OH NO. This is not good.

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This is what he said:
I totally agree with Armed Bear. I would like to add Amerika took prayer out of our public schools, legalized abortion, took discilpline out of school, gay marriages etc. etc.

What he was saying is that America has gone downhill in general. You may or may not agree that those specific things are the causes of this, but that is what he was saying.

Of those specific things, the only one that I could imagine would have a direct influence on crime would be the lack of discipline in schools. I believe in harsh discipline in schools, personally. But that alone won't really solve the problem. The real problem is that public schools contain thousands and thousands of "inner city" kids who simply should not be in school. They obviously don't want to learn, and all they do is form gangs and deal drugs and vandalize the school, and most of them wind up dropping out anyway. They clearly should not be in school to begin with. There should be a return of child labor, with strict guidelines and regulations, but still child labor - where these 16 and 17 year old "children" who would otherwise be dealing drugs in "school" can be busting their ass at some manual trade instead. They would be better off that way.

This viewpoint obviously will go over like a lead balloon with the mainstream but hey, I'm an unconventional guy.

As to those other issues, look, there is a new generation of shooters today. Like I said, there's no more civilian/soldier class, like there was in my grandpa's day, and there are fewer and fewer people growing up in rural surroundings, learning to shoot young. The new generation of shooters is this libertarian-minded, twenty-something, college educated group, who are not going to go in for the values of Jerry Fallwell. Sorry, it's just not going to work. This demographic can't be alienated by trying to push issues like abortion and gay marriage on them, because if we lose them we lose a huge part of our RKBA movement.
I hate these stories. Statistically the top ten most used firearms in criminal activity fit in the palm of your hand. Whenever one incident with an "assault rifle" occurs it goes nationwide and every person everywhere gasps and calls for an assault weapons ban. They can pry my ak-47 from my cold dead hands. :neener:
Of those specific things, the only one that I could imagine would have a direct influence on crime would be the lack of discipline in schools.
I can actually see how all but gay marriage would have a direct influene on crime, although that could in theory erode people's values, so they'd commit more crime.

but still child labor - where these 16 and 17 year old "children
People that age actually can get jobs.

They obviously don't want to learn, and all they do is form gangs and deal drugs and vandalize the school, and most of them wind up dropping out anyway.
Now that's where the stricter discipline would help. Also, I feel, and I'll bet you do too, that some of these people aren't really children, and should go to jail.
Anyone else think the NRA should point out other methods that would reduce crime, such as tougher prison sentences? I think they also don't point out that guns reduce crime enough.
They should be put in jail, and the "inner city" culture (to use the most high-road phrase possible) needs to be destroyed. Yes, destroyed. Not destroyed physically, destroyed intellectually by starvation. The best way to do this, I am not sure of, but it would certainly involve pressing large numbers of 13 and 14 year old future-gangbangers into some form of child labor.

Families sticking together instead of the father knocking up one woman after another and then running to the next block of the ghetto might also be a start.

Note ALL OF THIS is gun related because the savage behavior of these people is screwing all the rest of us. We lose our gun rights every time one of THEM goes on a spree with an "assault weapon."
On the Miami shooting, I kept watching to see Newsweek coverage of it. The one video I saw mentions nothing about the type of weapon used, but twice mentions Liberty City as a high crime area, and one interviewee says 'that's just life around here, this happens every day."

But of course it only gets reported with such zeal in an 2A-unfriendly administration...

Golden Hound said:
Note ALL OF THIS is gun related because the savage behavior of these people is screwing all the rest of us.


Abortion, politics and the socioeconomic causes of crime? No.
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