Gun porn

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Forward Observer - SMALL WORLD! I sold guns in a local sporting goods store from 1970 and of course I had to have some for my collection. Then I got married in 1981. I reluctantly sold my collection to keep it out of the hands of the kiddies. I retired in 2004 and my wife told me I needed to get a hobby (she was thinking golf?) and I told her I would find something! She sputters every time a new gun comes home. "But honey, you told me I needed a hobby and the kids are all grown!"

A fine collection of Confederate revolvers sir! I especially like the high polished frame of the Spiller and Burr. Very nice!
Hey, Mike, nice to see gun porn back! I've seen that FIE stamp on "inexpensive" potmetal revolvers--like .22's and .38's back in the '70's, but never on a BP gun...that looks like a nice Remmie! .44 or .36? I keep looking at the back of the grip and thinking that's a Pietta "tail" like their older Colts had...
Hey, Mike, nice to see gun porn back! I've seen that FIE stamp on "inexpensive" potmetal revolvers--like .22's and .38's back in the '70's, but never on a BP gun...that looks like a nice Remmie! .44 or .36? I keep looking at the back of the grip and thinking that's a Pietta "tail" like their older Colts had...
It looks like a .44 and has that weird purple finish on the frame.
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