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Also, I also didn't write that revolvers are too old of a design to use for personal defense. I stated many legitimate reasons why revolvers are less practical than semi-autos for personal defense against other armed humans.
It's terrible when a reasonable fella is misunderstood and persecuted for his beliefs ain't it? Just tragic.
From post 50 of this thread;
I am not implying that anything besides Sig and H&K are junk. I am implying that 1911's are outdated...
The thing about 1911 fanboys is that they refuse to admit that they carry an outdated handgun despite all logic and common sense. The same thing goes for revolver carry for SD, except that revolver fans don't make a big deal out if it. I would go so far as to say that almost any (NOT ALL) other semi-auto handgun models, in a SD-sufficient caliber, from any of the manufacturers listed in this poll would be an improvement over the heavy, low-capacity, tool-takedown, SAO 1911.
In the above quote I took it to read that you are saying that those who choose a 1911 or a revolver for personal defense are using an outdated design and lack common sense. Or at best, lack common sense and so refuse to acknowledge that they carry antiquated guns. Perhaps they made the wrong choice because they are fanboys" and "old men".
...I actually do have an extensive background in firearms - because apparently on THR you're considered to be a "new shooter" until you worship the 1911 (which I actually have owned, shot, and carried, and sold because it was impractical for the several reasons I mentioned in previous posts). I'm not trying to wave my SpecWar status in your face - I just thought it might show that I really may have a clue about the points I've been making - but obviously nothing of the sort matters to a bunch of old men who are stuck in their ways.
You can't seem to stop waving your bona fides in our faces. Unfortunately we all so old we can't read the tiny print.
You do not have to like 1911s or Glocks to be here or any forum on the internet. You can denounce either all day if you like. But it does help if you don't insult folks intelligence while you do so. It also helps when you say "this is my opinion" and try to convince folks of it. It don't help when you say "I'm an expert you are wrong and lack common sense." Experts are experts because they have expertise not because they say they are.
You've made a fun poll about you. Too bad.
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