Because I don't want evidence planted in my vehicle.
Oh, yeah ... I always worry about that, too. It's a well known internet fact that
all traffic cops, deputy sheriffs and state troopers
always keep some spare dope or stolen guns on them just to plant in the vehicles of those unfortunates they pull over. Geez, how else are cops gonna get any entertainment on the job and create hours and hours of stupid paperwork to do?
Because I've got better things to do other than sitting in the hot sun on the side of the road while Barney Fife uses my vehicle for his fishing expedition.
Yep, me too, that's why I actually obey traffic laws so as to avoid getting pulled over by those rogue traffic cops. 'Course, then we got them Florida cops who
create reasons to pull law-abiding folk over ...
Because I have better things to do than sitting on the side of the road for ANOTHER hour putting my crap back in my vehicle because Barney was mad he didn't find anything.
Another well known internet fact: LEOs
really, really hate it when they don't find any "evidence" and thus end up
not having to do hours of paperwork at the end of their shift ... that's just
so annoying ...
Because I don't want Barney fiddling with the gun I always have in my vehicle. Chances are he doesn't know the gun laws and doesn't know me keeping a loaded gun in my center console is perfectly legal.
Gosh, you folks on the internet are really sharp! Y'all are on on to that little known truth that
all LEOs use those pesky classes on their states' firearms laws as the
only time ya can catch a little shut-eye during the academy or inservice training ... After all, no LEO really needs to actually
know any laws ... we have the internet!
Because it's my damn right to refuse a search.
Well, ya got me there ... who's responsible for that pesky Constitution thingie, anyway?
Some of you guys really, really crack me up sometimes.