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Dec 29, 2012
Eastern NC
My wife quizzed me this AM ——
“Do you need to be shooting so much with ammo in such short supply?
What a shocker! She know I’ve been shooting weekly since I was 7 years old.

I reassured I was in adequate supply to be able to put 50 reloads (or 22 LR) down range each week to remain proficient!
(My most shot weapon at this time is .38 spc with 148 home cast boolits over 2.7 BE, great on powder- but bad on primers!)

Proficient means hitting not just burning powder. It also means shooting different guns- revolvers, auto, rifles, etc., clearing jams, reloading, different shooting positions, different ranges, drawing from holster, and the list goes on and on.

I was shocked at her asking the question, but I thoroughly enjoyed the conversation.

Have other wives asked their men the same question?
No. She did ask a few weeks back why I still haven’t joined us up with a club. I told her it was simple economics, she shrugged and said, “You do the bills.” and left it at that. I take the question to mean she’s not happy about informal shooting out back or just the 25yd indoor range and wants to get back into plates or maybe 300yd big bore again. I’m just not sure if I want to pay $700/yr to share a range with a bunch of spray-n-pray Millennials who think it’s cool to dump hot brass on the shooter’s next to them.
My Wife doesn’t ask any questions on what I buy or load. AS long as She gets to shoot too and be part of what I do! I spent the day a few weeks ago loading up a bunch of 38sp for Her. She has a Nylon 66 that She keeps handy at all times for snakes or to just shoot for fun. I couldn’t ask for a better Partner in My Gun Fun. Just 2 days ago I was working and She picked up several bricks of primers for Me from a fellow when She went to town. She is not only My best Friend. But favorite shooting Partner too!
No. She did ask a few weeks back why I still haven’t joined us up with a club. I told her it was simple economics, she shrugged and said, “You do the bills.” and left it at that. I take the question to mean she’s not happy about informal shooting out back or just the 25yd indoor range and wants to get back into plates or maybe 300yd big bore again. I’m just not sure if I want to pay $700/yr to share a range with a bunch of spray-n-pray Millennials who think it’s cool to dump hot brass on the shooter’s next to them.
$700 for a shooting club??? and people are paying?

My wife would tell me to buy some land in the country and shoot before spending $700 on club fees.Then you worry about young rich Florida people trying to get the best selfie with their operators beard and 1776 TIGHT tees! ( I’m just jealous)
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My Wife doesn’t ask any questions on what I buy or load. AS long as She gets to shoot too and be part of what I do! I spent the day a few weeks ago loading up a bunch of 38sp for Her. She has a Nylon 66 that She keeps handy at all times for snakes or to just shoot for fun. I couldn’t ask for a better Partner in My Gun Fun. Just 2 days ago I was working and She picked up several bricks of primers for Me from a fellow when She went to town. She is not only My best Friend. But favorite shooting Partner too!
I wish my wife would go shoot with me. She’s all about working all the time
My wife's standard line is .... what's mine is mine and what's yours is mine .... this includes guns.;)

Seriously though ... between the two of us we have a pretty good "accumulation". I can only think of a handful of times I have been able to shoot by myself and it's typically me telling her to take it easy on the ammo.
it does get irritating when i go shoot and she again goes "better save/conserve your bullets", considering my shooting is markedly down for the past few years.
My wife has asked me when we can go shooting again...its not a matter of ammo or money or lack of guns, its a lack of time. Time is the thing that you never get more of and it becomes increasingly valuable.
This is our problem, too -- my wife works twelve or more hours a day five days a week, and I hate shooting on weekends, all the good places to shoot are too crowded.

But yeah, my spouse doesn't complain about using up ammo, since three-quarters of our stockpile is in her walk-in closet taking up space for her shoes (let's just say she'd give Imelda Marcos a run for her money in that arena).

On a positive note, the wife just bought herself a new SIG for her birthday and I was very supportive.
Wife and I and two daughters are going to two-day shooting classes next weekend.
Good for you guys!. Hope the women have fun (and learn some good stuff).
While not a shooter my wife well knows how much ammunition I have piled up around here. She will suggest on nice days I go to the range which is simple since we are both retired. She also knows how well stocked I am with reloading components. On another hand she managed all the finances and does it well. :)

Have other wives asked their men the same question?

My wife jeeps asking why I'm not shooting now, we took our dog for a walk. Worked all morning, need to load more ammo and need take sure one of my middle grandsons remembers enough gun safety rules. Quiz him every few days.

I also have to finish my 98 mauser in 6.5x55 sweede, a new caliber so have to buy all supplies and tools to load and shoot that one.
I would say my wife tolerates my firearm enthusiasm in a slightly mocking way. "Playing with your toys again?" I'm half hoping that she might take a slight interest, now that my sister has gone shooting with me a few times and has taken her handgun safety class. We'll see.

I'm sure she wouldn't object to the $100 a year it would cost to join the nearby club. I may apply now that a friend from work is a member. Would be nice to shoot more than once every two or three weeks.
You guys sure they're just not trying to get you out of the house?
:) Works for me either way. Over the 2012 holidays we ended up joined at the hip for 3 weeks. I told her since we managed to not kill each other retirement may just work. I retired in May 2013 and she followed 6 months later. I tell people I had a relatively good six months of retirement. :) Hard to figure May 1st made 9 years but I love it.

:) Works for me either way. Over the 2012 holidays we ended up joined at the hip for 3 weeks. I told her since we managed to not kill each other retirement may just work. I retired in May 2013 and she followed 6 months later. I tell people I had a relatively good six months of retirement. :) Hard to figure May 1st made 9 years but I love it.

That’s what it’s all about!!! Enjoy!!!!
My wife's standard line is .... what's mine is mine and what's yours is mine .... this includes guns.;)

Seriously though ... between the two of us we have a pretty good "accumulation". I can only think of a handful of times I have been able to shoot by myself and it's typically me telling her to take it easy on the ammo.
I’m a Trophy Husband, so it’s all my stuff!
My wife's standard line is .... what's mine is mine and what's yours is mine .... this includes guns.;)

Seriously though ... between the two of us we have a pretty good "accumulation". I can only think of a handful of times I have been able to shoot by myself and it's typically me telling her to take it easy on the ammo.
Yup and Yup. Speaking of which I better get busy on loading up some .380 to feed her Walthers.
No. She did ask a few weeks back why I still haven’t joined us up with a club. I told her it was simple economics, she shrugged and said, “You do the bills.” and left it at that. I take the question to mean she’s not happy about informal shooting out back or just the 25yd indoor range and wants to get back into plates or maybe 300yd big bore again. I’m just not sure if I want to pay $700/yr to share a range with a bunch of spray-n-pray Millennials who think it’s cool to dump hot brass on the shooter’s next to them.
Spray and pray millenials. Beautiful and descriptive words!
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