The NRA did it again and I don't like it

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Oct 23, 2007
Southwestern, Ohio out in the country about 40 mil
I caught a lot of criticism last year when I complained about the NRA sending me a "Fighting American" knife made in a foreign country to thank me for continuing to be a member. Well they did it again, this time it's a shiny gold pen made in the same foreign country. I threw the pen in the same lake I threw the "Fighting American" knife.
I don't need junk sent to me to want to be active in defending my rights and I strongly believe that money spent on such junk could be better spent.
Oh Yes, I'll continue to be a member because the NRA is the best we've got and we need them now more than ever.
I'm a life member and paid for a life membership for my son. Years ago, I called the NRA and politely asked them to take me off any call or mailing lists. They did. No calls. The only thing I receive from the NRA in the mail is "The American Rifleman."

Give them a call. Be polite but firm.
Goddamn furreigners.

Who do they think they are, trying to make a living off pocket knives?

Should be starving to death, by gum.:rolleyes:

And the NRA? They ought to be thanking me by sending me a US-made knife that goes for 100 bucks in the store, the traitors.
I wonder where or who makes the SureFire knock offs they are advertising to encourage new memberships.
Just remember that you can choose to not accept anything from them but your subscription. The cost of a well made American made knife is more than the yearly membership.
I don't like the fact that there are teaser offers but the fact remains that membership numbers mean power in the lobby circut.
I'm a life member that doesn't get mailings from them at my request. The junk they send you is the same stuff NAHA gives away with their membership.
If you get the stuff, just put a return to sender lable on it, it will be recycled into the "new membership" pool.
This gives you a chance to be active and not have to answer questioners and vote for the board members.
Don't be angry, they are doing what won the current presidents position. Give something of little value for your participation in the system. The only difference is we actually get something back.
What most people dont know is that many "american" things arent so american and vice versa. There are chevies that are made in canada and mexico and there are toyotas and hondas that are made in the U.S. So much for being a proud chest thumping american and "buying american"

Ive been to the corvette assembly plant in bowling green(key word there is assembly). Guess where the corvettes v8 engines are made??? Canada. Guess where many of those little parts that make up the corvette are made??? Ill give you a hint, its not the US.

So they send you a free pen or a knife, big deal. Getting free **** is a big deal to some people. Its called marketing. They want new members to join and they want current members to stay, and sometimes, they have to do little things like this to keep the donations flowing and make people feel good about being a member of the NRA. I agree that it is not necessary, but it is not that big of a deal. We need the NRA and the NRA needs us. End of rant.
You should have give the knife to one of the kids --who dosent have one !
I like to buy USA made --But Ill buy a hundred Chinese things before Ill buy a UNION made anything-!
It would be great if they had an option that said: Keep your free gifts and put the money towards my 2nd amendment right to keep arms.

Im sorry to say I have given up on the NRA since they have given up on California.
When that happens english will no longer be the langauge spoken in America. I take it you are not pro America and must be a member of one of the minority groups. We here in Florida have many people from the islands that feel the same as you, they have given nothing, earned nothing and have only lived off the people who have that mentality you don't like "buy only what is made in America", yes, us true Americans.

Food for thought: Korea exports 100's of thousands of cars yearly to America and we place a competitive tax on each but when we export to their country the tax is the value of the vehicle. This is to protect their own vehicle in country sales and to make ours less competitive and more cost prohinitive for their people.
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American owned companies don't always make their stuff in the USA. Likewise, many foreign products are actually made here in the USA. You gotta see the big picture. Boycotting "foreign owned" company products may actually hurt many American workers.
I'm with you, the money could be better spent. But it may very well make them more money than it costs them so I don't bother to complain.

Ah yes, the old "it had better be made in America" mentality. I can't wait until it goes out of fashion

Not as long as I'm alive, I tired of seeing our jobs sent overseas. Maybe if it was your job you would feel differently.
Pancho said:
....a shiny gold pen made in the same foreign country. I threw the pen in the same lake I threw the "Fighting American" knife.
I don't need junk sent to me to want to be active in defending my rights and I strongly believe that money spent on such junk could be better spent.....

You've inspired me to throw all my foreign made junk in the lake....SKS, Colt Sauer, Belgium engraved Brownings, Mausers, German made handguns, Jap made Brownings, etc.......that ought to show em'.
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