"Gun logic puts cops at a huge disadvantage"

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Dorryn :Im in a position to remind you what board youre on, and calling anyone a "retard" is offensive.

Whatever guy, see how much good it does you to try and remind me of anything.

If they weren't a bunch of liberal idiots who tried to force their elitist BS on the rest of us then I wouldn't have the need to call them retards now would I? As it stands that's what they are and that's what I'll continue to call them. You're not anyone to be reminding me of anything, so mind your own business instead of getting in mine.
Just sent this to Fred.He sent me an email this morning saying his mailbox was overflowing.Said a lot of bizarre,homophobic comments were coming in like he must be gay if he was against folks having AK-47's.Fred has a tendency to exaggerate as we've seen:

Hello Fred,

AS YOU SEE ,YOU WERE KILLED IN THE COMMENTS.VIRTUALLY NO SUPPORTERS.And this in a fairly Liberal South Florida environment.
Do you now understand criminals obey no laws, that banning AK-47'S,AR 15'S and the like only disables the law abiding gun owner?That the 1994-2004 "ban " was not really a ban?That very few cops are killed by these 'evil weapons'?That Chief Timoney is a trashy,non-believable,dishonorable,dishonest,soon to be ex- LEO?Remember the Lexus.
For a West Virginian you are a severe disappointment.My best friend is from WV and I promise not to turn your liberal,lets disarm law abiding folks columns loose on him.That will really fill up your mail-box.
I'll try to respect you.Have you had any change of mind since this deluge of common-sense was dropped upon you?
I doubt it.Lifelong ideology usually prevails.I was very gung ho for gun control at one time.But a fortunate epiphany changed my thinking and my thinking became rational.It was this:
All the gun laws in world won't change one thing:Criminals won't obey them.We have 22,000 and counting now.
As a result I am a 2nd Amendment absolutist.

Here's my rant

Mr. Grimm,
Your editorial is completely without any logic gun or otherwise. It appears to be nothing more hyperbole and emotion. There were a total of 436 murders in 2006 by people who used rifles of any type, there were 1822 stabbings that resulted in death, 607 beating with a blunt object that led to murder charges, 833 people killed someone using their hands or feet, are you sure that "assault weapons" are the problem? Let's look at this 436 number some more our nation has 300 million people in it which means less than 1 millionth of a percent of people were murdered with a rifle. Do we really need a ban on any kind of rifle, no matter how many rounds it can hold or it's rate of fire? That 436 number is actually lower than it was in 2002 during the AW ban.
It's terrible that Mr Rolle killed a police officer it really is but it wasn't the rifles fault it was Mr Rolle's and the criminal justice system that let him out to commit more crimes. Just to be clear there were a total of 10,177 murders committed with any type of firearm in 2006 that's still a tiny fraction of a percentage point of the population more people die in traffic accidents. It's not the gun it is the mind behind it.
I have a couple more points to make, gun control is racist. It allowed the murder of hundreds of thousands of American Indians, of immigrant Chinese, it allowed the KKK to run rampant after the Civil War. If one looks at the history of gun laws it becomes obvious.
Nations that control the weapons it's citizens are allowed to use for self defense share another trait they kill their people in large numbers. One need only to look at the 20th century. Stalin 35 to 60 million, Hitler 20 million, Mao 30 million, Pol Pot 2 million, Idi Amin a million or so, Rwanda 300,000 Darfur is up to what now? Our founding fathers saw self defense as a human right and gave us the 2nd amendment to secure that right just as they protected the right to free speech another inalienable right one near and dear to the hearts of the press.
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