First date and bringing up your hobby

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For what it's worth, I heard that opposites attract, though I'm not sure that applies to the gun issue.

I've been studying women all my life, and my modus operandi would be to do my firearms kibitzing on The High Road, and talk of other things with the ladies. Although I enjoy my firearms as much as the next guy, I do not define myself by them. It's not talk of "guns," per se, that turn some women off; it's that single-dimensioned people are oftentimes boring and even unbalanced to some degree. (I'm not suggesting this is you!) I know a feller who loves to talk about trains, and it is impossible to have a conversation with him where he doesn't bring up the subject. He was unsuccessful at ever maintaining a relationship with a female, and even his buddies avoid him to some degree.

Trains, guns, collecting barbed wire, music, kayaking, hiking, et cetera; all bring color and interest to one's life, but there are other dimensions to a balanced life as well.

I think this is pretty well-put. Balance is key.

As much as being open is important, we should not smother the lady date with gun talk. Sure you can mention it, but excercise some discretion and good judgement to see how she would react to it. If you feel she is not so interested in it, then move on to another subject. She might still be open to it in the future, just not right when you just start dating. Now if she's interested, then you're good to go!
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