by a staffer instead of the Congresscritter, but they can't until some attention is put on it. Let's hope by then the excuse won't be heard by the folks that believe she's a ghoul.
The best sources to concentrate on are mainstream media... Drudge is all fine and dandy, but if this hits the major news sources from a more established source, all hell will break lose. I think our best bet would be to mail the SLC newspapers and the major stuff like CNN, etc.
e-mailed my congressman, asked him to have a talk with Carolyn. I'm sure that will take care of this little problem:rolleyes:
Oh joy.

Your congressman is NOT who you need to be mailing. Fixing her web site is NOT the goal. I swear, some of the critters with tails down at my local zoo's primate house focus better when they're trying to make something happen... Either that, or the democratic underground folks outnumber the gun people here now...

Try NEWS MEDIA OUTLETS. The national news needs to take a good look at how she's greasing her political skids with the blood of innocent victims. Your congressman is NOT part of the media.
e-mailed my congressman,

No, don't do that.

First, your congresscritter has already established a position wrt AWB.

Second, your congresscritter isn't going to go to the major news outlets and raise the issue without looking like a congressional opponent.

Third, your congresscritter may have some back scratching that involves McCarthy that make's it pointless to involve them.

Forth, and most importantly, a national level of attention and embarrasment that only the major news organizations can bring to bear are what we want directed at her. We want lots of people across the country to see and hear that she lied about the number of dead in a shamless attempt to exagerate the tregedy. She's not going to be harmed by the attention to her lies enough to knock her out of the AWB business, but if enough people are outraged by her abuse of this tragedy others won't want to be associated with her.

Don't waste your time on your politicians or rightwing media. Work on making this a mainsteam scandal about her exploiting the deaths of others.
BBC > Have your say

If anyone has a better way to contact BBC - share it.

Focus on McCarthy inflating victim numbers for personal attention, personal gain, and not being honest with her constituents she represents that voted her in and the sworn oath she took upon taking office.

UK, many folks read the BBC here in the US.
"WE" have friends in the UK, along with many that are members of THR...
sister forums.

Politicians skewing facts, re-defining 'terms' and all is not just a US problem.
UK folks support "Us" and having a message sent from across the pond ,
to McCarthy and US citizens -
Two-fold - sends message to "Representatives" of US, UK and who knows where else.
I've already hit O'Reilly and a couple of my congresscritters (Both Repubs) and my Senators (Repubs also). I also sent word to Michelle Malkin.

[email protected]

Wall Street Journal online edition editor contact.

Washington Times contact.

NY Post editoral page

Why is NY Congresswoman McCarthy posting exagerated body counts on her webpage after the tragic murders in Utah? Why post that 10 were killed? Isn't the fact that 4 innocent people were murdered enough for her or does she have to mislead the public to advance herself? What ghoulish lies won't she tell to manipulate public opinion while familes grieve?
We need to keep at it.

We have how many THOUSAND members on this thing of ours? If O'Reilly gets a thousand e-mails, his folks may look at it. If the Salt Lake City papers get a thousand e-mails, they may end up getting a little outraged... Bothering your congresscritters probably won't do much, but if we can get this into the media rotation such that CNN picks up on it, that would rock.

This isn't easy, and it takes NUMBERS. Now, take a couple of minutes, and hit a couple of those addresses...

Salt Lake City Tribune newsdesk
[email protected]

Salt Lake City Deseret Morning News City Editor
[email protected]

[email protected]

Glenn Beck

New York Sun
[email protected]

NY Tmes
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

CNN's "breaking news" tip page

Rush Limbaugh
[email protected] look 3/4 down the page on the right for the News Tips box.

email for [email protected]

Here's a link for the BBC's news tip page.

BBC > Have your say
Wall Street Journal online edition editor contact.
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