Pistol Choices II

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I'm not trying to get everybody to like the same handguns as myself. I simply wanted to get an honest opinion about which firearm everybody here would really want to carry if they were not limited by cost and could only choose one "best overall" handgun. I do not even own a Glock or H&K, but consider them to be very high-quality firearms. I added last night that I also consider the FNP9 and the FN 5.7 to be very high-quality firearms, and I do not own either of those.

I believe that my first poll may have been written poorly; I think it implied that people should vote for the best handgun in their current collection rather than what they felt was really the best out there (if there might have been a better choice). It seems to me that whatever handgun you feel is the best is the one you would want to carry on a daily basis.

I think that the poll results at the top of this page show much better logic than the results of the original poll. As we can see, 1911's are not considered by an overwhelming majority to be the best all-around carry pistol, as they are in third place. The popularity of the Glock, Sig, S&W, Springfield (I'm guessing mostly for the XD), and Ruger seem logical - especially considering that votes for the S&W and Ruger probably include votes for revolvers and semi-autos combined. CZ has only received 2 votes out of 77 - it seems as though, when able to choose only one handgun, most people wouldn't choose a CZ despite their large fan following on THR.

Now, seeing the results of this poll, maybe somebody could explain why the results of my second poll are so different than the results of my first poll. I thought I was asking basically the same question in both polls.
Glocks are the AK-47 of the handgun world. If you want a nearly indestructible, accurate, simple, go-bang-everytime handgun.......I voted Glock.
I voted CZ. While I love my 1953 Colt Gov't 1911, all of my CZ's have been absolutely reliable, fit my hand like a glove, and I shoot them more accurately, if not by much, than my 1911.
I voted Springfield. Specifically this...

Springfield XD .45 Compact, 4.04” Barrel, Dark Earth Grip, Stainless Slide, #XD9651HCSP06
Dawson Tritium adjustable sight set
ArmaLaser RSS Lasersight

BTW, I answered the same in both polls.
I voted Glock. With respect to folks that think the 1911 is easy to work on, the Glock is right up there for user-friendly. It is extremely durable, beyond popular, and reliable.

And this is coming from a guy who doesn't even own one at the moment (I just had to have a 3rd-gen smith instead); no blind fanboy am I.

But if I was buying based on OP criteria, that's the one. Probably in 9mm, but that might be another debate...
"Any 1911" is poor wording, because so many people think the designation fits many guns that aren't true 1911's, plastic framed, double stack, and even double action. But if we are talking about a true 1911 then that's my choice.
I voted "Any 1911," but as probably mentioned, any 1911 will not do.

Any properly built 1911 would do nicely though.
As everyone may have guessed, I voted for the Sig P226 Navy in 9mm (although it would be a difficult choice for me between a larger/heavier P226 9mm and the smaller/lighter P239 in .40S&W/.357Sig). I chose the P226 9mm because it is top-of-the-line in quality and reatures: made in Germany/USA, in widespread military and LE use, holds 15 rounds (with 32 round mags available), is DA/SA, accepts a wide variety of parts and accessories, and fits into about ten Safariland and London Bridge holsters that I was issued!
Model 327 M&P, 8 Shot, .357 Magnum Revolver.

It will never wear out(not in my lifetime anyway).

Ammo is readily available(as compared to other ammo).

Low maintenance and parts do not need to be periodically replaced(something that needs to be addressed in a true long term SHTF situation).

Very accurate and easy to use. Altho it is not a true CWC piece, it is the best compromise when one can only have one handgun for every type of SD/HD.

Not only can it be used for protection against two-legged and four-legged predators, it can also be effectively used to hunt for food.
Browning High Power in 9mm. Really I'm torn between the BHP,and a good,solid G.I. .45. I voted .45 last time, but just one sidearm,forever kinda spooked me. It's still pretty much a coin toss.I like both.Both are robust all steel pistols [the only kind I would consider for a ''lifetime''] and I'd actually feel comfortable with either.
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I voted Springfield. From there, I would be torn between an EMP or XDm
Taurus 24/7

I really like this gun & it just seem to be a natural part of me. I am not the best pistol shoot & i shoot rather well with this gun. I prefer my Ruger but my wifes 24/7 .45 ACP shoots so well that I am going to get a 9mm compact for myself to carry concealed.

I'm surprised that Taurus & Kahr are not doing so well. Maybe just to early to tell.
I had to go with the ruger... I currently own only one ruger.... a 10/22. but if I only had the choice of one handgun from only one maker for the rest of my life.... I would have to go ruger revolver of some sort for the versatility. I dont think many will disagree that ruger revolvers can handle the greatest variety of loads no matter the caliber/cartridge. As to which revolver specifically? well.. I have to think about that one.
Glock -17

with extra parts for the rest of my life, plus a good supply of 30rds mags, holster, flash light, and the pistol bayonet (for the fun of it).
I picked S&W because they make more of my top contenders for my "if I only owned one gun" gun. My first two choices would be a 1911 (especially in the form of my Commander sized, alloy, S&W 1911SC) or my S&W 65LS. A lightweight, Commander-sized 1911 or a 3" .357mag K-frame give very similar advantages. They are big and heavy enough for some very good range time, yet small enough to make good carry guns, and both pack a pretty substantial caliber. Which I'd pick if I had to pick only one would depend greatly upon what day I was asked.

Some strong runners up include the SIG 229 in .40S&W (I shouldn't have sold mine); S&W M&P; Taurus PT940 or PT911; 1911s from Taurus, Springfield, Colt and a few others; the CZ PCR; or a Glock 19 or 26 (or the .40S&W versions).

If I went with one of the autoloaders that had .22 conversion kits I'd probably add one for cheaper shooting.
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I was only given one choice, but it is a toss-up for me, I have carried Taurus PT-145 mill pro for a while now and love the hell outta that little gun, but if I didn't have that to turn to, then I would have to turn to Springfield Armory, that got great firearms.
As we can see, 1911's are not considered by an overwhelming majority to be the best all-around carry pistol, as they are in third place. The popularity of the Glock, Sig, S&W, Springfield (I'm guessing mostly for the XD), and Ruger

Not to nit-pick your poll, but it is flawed. While you assume that when they pick Sig, S&W and Springfield that they are choosing a model other than a 1911. Each of those, along with at least two others on the list make a 1911.

You openly say you think Sig and H&K are the "best", each poll is attempting to want to prove that these two picks are the best and everything else is junk. Polls can be put together with a slant and wording to support any side a person wants to support.

Sorry, as someone already mentioned. You mix companies with models and incorrectly assume the output is corrrect. I can just as easily suggest that those people who voted for Colt and Springfield all voted 1911 since that is the majority of what has been produced in the past. In that case I claim that the 1911 has a huge lead......:neener:
I am not implying that anything besides Sig and H&K are junk. I am implying that 1911's are outdated.

I would claim that the 1911 does not have a huge lead in this poll. The option of "any 1911" encompasses all 1911's by any manufacturer. This is because the 1911 is not unique to any particular manufacturer, whereas most other handgun models are. Therefore, there would be no reason to choose Colt or Springfield to vote for the 1911 because any 1911 is already more specifically stated in the option "any 1911. "Any 1911" is in 4th place to non-1911 models made by Glock, S&W, and Springfield.

The thing about 1911 fanboys is that they refuse to admit that they carry an outdated handgun despite all logic and common sense. The same thing goes for revolver carry for SD, except that revolver fans don't make a big deal out if it. I would go so far as to say that almost any (NOT ALL) other semi-auto handgun models, in a SD-sufficient caliber, from any of the manufacturers listed in this poll would be an improvement over the heavy, low-capacity, tool-takedown, SAO 1911.

Feel free to write why you think the 1911 is not outdated, besides stating "it's still popular" or "it's a matter of personal taste" - which are not real reasons. I'd like to see some discussion involving the specifications and features of the 1911 design itself - compared to modern semi-autos made by any reputable manufacturer and intended for the same purposes as the 1911.
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