just got attacked by same dog again! (pics)

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First thing, dont worry about your dog just standing there starting at things, I think its the cone on the neck, my dog did the same thing too when it had a cone on its neck.

If you dont interact with the guy, SUE HIM. If you do talk to him an all that, go talk to him about what happened, put the ball in his court.
thing is

i don't like lawyers very much either.

yet how do i put a $ value on what happened?

i was doing everything i could as a responsible dog person. on the sidewalk, on a leash (yes, my choice of leash that day was a calculated risk and it went down bad). if i had actually seen the dog before it was already on top of us, i would have not gotten close.

now -

i have spent 4 days not really sleeping, changing my dressing, changing the dog's dressings, manually giving him water since he can't reach the bowl with a cone around his neck, manually feeding him since his lips got cut up badly, coaxing him into eating 6 pills every 24 hrs (4 analgesic 2 antibio), stayed at home each day on what is supposed to be my vacation, spent about $1400 on vet bills, $400 on my own ER (that's provided my insurance pays for my two visits), gas, time... then there's the catamaran cruise tickets that i had to forfeit becuase of the 3 vet and 2 hospital visits... my cousin had come over from the east coast and i couldn't spend any time with him, he wound up just sitting at home with my sister for three days.. how do you put a $ tag on this? each time i look at my dog and how he's obviously psychologically injured, no wagging tail, lying down on floor all day, whimpering sounds...

i despise this "neighbor" of mine, because his choices were made in a decidedly selfish and unneighborly fashion. he KNEW his dog was a problem. the last time his dog went for us, we chalked it up to "dogs not liking each other" but i should have known better. this is my first dog, so i didn't.

if i were to go over to his house right now, i would be presenting him with a bill of no less than $10000. anything less would be a joke. i owe it to my dog to make this guy realize that what he did will have to cost him. these last four days have been hell because of this idiot.

and still this man is trying to suggest that the fault lies "between the dogs".

this fool is no neighbor of mine.
further update on the state of CA

supposedly, CA is a nanny-state, right? bans guns, knives, and running with scissors?

well, i called the PD. nope, they won't take a report. not a crime, she says, unless you hear him sic the dog on you. referred me to Health Services.

HS is closed on weekends.

i call HS today.

HS doesn't take dog-on-dog bites. "but i had to go to the er!" i exclaim. "Nope, that's not a bite.. that's an Animal Control issue."

I call AC on their 24hr line. I tell her my story. "Well, that sounds like a loose dog issue. The next time you see this dog loose, call this number [gives me a local shelter number] and we'll come pick it up."

"But I've already been attacked!"

"Well, the next time you see it loose we'll pick it up."

"Isn't it against the law to allow your dog to be off leash? Isn't it against the law if your unleashed dog attacks someone?"

"Well, the attack is a liability issue, we don't handle that."

"So what do you guys do after you take a report?"

"We investigate if the owner had his dog unleashed."

"Ok... what happens to him if he did have his dog unleashed."

"Then we fine him, and write him a citation. If the dog has rabies, we quarantine it at his house."

at this point, i'm finding it funny that a dog can be quarantined without actually putting it into quarantine.

"How much is the fine?"


i really can't help laughing at this point.

"so the dog attacks me and my dog, it's off leash, he knew it was dangerous, it's on the CA list of dangerous dogs... and the penalty is $25."


"all.. right," i tell the AC lady. "ok. i guess this is just the way the system works. so how can i file a report?"

"well, AC shelter services are closed on mondays, and tomorrow is july 4th. try to call back on wednesday. then we'll give you the number to your local shelter and you can talk to them."

I still say that if that dog would have bit me for the second time some 000buck is going down his throat forget the kibles-and-bits. Its a animal, if a bear did this it would be destroyed. Time to put on our big boy pants and relize that a dog is jsut that a dog. If its a danger to society freaking do somthing about it.
Slow down guys, it's not Silverlance's fault in any way, shape or form that he got AMBUSHED by this dog. There is nothing he could have done to stop this other than stay indoors 24/7 and cower in fear.

The only way he could have prevented this attack would have been to stay at home, and monday morning quarterback people on the internet (much easier than taking a realistic view on life). If he wasn't out walking his dog, he wouldn't be at any risk of encountering poorly raised dogs. What a way live life.


It's not your fault this happened, there's no way you could have prevented this. Don't beat yourself up, it's not your fault. Stay away from this guy, his dog, and his home to the best of your abilities. It's not healthy for you to be near this guy. You need to hire a lawyer, and let him deal with these things, you need an objective third party on your side. http://www.dogbite.org/pages/californiadogbitelaw.html I just pulled this off of google, they have a toll free number, give them a call Wenesday. Gotta start somewhere.

It's not your fault.
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Silverlance, I'm so sorry you got attacked and your dog torn up by that other dog! Your poor pup looks like he is in some pain. See if the vet will allow an increase in painmeds. The meds he is on now are probably accounting for the lethargy/stoned look. As for what to do legally, I suggest calling your homeowners insurance company, telling them what happened and siccing them on HIS insurance company for the bills etc.

BTW, it looks like Stalin was lucky that the Rott went for his shoulder, and not his throat! Man...that's a bad set of bitemarks!
"i am working a rott right now today. that killed a dog. we muzzle that dog, put a pinch coller on him and let dogs crawl all over him. when he reacts, we choke the crap out of him. Repeat as needed."
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Wow, there are some genius "advisors" on this thread who apparently would like to see silverlance end up doing some jail time by following their oh so rational and well thought out suggestions.

Forget trying to discuss matters with the stupid owner. It's a waste of time and can lead to a confrontation which would land both of you in jail. Also forget trying to do anything with animal control or the PD beyond making your report. *DO* keep your cost records together and *DO* go see an attorney post haste. You're talking about $10,000+ according to your post, which in most states is well out of small claims territory. Remember it IS NOT up to AC or the PD to make you whole or pay for your injuries or your dog's. They owe no specific duty to do anything at all, and can tell you to take a hike. It is up to *YOU* to secure a remedy through the court system. So get your hind end to a lawyer or stop complaining.

I agree with you completely.

However, lawyers are not answering phone calls today, most likely because of the holiday. On the 5th I will be making a final report with the AniCon and enlisting the help of an attorney.

i've already put together a hefty file on my costs, and i'm also keeping a journal of what i'm having to bear/do. SC court here is maxed at 10k; my only dilemma now is not whether or not to sue, but whether to do so in SC or regular (don't know what the term for that is.. city? state? county?).

i've been ignoring the owner, but I'm considering writing up a letter of demand where I basically tell him that he's got to cough up 10k or go to court. this would let me avoid the whole legal morass and yet be compensated.

as for whether i should bear any fault - i blame myself for slipping into complacency, but only because i hold myself to a higher standard than the average joe.

thanks to the guy who reassured me on the cone, it looks like now that he's gotten somewhat used to it he doesn't seem so... stoned. and, the pills do seem to have a significant effect on him as pretty much after taking them he just sleeps.

i'm a little worried, though, one of the drains seems to still have serum seeping through the suture; is this something that i should be worried about? it's not a lot, just a very slow ooze, and it looks pink and clear... i just worry about infection setting in because i can't get him to a vet until the 5th due to the holiday.


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If it is pink and clear it is probably not infected. If it is discoloured and foul smelling and/or if the area feels 'hot' get him to the vet.

If you have a case the owner will be responsible for your atty fees and court costs as well; however, if he conducts the rest of his affairs like he cares for his pets sueing him will probably get you nothing more than on a long list of creditors.
ok good

that's what i was taught too, but i wanted to ask the advice of our neighbors here on thr, many of which have much more exp re animals 4 and 2 legged than i do.

my mother's a RN and she says the same. as does my friend who's a vet, calling long dis from croatia. btw this army guy says that the rumor mill says many units are being sent home EOTY round sept oct so that they can be legally redeployed later to iran or n. kor.

and i have taken to carrying a three foot pine 2" pole with me when i go out. god willing this will all end ok, but as mall ninja as it sounds i am probably going to wind up getting a pd-type baton holster and an old lapd t-stick baton. (will probably have to learn how to use it too) AFAIK that's CA legal.

oc as well, but i have small faith at best at the cal-legal 2oz of sabre or fox spray stopping a 200lb rott. oc at such sudden close ranges might also affect my own dog and possibly me severely making it hard to beat the agressor off or to get away.
10K for your loss, second time dog attacted, no PD help, no animal control help. For crying out loud GET A LAWYER. The moron who owns the rott needs to be SUED. Don't whoos out.

Sorry guys but at 10K the gloves come off. Why are so many wanting to protect the MORON dog owner?

As for the attack with the questions of why did you walk your dog that way again. Answer because the MORON was expected to have locked up the dog AFTER THE 1st ATTACK. :banghead:
but I'm considering writing up a letter of demand where I basically tell him that he's got to cough up 10k or go to court

NO! Take no such action without consultation first. You're doing good keeping records. Keep post-DOL comments and conversations with the neighbor to a minimum.

i won't. i had been hoping you'd suggest that, cosmo. what's DOL though?

ran into another off leash dog today, btw. scot terrier.

this time i was ready, though. i was about to beat the snot out of that bugger when the lady owner came out and acted as if -I- was the crazy one with the stick...
I grew up on a farm in western kentucky, before joining the service and getting placed in the pacific northwest. I was walking away from a tractor that decided to crap out next to the woodline ( i was cutting hay with a sickle bar). I heard a rustling in the woods, and the nex thing I knew, I had a damn stray dog attached to my leg. I still have the scar today. I shot him in the back as he was still attached to my leg. It was one dead dog. My parents didnt belive me, thinking I busted my self up again fooling around. A dog carcass proved them wrong. I have nothing against shooting a dangerous animal if I feel like I am in danger. Im not going to just shoot any god that growls at me, but in that instant you get that feeling, like you know its going to happen. I will shoot. Its not worth and more nasty scars, or worse.just my two cents.
is it leagal?

i'm not sure what clifornia law is but i use a 60k stun gun. i've only actually lit a dog with it once. most of the time the sound of the arc across the contacts creates model citizens. i got it when i had a stray pitbull fostered and i was afraid my aggresive husky female would hurt the pit. she hears that sopund and her butt hits the ground.i had her out once when a mutt jumped her. i shocked that dog silly. he won't even come near the street when i walk by now.

that ought to work on pretty much any size critter. i've heard that volts doesn't matter, it's all about ohms, though.

what size stun gun do you have? i have a little one at 50k but it's about the size of a tv remote. i'd rather get one of those that's like a baton, but don't know if they're legal here in ca anymore.
silverlance I'm sorry to hear about you and your pet injuries ,hope you both make a full recovery .

As far as how to handle this problem in the future here is what I would do .
Sue him for everything you can and do whatever you can to have him punished criminally , and I would buy a second dog that is going to grow up to be atleast as big as the one you have and maybe a little bigger say a nice German Sheppard . When it is all grown up take them both for a walk right past that house every single day and if the Rott comes out to attack you again let them both loose to tear it apart right there for the owner to watch the whole thing . When it all hits the fan you were attacked and the dogs naturaly defended themselves and pulled away from you , it's pretty hard to hold back two good sized dogs anyway . You will have had your animals on leashes and walking on a public sidewalk which you and your dogs have every right to do .

I had two Sable sheps years ago that attacked a neighborhood stray together when it came into our yard after my neice even though the stray was as large as either of them , together they were way more than it could handle and it learned a lesson about trying to attack kids that day .

By the way if you and your dog are about to be attacked by a free roaming animal it is much better to allow him to defend himself without trying to restrain him, he might just save himself damage by doing so and surprise you at how well he does.
I have had two of my dogs attacked while in my yard and both came away without need for any medical attention but the attackers did not, one was when I was about 13 and she was attacked by a full grown Great Dane from down the street . The owner would walk him and allow him to do his business in peoples yards and figured the size of the dog would keep people from complianing by scaring them . He allowed it into my yard after seeing my dog out and warned me how I had better get ahold of my dog , she was about 35 lbs and stood a whole 6 inches off of the ground at 3 ft long mix breed , when the Dane attacked she went under him and began biting at his underside , when it was all said and done he pulled his now bleeding dog out of our yard and Cindy came up to the porch to be petted "because she had defended her property" and checked out , she didn't have a scratch on her . The othe dog was a Spitz and he was attacked once by a Doberman and the second time by a not quite full grown German Rott both owned by neighbors across the street while he was on his chain in the yard he kicked the heck out of both of them even being chain , the rottie owner kept telling me how one day his dog was going to Kill mine and I would just laugh and ask him how much that Vet bill was the last time he tried !!

Just my .02
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Dog bite

You need to start some paperwork on this dog. Call Animal Control and report it. most jurisdiction have a one bite rule. That is the dog gets one free bite after that the owner is advised he has a vicious dog. Imagine the dog jumping a child. The owner will claim he didn't know the dog bites, he's never done this before. This is the second time he's done this, the dog would be down if it occured here. Hope the dogs have their shots. I'm sure yours does, but what about his?
what size stun gun do you have? i have a little one at 50k but it's about the size of a tv remote. i'd rather get one of those that's like a baton, but don't know if they're legal here in ca anymore.

I would never use a stun gun on a dog. It might work, or it might cause the dog to turn on you or attack harder. Don't get in the middle of a dog fight, you run the risk of both dogs turning on you. It's better for you and you dog that you don't get chewed up. Keep carrying the walking stick.

Sue him for everything you can and do whatever you can to have him punished criminally , and I would buy a second dog that is going to grow up to be atleast as big as the one you have and maybe a little bigger say a nice German Sheppard . When it is all grown up take them both for a walk right past that house every single day and if the Rott comes out to attack you again let them both loose to tear it apart right there for the owner to watch the whole thing . When it all hits the fan you were attacked and the dogs naturaly defended themselves and pulled away from you , it's pretty hard to hold back two good sized dogs anyway . You will have had your animals on leashes and walking on a public sidewalk which you and your dogs have every right to do .

And when that Rott gets chewed up, silverlance will be in the other guys shoes. Lawsuit for damages, possible harrasment charges, and insurance fraud. You have no right to create life threatening or donagerous situations because you have a grudge with someone. You do not have a right to intimidate your neighbors. You are a fool if you create a situation where it appears that you might have intentionally defrauded an insurance company and are trying to do so again.
As far as the stun gun goes, AMPS is what stops you heart, VOLTS is what makes everything tighten up and just feel like crap. Even worse than that is the dull numb pain feeling for the next few hours after taking 50,000 volts to the forearm (my old boss thought it would be halorious to test one on me) HAHA :banghead: Anyway, get something like 250,000 volts, it should take care of anything and you could jump start your truck with it ;)

As far as the stick goes, lower your stick when the dog is around, the dog will probably go after the stick, then its time got doggy shicka-bob
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