Would you mention firearms competition as an interest for anything work related?

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I would be more likely to tell someone in person, as opposed to posting it on some work-related internet group. In person, others are more likely to get a well-rounded view of who you are. Over the internet, not so much. It would also depend on the nature of your work, how long you have been doing it, and how much you need the work. I'd love to be able to say, "screw you if you don't like my hobby," but the economy in this state is so bad, that I can't afford to alienate any potential employer or client.

Therefore, I am more cautious about discussing my hobbies. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of people that know, but only after they have known me for a while.
I do interviews and hiring and all in all, its best to leave ANY personal stuff off a resume (for example)

BUT - I have seen "Pistol Instructor/IDPA Competitor" on a list of Hobbies. I thought that was fine. We have non gun people (not necessarily antis) who saw it and thought it was fine too....but still - better to leave ANY personal stuff off. Funny also I had a guy who in closing talks we were chatting about armed pilots in the cockpit and he said he had a friend who did that as his friend was "one of those gun weirdos" -- that guy didnt realize after a great interview how fast he lost a decent 6 figure job....:rolleyes:

I wouldnt want to work for a narrow mided place that couldnt appreciate someones healthy, different hobbies anyhow. I dont care if its knitting, shooting, etc...we hire the individual.

Now...displaying gun gear/logos all over your walls or desk? - thats pushing toward being immature or begging for negative attention. Grow up.You wont win.
No problem where I work, quite a few people shoot and hunt, people have pictures of the deer they got or the birds they've hunted. Even the President of HR shoots trap/skeet... She even went as far as trying to help me get a firearms waver from the DOJ since I'm an immigrant.
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