7/29/05 - Senate S.397 Discussion

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As I'm watching now they are voting on the Kennedy Amendment. How did he define "armor piercing" or "cop killer" bulletts? Have any other restrictive amendments passed?


I can't believe Congress is rejecting this common sense measure to stop terrorists from getting 30-30 sniper rifles. As we all know, the 30-30 is so powerful it can shoot down an airplane from 5 miles away and if it even misses an M1 Abrams tank, the wind from it will suck the brains out of everyone inside :uhoh:
As I'm watching now they are voting on the Kennedy Amendment. How did he define "armor piercing" or "cop killer" bulletts? Have any other restrictive amendments passed?

The Kennedy bill expands "cop killer" bullets to include any centerfire or pistol round that can penetrate a vest and/or that the Attorney General calls a cop killer bullet. Kennedy tried to push it off as a tungsten (sp) round this year.

Last year he speficaly targets the .223 and .30-30. That why I call this bill a .30-30 ban as that is a deer hunting round.
The Kennedy Amendment, which would vastly expand the definition of armor piercing ammunition such that it would include a vast range of center-fire rounds, fails.

Yeas: 31

Nays: 64
"I'm a realist and I know where this is going." " I know this amendment is not going to pass"
If he he expects it to get voted down, why is he wasting our time?
Congressional Record ,Ted Kennedy February 26, 2004
Another rifle caliber, the 30.30 caliber, was responsible for penetrating three officers' armor and killing them in 1993, 1996, and 2002. This ammunition is also capable of puncturing light-armored vehicles, ballistic or armored glass, armored limousines, even a 600-pound safe with 600 pounds of safe armor plating
Corzine is running for New Jersey Governor. He has promised to make New Jersey the first "gun free" state. This guy is most likely on par, or to the left of, Kennedy. And he is much smarter.
He is making the argument that unscrupulous dealers allow straw purchasers to buy, resell and the guns wind up on the street.

And therefore, his conclusions goes, we should allow the criminal & civil courts to sue dealers for negligence.

Corzine: I come to the floor, moved by an event that happened this week. I went to a week for an officer on Monday night, gunned down by a gang member. Violence brought by illegal movement of guns in our society, and irresponsible dealing in guns. My amdt is to protect the rights of LE victimized by crime to secure compensation from those who facilitates arming criminals on a negligent basis. I know this amdt won't pass, and S.397 will. Talks about cops who sued dealer for million dollar settlement for selling guns to straw buyer. I think it's time we recognize we need the ability to use both criminal and civil justice system to protect our officers. We're putting people who protect us at risk everyday. Asks for voice vote.

Craig: Nobody questions Corzine's sincerity. We believe the laws are already with the officers, and the FOP agrees. Last year, this amdt was opposed by FOP. They don't believe a special category is necessary. This is an amdt that destroys S.397, calls for opposition

Schumer: It is hard to accept the fact that we are accepting a special industry, that deals with something that is dangerous, and giving them special immunity. We're giving it to one small group because they have influence. I also say that even when somebody is negligent, even when an org doesn't abide by the rules, they will still be exempt. How can we say that? I want people to remember the terror of the DC snipers. These terrorists obtained their assault rifle from Bullseye, who couldn't account for their sales. Yet they would be protected. Who would exempt a gun dealer who violated the law? I would say this. You wanna know why Americans are fed up with this body? Because of catering to a small group like this. I support 2nd, but no amendment is absolute, not 1st, not any.
"Who would exclude liability from a dealer who violated the law?"

No one, you freaking moron. Which is why lawbreakers are still liable.

You didn't read the bill, did you?

Oh and get this. Schumer: "I support the 2nd amendment"
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