Weekend Report of Open Carrying

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Jul 31, 2005
Louisville, KY
I open carried a lot this weekend. It was only my second time in ever having done it and just like the first, I had a good experience. I got stared down and dirty looks while I was making a purchase at JC Penny from some lady I suspect as being from the Million Mom March, but I ignored that.

Went to:
Best Buy
The Mall
JC Penny
Penn Station: East Coast Subs
Circuit City
Whole Foods Grocery Store (rich yuppie organic place)

Overall I had no real problems with people staring or anyone noticeably become uncomfortable. Two cops even passed me and never said a word. The manager of Penn Station was an idiot, however. He was about 19 and rank of pot. He saw it and was like "Oh man, are you a cop or you just like packin' the heat." I told him what the deal was and about my rights. His response was, "I just moved here from the Bronx and I didn't think you would need a gun in KY. We don't even need them in NY anymore unless you sell drugs."
Sounds like you were in Okolona. All the places you listed have locations in the Jefferson Mall area (I grew up around there). I'd think there would be more objections around there than where I am now. Here, no one even notices as far as I can tell. I open carried full time until I got my CCDW today. Never had any issues.
Hats off to YA!

If Oklahoma were an OPEN CARRY state I'd never go concealed again with just one exception.

I'm in the camp that says criminals will avoid one open carrying as opposed to the camp that thinks the open carrier will just get shot first.

The other benefit I see to open carry is that the more of us that do it the more of those who don't will become used to it.

As it stands now not open carrying because it makes people nervous is a poor reason for not doing it. Them getting nervous is their problem. It only becomes our problem if we allow it to.
I have seen some individuals carrying openly around here (Walmart, small shops, etc). No one really pays them much attention other than the occasional look "why dont you have a CCW" grin. **Thats the look I give off I think when I see someone w/ a Colt revolver on their hip** Haha.

Good for you. I unfortunately waived my open carry rights when I got my permit. Kind of strange but is the rules I guess.
I'm jealous :p When I was going through Virginia I wanted to OC so badly, but guess who forgot her nice leather holster at HOME? :banghead: Couldn't quite see just sticking the Kimber through my belt and going down for dinner, so I just bagged the whole idea.

Next year. If we go back to Nantucket next year, we're making a road trip of it, and open carrying in Virginia's on my own personal tourist to-do list :D:neener:

Around here I think OC would get you slammed to the ground by cops from either local law enforcement branch. In my carry permit class it was stressed hard to keep it concealed for the reasons I opened with.
I open carry regularly in Arizona, and nobody notices.

The one time someone did notice was when I was in a Wal-Mart with some friends -- we forgot some ammo and were going shooting out in the desert, so we stopped by there. A customer approached, politely introduced himself, and asked if I could carry on the Indian Reservations. I replied that I did not know, and that I had no business on the reservation and thus never went there. He thanked me for my time and bid me good day. Very pleasant all around.

I *heart* Arizona.
I open carry regularly in Arizona, and nobody notices.

[/QUOTE]Same here in Colorado.[/QUOTE]

Hows about around Denver ???

Ive had one person notice here , not a word was said . The sheep just go about grazing ...
Alphazulu6 said:
Good for you. I unfortunately waived my open carry rights when I got my permit. Kind of strange but is the rules I guess.
Could you expand on that just a bit? Are you saying that in Colorado if you have a concealed carry permit you may NOT carry open, even in locations where those without said permit CAN carry open? That's what I'm getting from your statement, and it doesn't seem to make a whole lot of sense. That's saying that because you may now carry concealed you must now carry concealed.
IM283 said:
Around here I think OC would get you slammed to the ground by cops from either local law enforcement branch. In my carry permit class it was stressed hard to keep it concealed for the reasons I opened with.
Is open carry illegal in TN? If so your statement would make sense. Although in some places where OC is legal I guess it would still make sense depending on whether local law enforcement knew and agreed with the law.
I have wondered what I would do if cops were to order me on the ground simply because I had a holstered gun on my hip. I would comply, of course, but I see no reason in a state whose Constitution not only permits unlicensed open carry, but also has court precedent to back it up, why on that basis alone they have the right to stop me at all. I really don't think they do and I would probably be angry enough to file a formal complaint.
I'm leery about OC after doing it a few times. Usually people don't notice, but I've had some pretty interesting remarks.

WalMart, a guy behind me got all flustered and practically shouted "hooee look at that gun!"

Last time I OC'ed, a woman in a gas station asked if I was a PO. I said no ma'am, she got a weird grin on her face and said she didn't approve. I pointed out it was perfectly legal to do so, and oddly she introduced herself to me. I left.

Neither incident was in a major urban area, more out in the boonies really. People out here aren't used to OC and generally know firearms only from hunters. I'd probably get less comments if I had a 30'06 slung over my shoulder.
Regarding the map on www.opencarry.org

That map always freaks me out. TX and FL have no open carry at all, yet states known to be very anti gun allow open carry. Question, MA (my state) this map claims is a "licensed open carry" state. What exactly does that mean? You need an open carry license or that anyone with a CCW can open carry? As I know of no open carry license, I assume one of the other MA licenses covers the open carry, but which? I can tell you right now, in most areas of MA you walk into Walmart or the local Stop and Shop and a SWAT team with news crew will be there shortly after and you will have some 'splainin to do....
I drove through Kentucky a few weeks ago. I stopped at a Burger King in Franklin, the first town north of the Tennessee border on I-65 and strolled up to the door with my pistol holstered in the open for everyone to see. There was a sign on the door citing Kentucky law and prohibiting the carry of a firearm on the premises.:banghead:The folks across the road at McDonald's looked at me funny but I didn't get body slammed by a JBT. I wondered if Burger King prohibited carry because so many people from out of state stopped there, the first public place on the road into Kentucky, to try out open carry.

All in all, the open carry experience in Tennessee, Kentucky and Indiana was a happy one. Ohio doesn't recognize Texas concealed handgun licenses so I won't talk about my experience carrying there. I read on packing.org that it is a felony to touch your gun in the presence of a police officer in Ohio. I'd just as soon not carry concealed there. ;)
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