FOX News tonight: Fred Thompson

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Sep 30, 2004
9 PM Hannity and Colmes are interviewing Fred THompson. Will he announce his candidacy?
I certainly hope so.

Although, (former) Sen. Thompson may be waiting to see who has a flameout in the R races.

There are only a few I want to see in the R races, and here's a clue...It ain't Rudy, McCain, or Bloomy

Now, selecting from say Thompson, Ron Paul, Tom Tancredo and MAYBE Mitt Romney....
He's also supposed to be on Leno Thursday night, I hear. That should be fun.
I don't think he will use Hannity/Colmes for his announcement, though I do hope he announces soon! Seems too flashy of an announcement, compared to the style he is putting out there. Maybe later this week in Orange County?

At any rate, when he announces, I'm opening my checkbook(even volunteer). This guy could possibly even take California in the general, IMHO.
i just saw a picture of this guy..hes the dude from law and order. had no idea he was a senator
Nice interview..

The admiral in "The Hunt For Red October"

Yes, he was the admiral in charge of the Carrier Battle Group..:)
(Nice job, if you qualify for it.. Sigh.. The Navy told me no
many years ago... Asthma.)

I watched the interview.. Very dignified country gentleman..
although Sean didn't throw him any hard "unprepared" questions..

Good presentation - not any real tough questions. but he beats the h**l out of any of the other leading R runners. I like Ron Paul better, but don't think he has a chance. Not being pessimistic, just realistic.
Thompson/Paul would be quite a statement but not likely to succeed.

More likely is a Thompson/Ghouliani ticket that gets the Conservatives while also catering better to the middle of the road.

I don't believe that Fred would settle for VP but Ghouliani probably would if he believed it was a stepping stone to the WH
Fred sounded great as usual. I would not worry about his stance on guns.

Sad part is listening to that Connecticut/New York moron Dick Morris insert his drivel in the next segment. Robert Mugabe is probably more in touch with Americans than this tool. Morris' brain just cannot compute an honest, conservative politician. Most Americans, on the other hand, can.

Fred is the real deal, and can win handily.

Ron Paul got my support early on. Great ideas for domestic policy. He has one BIG problem though. His ideas on foreign policy is just have no foreign policy at all. If we were attacked, he would not do a thing. You cannot be president and close your eyes, cover your ears, and shout 'nah nah nah, there is no danger or evil in the world'. That is dangerous, and makes him look as big a nut job as Mike Gravel from the D side.
I think Sen Thompson is the closest in personality , well spokeness and embodiment in conservative principles since Renaldo Magnus (Ronald Reagan) . I'm praying that he runs because I really don't feel like voting for 2nd or 3rd best .
Yep Fred has my vote. I have not given a penny to any of the others but Fred will get some money as soon as he says he is in. I like him. :D
Steak: "Sad part is listening to that Connecticut/New York moron Dick Morris insert his drivel in the next segment."

Morris' comments were not off the mark.

If Thompson is going to declare, he'd better do so very quickly. Every other serious candidate has been organizing since last year or, in Hillary's case, since 2000.

He's about $20 million behind in fund-raising. His name recognition is below the radar of probably 90% of the public.

He's the most exciting candidate I've seen since Reagan. But he'd better get serious soon, or he'll get wasted in the primaries.
I also watched and was very disappointed.......... that he didn't throw his hat into the ring. I would vote for him in a heartbeat.
Dick Morris is wrong. Republicans are not looking for "fire" and a "tiger", they're looking for ideals and stands on issues. That's why so many are not happy with the candidiates that are out there. That's why many would vote for Thompson.
ssr, you may be right about Dick Morris' comments regarding "fire" and "tiger."

But you cannot dismiss the fact that Thompson's entry into the race is becoming dangerously late.

I'll repeat again what I said in threads regarding the governor's race in WI last year: studies have shown that, 95% of the time, the candidate with the most money wins. Thompson needs to get a money machine going soon, and kick it into high gear.

He also faces the Iraq issue. Next year, Republicans will have to either distance themselves from the Bush policy, or somehow explain how they would handle the war differently. (Yes, I know this is an obvious point, but I needed to repeat it in order to continue on about Thompson).

For Thompson to advocate that we finish the job in Iraq, he's going to need some foreign policy heavy-hitters behind him. It's not as though he's been heavily involved in foreign or military affairs.

All Hillary has to do is say that she was lied to. Given her experience in that area, the public will be inclined to believe her.

Thompson won't have any such luxuries.

However, if he can come across in the campaign as he did tonight, he has a real shot at winning.

His appeal is his straight talk, his genuineness, and his principles.

Reminds me of 1976, when Jimmy Carter won because of those very same perceived values.
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