Help me come up with a good phrase for this photo.

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Doc said it best!!!

I read through the whole thread - there are some really good ones, but I think the 'come-to-Jesus talk' is the winner here.

OP can then make a nice poster out of it, and send a copy to our dear presumptious(sic) Democratic presidential nominee
" You picked the wrong house sonny, now say nite nite to grandma, it's time for your dirt nap "
The more I think about it, the more I think this is billboard material. "Let's you and I chat about Jesus while we wait for the police to arrive."
With the classic 'burglar' with the stupid cartoon eye mask sitting on the far side of the table (out of the range of grabbing.)
And below it "gun control only hurts gramma."
“From my cold, wrinkled, gnarly, arthritic, hands !……….”
How could we have forgotten the classic lines?

If momma ain't happy - ain't nobody happy!

Grandma's Kitchen - Grandma's Rules.

Get me a switch, and don't make have to go out and get a bigger one!

So if I check, behind your ears are really clean?

Which one of you used Grandma's Good Guest Towel in the bathroom to wipe them dirty hands?

Dearie, Grandma said you were not going to school dressed like that!

Sweetie, if Grannie checks that hemline with her "two finger rule", that hemline had better be just above the knee.

I'll make the 'tater salad for the potluck, but I best get a good write up in the local paper in the Society Section you understand!
i aint a violent person but ua should know that yous'a standing where i'm a gonna be shootin.
Somehow, tinygnat219's sig line seemed to work with that picture:

"It's a mall ninja thing, you wouldn't understand."

It just tickled me.

Me go now. <skulks away in shame>
Somehow, tinygnat219's sig line seemed to work with that picture:
"It's a mall ninja thing, you wouldn't understand."

it seems to me that most of tinygnats sigs would work with that picture especially the minute of bad guy one or the cop being too heavy:

"It's a mall ninja thing, you wouldn't understand."

"It doesn't need to be Minute of Angle, just Minute of Barn, or Minute of Bad Guy"

"Responsible for the 'Fun' in Fundamentalism"

"I carry a gun because a cop is too heavy"
I thought that this might work....:)
The fact that you have Replica written down the side of your gun....
and the fact that I have point 357 written on mine should precipitate your presence shrinking. Now... Bleep off!
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