Senate "unites" to stick it to America on illegal immigration

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With no protest going on here, my support for the USA is shown by flying the American flag.

If you are old enough to remember waaaay back, a communist ruler (wish I could remember which one) promised to take us over without firing a shot.

The way it is going, he may be right.
Seems the illegals don't care for it when protests go against
them..Caution, tempers may flare..

One of the organizers, Portland attorney Rafael Galvez, says people will remember how members of Congress vote. He says lawmakers have before them an opportunity to be either "compassionate or cruel."

As you do your taxes this week, ask yourself whether giving illegal aliens all the benefits of citizenship with none of its burdens is "compassionate or cruel."
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This sums it up pretty well in Dallas

Yes, welcome to the United States Of Mexico.

Anyway, we might as well just give up. I just watched Lou Dobbs and the leader of Mexican USA protest said that on the May 1st boycott they will not just boycott..he said they are going to shut down this country. He said (I can't make this stuff up) that it will be so bad that the next day we will want to welcome back the immigrant workers with flowers and candy...since we will have all learned that we cannot live without their support. They are the "backbone" of the USA...don't you know.

Now I know what I can buy on May and candy! If I can't find an illegal to give it to I can always give it to my wife....that should make my life less miserable than normal for a few days.
Despite all the controversy on this, I'm glad to see that others are still sensible.

To me, an illegal immigrant's rights are as follows.
3 hots and a cot and a bus ticket home...same as any other criminal.

A legal immigrant should be welcomed with open arms.
One of the organizers, Portland attorney Rafael Galvez, says people will remember how members of Congress vote. He says lawmakers have before them an opportunity to be either "compassionate or cruel."

As you do your taxes this week, ask yourself whether giving illegal aliens all the benefits of citizenship with none of its burdens is "compassionate or cruel."

This goes along with the rest of the modern neurosis: Stand up for your own identity and you are "cruel." Okay, I choose cruelty. Put that down on the record.

I think the slogan of "Christian compassion" has been co-opted by all those who hate the free-thinking, free-living basis of America's roots. If we'd wanted to stay in feudal Catholic Europe we would have.
Anyway, we might as well just give up. I just watched Lou Dobbs and the leader of Mexican USA protest said that on the May 1st boycott they will not just boycott..he said they are going to shut down this country.

Yes, they love America and Americans so much they are going to shut it down to show us who's boss?

Hey, maybe we need to shut down Mexico? Some future, better American political leader may do just that.

I've just listened to a speaker opine that America creates the poverty abroad that forces illegal aliens to come here to work. Right. Imagine the world, and its history, without the United States of America.

I think we'd all better realize this is not a "labor" problem we have here, this is a survival problem.
I think we'd all better realize this is not a "labor" problem we have here, this is a survival problem.
Well said!

promised to take us over without firing a shot.

Yeah, I would like to invite them out to Knob Creek and they can set targets while the line is hot!:D
I wish the authorties would surround the protesters with toops, and make then Identifie themselves and prove they are nor here illegally. Those that can't prove they are legally here, deport them with no more questions asked.

Maybe we should start calling Washingto DC and let the powers there know that illegals are not allowed to vote but American, naturlized or born here, can.
Maybe we should start calling Washingto DC and let the powers there know that illegals are not allowed to vote but American, naturlized or born here, can.

I just used the NumbersUSA web site to send a fax, but I really don't think their form fax is tough enough, and now I am going to work to send one with my own wording. Mainly as you said plus secure the borders or all else is lost.
I wish the authorties would surround the protesters with toops, and make then Identifie themselves and prove they are nor here illegally. Those that can't prove they are legally here, deport them with no more questions asked


Maybe the Govt' should go in your house, sieze all your guns and make you prove they're all legal. If you cant provide proper papers for your weapons, then the gov't gets to keep them. How would you like that?


This is America, not communist China. We're have the right to march and protest without being intimated by military troops.
Maybe the Govt' should go in your house, sieze all your guns and make you prove they're all legal. If you cant provide proper papers for your weapons, then the gov't gets to keep them. How would you like that?

No problem, I am OK with that. Just as long as part of the proof is that I am an American Citizen...if not then they can have my guns and deport me. Since I am from Kentucky deportation means I have to go to Indiana.
I know a number of folks that were going to vote against prop 187. Then they saw some of the protests by those that were against 187. The protesters were waving Mexican flags and such just the the protesters we are seeing now. Guess what - those protest cahnged the minds of many taht were going to vote against prop 187. I think the same thing is going to happen this time around.
This is America, not communist China.

Wait a minute, I think communist China is where they have that May Day parade....held on May 1st I believe. Course no connection to USA.
I live in Oklahoma. I've hired illegal aliens for about 10 odd jobs in the past 2 years! These are jobs that I couldn't get a US Citizen to do for $100/hr.
I live in Oklahoma. I've hired illegal aliens for about 10 odd jobs in the past 2 years! These are jobs that I couldn't get a US Citizen to do for $100/hr.

Well, I guess that settles it: Let's stamp "Okay" on the 20 million (don't buy the b.s.; do the math) here already and just smile at the 50 or 60 million they get to bring in with them.

Those odd jobs could prove a mite expensive, but I'm concerned about the long-term expense to all of us and to America as nation. I live in Oklahoma. I've hired illegal aliens for about 10 odd jobs in the past 2 years! These are jobs that I couldn't get a US Citizen to do for $100/hr.

BS, I'd even do them for $50 an hr....

PS: your post makes me ill to think that you are personaly adding to the problem.:fire:
I live in Oklahoma. I've hired illegal aliens for about 10 odd jobs in the past 2 years! These are jobs that I couldn't get a US Citizen to do for $100/hr.

I hope you get arrested and have an unpleasant time in prison for breaking the laws of our land!

I have a hard time believing you would actually pay a citizen $100 per hour to work for you, and an even harder time believing people in Oklahoma would turn down $100 an hour for a job unless you expect them to do something unsafe or illegal. Well, maybe that would explain why you hire undocumented workers who can't complain about the working conditions. I'll bet you didn't pay them the $100 per hour you "tried" to give to Americans.
I live in Oklahoma. I've hired illegal aliens for about 10 odd jobs in the past 2 years! These are jobs that I couldn't get a US Citizen to do for $100/hr.

No matter that they cost tax payers many times over for the free medical and schooling cost. And please don't tell me you filed taxes using fake ID's. I paid an extra million last year and used a fake ID just to help our govenment. But can't show the papers.

I bid $25/hr what the hay $6/hr. I am not doing anything. I am retired and I have done all the dirty jobs I have seen listed that illegals work and I paid taxes. Septic tanks, ditches, cleaning barns, car wash, factory work, Ist sgt. that made me dig more ditches, etc.

BTW. True. I have a son that will take you up...he is working a hard labor factory job for $9/hr.
I have nothing against a guest worker program, with certain stipulations:
1. A guest worker is an individual, not one worker and 15 of his/her closest relatives.
2. Guest means guest. Here for a period of time and then go home.
3. Worker. No job? Adios. This one is key, because even if there is a program, illegals will still be coming in for the same reasons they always have.
4. No public assistance of any kind. Period.
5. Anchor babies are a thing of the past.
6. No path to citizenship.
7. All illegals get declared felons. No way they will ever get to vote. (that one ought to go over well, don't you think?)
8. If they're going to drive, then all insurance laws apply. Get caught driving without insurance and adios.
9. Any crime committed while on guest status results in permanent removal from the US.

I'm sure I'll think of more, but that's a start.
Not bad. But we need to stop the flow cold (= double fence).

I think this will go from a "labor" problem to an angry squabble over political philosophy in short order. The International Left is intimately involved with the immies; likewise the liberation theology zealots from the Catholic Church. This conflict is going to have legs.
We must remember, and the illegals must be reminded: there is 10M of you, there is over 250M of us.

As far as voting goes; if all 10M of them voted they would still be outvoted 8 to 1 or more.
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