Request for CSPAN Junkies

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Further Clarification Of Amendments And Debate Schedule

Looks like we won't have an answer until Tuesday(?) for a final vote - so keep calling and hammering on them...

From ARFCOM and BushMeister

OK, Mitch McConnell (Majority Whip, R-KY) just came on the senate floor at about 11:00 and read a "consent decree" that will govern debates and votes on S1805 and amendments between now and Tuesday.

Tomorrow (Thursday) 9:30AM:
*Daschle amendment 30/30 (30 minutes for each side in debate)
*vote on Daschle

*Boxer amendment on "Gun Locks" 30/30
*DeWine amendment "2nd degree amendment" (might pertain to Boxer's amendment)
*Campbell amendment on "concealed carry" 30/30
*Kennedy amendment on "cop killer bullets" 30/30, then set aside for the moment
*Cantwell amendment on "unemployment insurance" 30/30, then set aside
*Frist amendment on "voting rights" 30/30

*Cantwell and Frist amendments voted on (need 60 votes or point of order)

*Mikulski amendment on "snipers" 20/20
*Corzine amendment on "law enforcement" 15/15
*Bingaman amendment on "definition" (probably refers to S1805, but might refer to one of the amendments)

Something related to the Boxer, Kennedy, Mikulski, Bingaman and Corzine amendments will then occur (not sure what). Then something about the Frist amendment and "first degree amendments".


*Campbell, Kennedy and Frist amendments will be brought up, not sure how.

*Reid amendment on "gun shows"

*Feinstein amendment "Assault Weapons Ban"

*Frist amendment "D.C. Gun Ban"

Tuesday, 11:30 AM:
*Feinstein, McCain-Reed, Campbell, Kennedy and Frist D.C. amendments will be voted on, then

*S1805 will be voted on.

McConnell said that 2 hours of debate will be allowed for several of the amendments; I think Feinstein's AWB was among them.

Sorry if this is a mish-mash- I didn't understand all that was said, and I was scribbling furiously, but it gives an idea of what's coming.

I wonder what THR thread had the most replies, and the most views??
This thread is the record holder for the most views. As this is written, and including this post, it is four posts shy of the record for the most replies.
On this forum perhaps. I checked on the GD, and the 'Anti with questions' thread has over 20k views!
OK, Mitch McConnell (Majority Whip, R-KY) just came on the senate floor at about 11:00 and read a "consent decree" that will govern debates and votes on S1805 and amendments between now and Tuesday.

So, am I reading this wrong, or did McConnell just pull a "Dole", and conspire with the Democrats to make the cloture vote victory moot?
Well if jimpeel is right, I hereby push this thread over the finish line to become the winner!

And what an appropriate topic too. :D

Phil VanCleave informs me this morning that VA Senators Warner and Allen's staff are overwhelmed with responses about the AWB.

Hell hath no fury....:evil:

TFL Survivor
Indeed Leatherneck. I just re-emailed (for the umpteenth time) my Senators, and will call them too shortly.

Let 'em know you are watching them on don't need to say it's via THR! ;)
Anyone have a link to a site that shows who voted which way lastnight ? I want to make some calls to let the anti's know how I feel and support the gunners

Also wasent there a link to the phone numbers for our senators ?

Bob Adams
I have classes that I actually have to go to today. :)

Thank you Bartholomew for the better version of the schedule!

I'll be back around 2 pm at which point I can continue with the running commentary. Hope someone (dustind? Nightfall?) is able to keep it up, it would be really great to read a summary when I get back this afternoon. :)
Live play-by-play from CSPAN2 of the proposed amendments to S.1805 will resume at 0930 Eastern.

McConnell wasn't alone in cutting deals, so I wouldn't hold him responsible. I have no idea why we gave up the shop after getting cloture; but it takes unanimous consent to add an amendment after cloture and 3/5 vote (60 votes) to extend the time period beyond 30 hours - so McConnell was likely just the messenger here.

The Campbell amendment on CCW is only for LEOs - it is nationwide concealed carry for LEOs.
I understand why we didn't hear Hillary Clintoon as she probably would perceive speaking against this as a problem for a Presidential run in '08, but why didn't we hear anything from Schumer? Seems to me that someone so vocally anti- would want to get his face in front of the cameras?
McConnell wasn't alone in cutting deals, so I wouldn't hold him responsible. I have no idea why we gave up the shop after getting cloture; but it takes unanimous consent to add an amendment after cloture and 3/5 vote (60 votes) to extend the time period beyond 30 hours - so McConnell was likely just the messenger here.

You hire a hitman, you may be responsible, but that doesn't make HIM any less responsible. McConnell could, unlikely as it is, have refused to violate his oath of office in that way. (The quorum requirement is mandated by the Constitution specifically to prevent BS like this from happening.) There's no escaping the fact that he IS responsible, though not the only guilty party. All it takes is one Senator present and demanding a quorum check, to put a stop to it. They didn't all know what was coming down, but everyone who did know, and didn't stop it, shares the responsibility for letting it happen.

As I recally, they pulled the same sort of move during the Clinton impeachment in the House; Fought like devils to win the big vote, then immediately moved to render the victory moot. They do this sort of thing when they have to pretend to the base (Us) that they're fighting for us, but really want to lose. This does NOT bode well for the final outcome.
Brett, check that Congressional Record link - McConnell did add all of that while lacking a quorum using the unanimous consent rule; but Craig and Daschle were standing next to him when he did it and let it slide.

Apparently this was just the formal introduction of whatever backroom dealing went on. Daschle also said that if anyone wanted to add amendments on Tuesday that it was fair game. Obviously whatever deal they cut, the whole thing where cloture helps us block amendments isn't even going to be used.
Debate is starting... hoping to get to gunshow amendment today...

First words out of Craig's mouth is that even more amendments are going to be offered later on :rolleyes:
For the future, Bartholomew Roberts' link above gets you to the most recent Congressional Record page. For the February 25, 2004 senate page, go to . Or, if you're using Internet Explorer, or another browser that does in-line PDFs, you can go directly to the page in question via I prefer the HTML version to the PDF version, but YMMV.

GeekWithA.45's link works for me right now, but it will cease to work shortly. The way to tell is that if you see the word "temp" in the link, it's temporary.
I never thought McConnell was alone in this. Craig and Daschel were his co-conspirators, so of course they "let it slide"; THEY weren't the ones being double crossed. Doesn't make it the slightest bit constitutional. They "let slide" a criminal act they were in on.

We're going to be s****d over. They don't pull this sort of thing except when they're planning a dive.
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