WSJ has a message for the "nativists"

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Yep everything is predicated on this quarter and the short term buck.

Thats why we have great successes like Adelphia, Global Crossing ,and the largest american company at one time ENRON.

If the trend keeps up America will become a third world country.
time for ethical cleansing

"Yep everything is predicated on this quarter and the short term buck."


Capitalism used to be about building businesses, producing stuff your fellows wanted to buy to improve their lives.

That was before the lawyers, the accountants, and marketing team commandered capitalism. Oh yeah, and let's not forget the Wall St. analysts and the silent partners in the government watchdog units who are de facto directors on the board.
And that was definitely before the government stuck its paws into every single corner of commerce. The lawyers don't have a thing to do if there aren't BS laws in the first place.

Ah, it just gets better and better: Schwarzenegger now says he's ready to cut a deal on a bill to grant driver's licenses to illegal aliens. Well, now isn't that special? The man's in Sacramento because the voters were counting on him NOT to do this. I guess it's time for another recall, only this time let's not stop with Schwarzenegger...

Man, it's hard not to get cynical.
Wish I'd gotten to post here.

Must be quick; apparently if I take longer than a minute or so composing and polishing my post, it evaporates. For what it's worth, I'm a semi-nativist. All I have time to say before the timeout. I hope this gets posted.
OK, will try again, talk quickly & tersely.

More people on planet than things for them to do. Mexican culture not same as N.A. culture. My opininon, N.A. anglo culture better than Mex. culture. Vicente Fox shoving both welfare and racial problems off on us. He's quite white, sending Indios across border. They send money home. Edward Abbey was right, give rifle and 1000 rounds to Mexican border crossers, tell'em to go home and finish revolution!
Master Blaster .........
Thank you for that great reply! You had me laughing so hard that I thought I was going to fall off my chair....

Once again you tell it like it is.........

I want to ask you all this....Are the rich in this country in trouble? Are they doing so bad, that they have tio resort to selling out the American people, for an imported slave class?

I think all of this greed and lack of caring for our country, by business and government alike, is going to be our nations undoing.
This nation is a gift from God and should not be taken for granted...............
Schwarzenegger now says he's ready to cut a deal on a bill to grant driver's licenses to illegal aliens. Well, now isn't that special? The man's in Sacramento because the voters were counting on him NOT to do this.
I think I'm even more cynical than you. It was my impression that he was elected on the premise that he could do exactly the same things Gray Davis was gonna do, only he had to make it look less shady. Seriously! If Davis cuts this deal, they'd say he was getting paid by somebody (and it would be true). If Gov. Schwarzenegger does it, it's just a political battle lost.

His only test for success is if the state economy starts recovering. Which AIN'T gonna happen without a wave of repeals. Los Angeles City Council, by the way, is considering BANNING WAL-MART from the county, as a sop to the unions. Man, my days here are so numbered...

Well, we shouldn't have expected too much from Schwarzenegger. We saw Ted Kennedy whispering into his ear after all. And Mr. Schwarzenegger is nothing if not ambitious and full of himself. He will go the way of all politicians, a deal here, a deal there. What will be interesting is what happens if the $15 billion bond issue should fail to pass; it will take something like that happening to snap Californians out of their dream state.

Stealth 101 asked why the mega-rich should have to sell out the American people--aren't they, after all, rich enough? Perhaps there's nothing conscious or conspiratorial about it, maybe it's just a mutated form of the Invisible Hand which is part of the process itself. Get enough super-rich people together and individually they will make decisions that conduce to the detriment of the masses. Why shouldn't the Invisible Hand have its own dark side after all? I think "selling out" is viewed by the high and mighty as just the next phase of capitalism, an expansion of the system to the global level that will lift up the entire world. That this means the erosion of traditional American culture or the obsolescence of the Constitution weighs less in their minds than the advancement of international capitalism and multi-national prosperity. A little "creative destruction" that, longer-term, benefits more people than it hurts.
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