Spotted ANOTHER 30.06 sign.... ***sigh***

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You don't have a "right" to enter Taco Cabana. They provide a service that you want. Taco Cabana is not the US Government, its a business owned by your fellow Americans.

Back to that huh.....

So if Taco Cabana puts up a sign saying " No Jews Allowed" you're OK with that?
It's Taco Cabana's right to put whatever sign they want up.

And if they put up a sign that says "No Jews Allowed" they'd be all over the evening news.

However, if they put up a sign that says "No Gun Owners Who Can Prove They Are Not Criminals Allowed," well, a whole buncha y'all have the cranial unit so far impacted within the rectal unit that it won't even get noticed...

(How to tell if you should be offended by the previous paragraph: If you are offended about the previous paragraph, yup, I definitely am talking about you - because you're not helping our second amendment rights. Hope you like that taco...)

Y'all can get all offended at me, but you can't get offended at Taco Cabana?? I've never eaten there, but that must be one hella taco stand... What do they put in those things? Sheesh, we could sell that stuff at Grateful Dead shows...

I don't spend money there. Easy for me to say, but if I move to Austin tomorrow, I still don't spend money there. I don't support anti-gun bigots. I don't support anti-Jewish bigots either, altho I -really- need to say away from good deli... Oy...

Now, some of y'all seem to feel all superior, because you sneak past it, kinda like a hyena sneaking past a lion, to grab a random piece of lower intestine from a rotting kill...

How you like that taco? That taco's paying for anti-gun propaganda.

Tastes good, huh?

Kinda like rotting lower intestine yet?

Originally Posted by geojap
Just because you can, does not mean you should. Especially if you are a licensed to carry a concealed handgun and what you are apparently proposing is against the law.

Try and justify illegal behavior with me all day, but it will get you no where. I will abide by the laws in the country/state/municipality in which I live. You are casually proposing to break the law, which I reject with the most vigorous dissent.
The signs are not correct and, therefore, hold zero legal weight. I am not breaking the law when I carry into an establishment with an incorrect 30.06 sign.

No one is recommending anyone break the law.

You must not have read the post. This is what was written:

As long as you're not waving your piece around, why would anyone call the cops, plus, there's no possible way the police can PROVE that you saw the sign. There's a thread on here about never talking to the police (excellent video presentation btw) that doesn't mean everyone that watches it will use the knowledge for nefarious purposes.

This implies that one has knowingly passed a legal 30.06 sign while carrying concealed. This would be illegal. The poster was explaining how to lie in order to conceal the fact that they knew that they had passed a legal 30.06 sign while carrying. If my point is still not clear to you, please tell me.
So if Taco Cabana puts up a sign saying " No Jews Allowed" you're OK with that?

What you are failing to understand is that Taco Cabana is not discriminating against people, so the comparison to the "No Jews Allowed" is silly. Taco Cabana is discriminating against objects - guns. It is like a dress code, which is legal to have.

Taco Cabana is completely within the law to be able to discriminate against objects. Objects currently have no rights. There is no law that says Taco Cabana has to allow said objects to be permitted on their private property when carried by people.

Nice attempt at a straw man argument, however, trying to equate guns with Jews.
Although I completely agree with the idea that private businesses should be able to discriminate against anything/anyone that they wish, there is a difference between firearms and dress codes in Texas.

Here, if I enter a business without the proper attire (i.e., I am not following the dress code), they have no recourse other than to ask me to leave. If I refuse to leave, of course, I am trespassing. However, until that point, I have committed no crime.

On the other hand, if I enter a business displaying a proper 30.06 sign, I automatically commit a felony. I think that is unfair considering there is no logical difference between a business enforcing a dress code and a business enforcing a firearm code.

These signs should have no legal authority. Period.
The firearm code you mention is stated in the law. Dress code isn't.

Trespass violations are not a felony, but a misdemeanor.

The signs have no legal authority. The are inanimate objects. The serve only as a means of communication in place of direct verbal notice. They allow the owner of a a business or property to tell entrants of their disallowance of guns without having to do it verbally with each and every person.
The signs effectively ban one group of people from the restaurant: Those with concealed carry permits.

And they reinforce the "guns are bad" message.

Don't want them things around here, y'all.

Now, you can either work to get 'em gone, you can allow them to stay up, or you can pay for them staying up.

How's that taco taste?
The firearm code you mention is stated in the law. Dress code isn't.

Trespass violations are not a felony, but a misdemeanor.

The signs have no legal authority. The are inanimate objects. The serve only as a means of communication in place of direct verbal notice. They allow the owner of a a business or property to tell entrants of their disallowance of guns without having to do it verbally with each and every person.

That's exactly my point. Such a policy would never be allowed for a dress code. Guns should be no different.
Way ahead of you

I have every intention of fighting to update TX's gun laws so they are more like those in my two other home states: CO and PA.

Good, and as soon as I get my CCW I will be trying to get NC laws in line with other states CCW laws, as we have some oddball rules...
Well funny thing is, contrary to the other opinions on this forum, I actually really like Taco Cabana. It's one of my favorite places to eat, and definitely my favorite fast food place. It is a wholly-owned subsidiary of a conglomerate, but it still operates like a locally-owned company for the most part. The gun policy is not one that is actively enforced by the employees in the store. Efforts by Texans to persuade the company to take down the signs have little odds of success considering that the ownership of the company is not really on board with Texans' attitudes about guns.

Now of course everyone is correct when they say that by eating there, I am "supporting an anti-gun company" but also, I am supporting a "makes food I like to eat" company, and a "makes food at a very reasonable price" company, and a "employs local people" company, and a "I dig eating on the patio" company, and a "very convenient, right around the corner" company... There is more to life than just whether a store's corporate owners are anti-gun or not... I just consider this to be one of the many pros and cons of eating there.

Certainly it's an annoyance for them to have a 30.06 sign no matter how valid it is. But there really is no viable competition to Taco Cabana around here, IMHO. The company I work for has a 30.06 sign. It's bone headed but if you guys were to quit using the products they make, then you would not be using this forum that's for sure. If you didn't want to support them with your money, then you would have to empty your 401k and sell off all of your mutual funds, as I guarantee you that if you have either of these things you own some stock in my company, whether you know it or not. So where do you draw the line? At a fast food joint just because it's convenient, or are you going to go all the way and boycott things like the US Mail, the internet, the court system, public schools?
I will ask again, Do those of you who are so rabidly ready to boycott a buisness that post 30.06 boycott the gun shows?:neener:
hoji said:
I will ask again, Do those of you who are so rabidly ready to boycott a buisness that post 30.06 boycott the gun shows

Here, in Houston, the only posted shows I attend are at the GRB Convention Center. Being owned by the city of Houston the signs are illegal and therefore do not carry the force of law. So, yes, I go to posted gunshows.
Interesting debate. In VA, anyone can post their private property as "no carry" and we have to comply. I see no problem whatsoever with this. Why should I assume I have right to carry concealed in someone's private dwelling or business? That goes to the core of Constitutional rights - for the property owner.
Now, as far as the Taco joints, etc., if people choose NOT to patronize these establishments, that is also exercising their rights, of course. Further, the 1st Amendment guarantees your right to publicize (within legal means) your opposition to their stance on guns on their property.

Is there in fact an organized effort to put the word out about these property owners who don't want armed citizens on their property? I would think that with the number of freemen in Texas, just putting out the word would cut their business by an appreciable amount.
Of course not everyone votes (eats) their conscience, and therein lies the problem.
Of course not everyone votes (eats) their conscience, and therein lies the problem.

I think it's a lot more complicated than that. Not everyone only cares about whether a place has a no-guns sign. Some people (like myself) actually choose to do business based on other things like the quality of their product and value.
Plus, the real issue is broadening legal concealed carry. A business can have all the signs in the world plasteres all over the place, but if they don't meet a very specific yet very simple guidelines they are meaningless. Heck, the DPS website even has a section that clearly explains the 30.06 sign requirements and even has a link so you can download the required language! How hard is that?

A lot of us Texans are more interested in things like making concealed carry legal in schools, sporting events and the like than in trying to be some kind of Second Amendment Thought Police. The ideal would be that CHLs can carry everywhere that LEOs can.
I think it's a lot more complicated than that. Not everyone only cares about whether a place has a no-guns sign. Some people (like myself) actually choose to do business based on other things like the quality of their product and value.

This is off-topic, but if you think Taco Cabana has a "quality product", then we have a SERIOUS PROBLEM. :uhoh: :barf: Especially with all the good Tex-Mex like Arrandas, Matts El Rancho, Polvos, Little Mexico, Azul Tequila, Tamale House, Maria's Taco Express, Jovita's, Los Comales, Angie's, Juan in a Million.....

Those locations have a lot of wets eating there, good for them...

Don't go to a location that does not allow firearms in it, God forbid civilization should overrule a somewhat anti social disorder :eek: Texas is unusual for many reasons, this one is a step in the right direction as far as I am concerned;)

A lot of us Texans are more interested in things like making concealed carry legal in schools, sporting events and the like than in trying to be some kind of Second Amendment Thought Police. The ideal would be that CHLs can carry everywhere that LEOs can.

Sure when you go through the training they do maybe, the idea of a CHL is self protection not protecting of the citizens like LEO.
Those locations have a lot of wets eating there, good for them...

Wets? What's that mean? Is that short for wetbacks? Ethnic slurs are not very High Road!

Sure when you go through the training they do maybe, the idea of a CHL is self protection not protecting of the citizens like LEO.

You sound like one of the BradyBunch! A lot of CHLs have better firearms training than most LEOs
The signs effectively ban one group of people from the restaurant: Those with concealed carry permits.

True, but I don't think such an effect is necessarily unconstitutional or illegal. Business owners have the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason, such as bringing in outside food, being under a certain age, or just having a bad attitude. Admittedly, I am a little rusty on my constitutional tests and civil rights laws, but I think these business owner's rights to refuse are only tempered if their restrictions are aimed to deny "suspect classes" service. (Classes such as religion, race, gender, etc..)
Wet is slang for illegal simple. If they come over in a boat or through a river or drainage ditch...

As far as training it is a lot more than just having a firearm at your side:uhoh:

So now you want to make it personal, that is not the high road :confused: That is typical for one who fails to understand don't wear a firearm into the location, better yet don't eat there it is a freedom issue as far as I see they have their rights you have yours...You want to take away theirs it seems.

They don't want gun totters simple...You are wrong, all around.;)

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