What's your favorite movie/TV show gun battle scene?

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Last of the Mohicans;

Dances with Wolves (the long shot on the buffalo charging the kid is great)

A little different, but how about Master and Commander? I'm a big fan of the Patrick O'Brian novels, and I thought the film was excellent.
Starship Trooper

Take your pic of battle scenes from Starship Trooper, my fav was when the reporter got eatin.
+umpteen on the opening to Saving Private Ryan.

I don't know if this one has been said yet (I didn't read every post), but I just got 3:10 to Yuma (the new version), and I really like the shoot out at the end when Dan Evens walks Ben Wade to the train.

edit: CountGlockula, you beat me by about 4 miutes. Great minds...
Give me Clint Eastwood as Dirty Harry any day. The sound of that S & W model 29 44 mag (which I have one) going off gives me goose bumps.
However my all time favorite line in a
movie is in Tombstone by Waytt at the train station... "You tell em I'm coming, and I'm bringing Hell with me"!
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