What is actually required for black bear?

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Yeah, we usually have bear spray in the group. I don't usually carry it myself, but we don't get to far from one another. That way one can spray pepper and if that that doesn't work the other can spray lead! Don't want a handgun to be my first, or only, line of defense, but if I'm going to carry one I want to know it's able to do the job.

I'm leaning more toward a 3" SP 101. I think that would work a lot better for .357. I'll probably get some cushy grips for the big rounds in the woods, and switch out for some wood boot grips with .38 for everyday carry.

The 29 will still be my primary in the woods; at least for now. The revolver would be a BUG until I put some time in with it.
No personal experience, but our fishing guide suggested we have individual bear sprays. Depending on the terrain / brush, there may not be time to do a "Hail Mary" pass to the person who needs it... :)

And the sprays are cheap.
Prosser, that is funny about the lightning
Thanks. Just remembered that my shooting with the little Smiths has never been really good. I've always blamed the gun. However, I have large hands, and, the concealment grips, or even the standard ones didn't fit me well. I couldn't shoot a 63(22lr) well, and sold it. I thought it was the gun.

Now the 360PD is not that accurate. I've often thought the 16 pound DA trigger didn't help, and I might be right. That's something to keep in mind when trying to brain shoot a bear. Even SA the trigger isn't great.

While your 29 has a 6-7 lb Glock trigger, I think that's still better then a DA, 10-16 pound snubbie trigger. Look at the Rugers, and check the trigger pull.
label me odd man out
but I think you seriously ought consider owning more than one gun
choosing a CCW that is "right for you" involves a variety of compromises in itself

for both CCW and bear (even just black bear, some of 'em get pretty big you know)... all the more difficult to optimize "everything"

a full size 4"-6" in stout caliber (357 heavy bullet minimum, but a 44 mag better) in a shoulder rig ain't that unhandy... if that is "too much" weight,, then maybe your bear threat assessment really isn't all that high

either way, carry bear spray... don't shoot 'em w/ a handgun just to make 'em mad, not if you absolutely don't have to

half the fun is in owning more than one, anyway

whoops... missed that comment on that 10mm !
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Hey oldfool, though it may sound like I only want one gun, that isn't the case. My Glock 29 is and will be my "bear gun" and whatever revolver I decide on will be my ccw. But, I think it's worth it to get a .357/.38 rather than just a .38. It's not that I only want one gun, but until I have several, I think there needs to be some amount of overlap.

I'll consider getting some bear spray for myself. IIRC, they're like 50 bucks and have to be replaced periodically, but it is cheap life insurance if needed and it works.
understood, friend, I just skipped thru the thread a bit too quick
you got your head on real straight !

you will never meet anybody more in favor than me for 357 mag vs 38 only
love 'em, got a bunch
I am just in the habit of calling my 357s "38/357", for the very reason you say
and I love every make/model 357 there is
(like ladies, you know, all great, some just better than others !)
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