Dogs Ews

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This is going to start an entirely new "caliber debate" as to which "caliber" of dog has the most "stopping power".

You see that all the time on dog boards

like a delivery person you should be expecting, you lose the "stranger on my property" excuse.

Some one dressed as a delivery guy is still a stranger. If a stranger, invited or not, whips out a weapon that changes the dynamics of the situation considerably. Naturally I would go for my own weapon. Think through the type of scenario we are discussing. One opens the door for the pizza guy. As they are looking down counting out their money or coming back from the other room the dog is barking or sticking his nose in the crotch of the delivery guy. The home owner looks up or renters the room only to see a now armed delivery guy who has just (in his mind) attacked his dog and he might well believe himself to be next.

The kid bringing the pizza may be invited in but he certainly isn't supposed to be holding a glock. If he is something is definitely a miss. If he is stupid enough to touch a round off in someone’s over the dog barking at him he is not only going to have the police and the DA on him as he faces a laundry list of charges, he will be out of a job, his company will get sued six ways from Sunday and if he has a penny to his name he will as well. The dog was barking at me or the dog was sniffing my junk will not hold up well in court.

Yes people need to be responsible with their dogs, sadly many are not. They should train their dogs; sadly many do not or cannot.

Your dog should be able to be in the room with strangers. I know some people who own two rotties that are so aggressive with strangers they cannot be out in the house when a stranger arrives. This is not only begging for a disaster and subsequent law suit the dogs are worthless for protection because they are penned up most of the time. Training should be done for many reasons so the delivery boy doesn’t shoot my dog is pretty far down the list however.

People need to be responsible with their weapons, pulling one out on a barking dog whose owner is present is plain stupid and is begging for a HUGE problem.

As stated my dog is fine to have around non aggressive strangers which is just how I want it. That way if the person suddenly becomes a bad guy she is there to do her thing, to say nothing of the fact that her presence may be enough to make them reconsider.

Ever more vigilance is required to keep everyone other than BGs free from hassle and possible injury from our dogs.

Hassle and injury are two very different things. If you have a job where you constantly enter other people’s homes dogs will bark at you and sniff you this might be annoying but it is a far far far cry from actually be in danger from said dogs. Keeping the dog from biting someone and keeping them from sniffing them are two very very different things.

I appreciate that some people are simply scared of dogs. As a responsible dog owner I not only am aware of that I try to be as considerate as possible but so long as I am with in my legal bounds in terms of what I do with my dog that is there problem. The comparison in gun terms would be that some people are simply terrified of a gun, any gun no matter what and they cannot properly tell whether that gun is actually any danger to them. I often have a holstered gun on my hip when I'm home. That may worry, scare, intimidate, anger, annoying etc a pizza guy that comes over. Him being in danger is very different from him feeling hassled.

With all that said I can certainly appreciate your point of not letting your dog become a huge annoyance to people. For me and the types of dogs I like to own I feel as responsible to be a good ambassador for those breeds as I feel to be a good gun owner and carrier.
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I have a female Dobie, one of the small fast types. Her bark alone is VERY intimidating and the best EWS going. BTW, her ears are natural and she has her tail! I often hear people saying 'what sort of dog is that? It almost looks like a Doberman!' :D
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