Your not carrying now are you???

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It may be that his DL is noted with his CC permit as it is in NC. Both share the same number......

There's no way to know a person in NC has a CC permit by just looking at their drivers license. It's true that the CC permit has a person's drivers license number on it, but the drivers license does not have their cc permit number on it.

Nor does it have any other indication that the person has a cc permit. My drivers license and cc permit do not share the same number. The permit has it's own number, but there is a field in the identifying information where the drivers license number appears. It's NOT the permit number though.
Since I had a home invasion in a very good neighborhood, and 3 or more other incidents over my 44 years, all in good neighborhoods, I beg to differ with you. Do you think that bad guys stay in bad neighborhoods to apply their craft. If so that's a delusional way of thinking. They follow the money. Carjackers go where the nice expensive cars are, not in the "hood". My dear friend got followed into his driveway in Boca, with his Rolls.
Barry has 21 cars , "or did at the time" , not the first time he has had it happen, being followed from 95 to his house, one ended up in a shootout in front of the house.
I had 3 incidents Midtown Manhattan, two on long Island, and a couple maybe's in FL.
A maybe is when two or three guys see a Porshe, and split up to hit the car from 2 or 3 different angles. discreetly placing ones firearm in plain view and immediately seeing them cross over to the opposite side after being waived off will teach you situational awareness. But I had one in traffic jump off the back of a motorcycle, with weapon in hand, only to walk into a Walther pointing in his face, so don't tell me I must live in a bad neighborhood.
When you flash the cash then you set yourself up. Driving a Rolls or similar is guaranteed to draw unwanted attention. I neither live "in the hood" or in a luxury gated community; I can (and do) leave my windows open at night, have inadvertently left my garage door up all night; I can even go to the bathroom when it is dark outside and not worry about these home invaders who wait for that light to come on (not that I have ever seen a news report of that actually happening), so I don't worry about keeping a gun inside the toilet tank or similar. Are dangers a possibility? Sure, but you have a greater chance of being killed in an auto accident or by lightning, so let's keep things in perspective, shall we?
If looking at CCW/CHLers as a percentage of population, incidence of the carriage of firearms in Texas seems to be much lower than what most folks would seem to assume.

Texas population is around 26 million and has just under 600,000 CHL holders with no unlicensed carry.

By way of comparison, Tennessee, with a population of only approx. 6.5 million has 450,000 CHL licensees.


Most of the folks I know here don't carry on their person. They carry on their properties and in their vehicles. In fact, almost everyone I know here does. So... the percentage just might be higher than you think.
Our drivers license number here in NC is also our conceal carry permit number with a couple letters added. When I first acquired my CCL there was no need to notify, years later I was involved in an accident, the officer asked me to hang around after the other party left. He asked me why I hadn't identified myself as having a CC(wasn't carrying), I learned two things that day, (actually learned more) 1. We have to notify here doesn't matter, and 2. when they run your license all that information is there. Verified with various law enforcement friends they also said that depending on what system other states are on they can see them also. In most states with conceal carry they will know when they run your plate.
Just watched the news, 106 people arrested, 62 robberies in South Fl, from "the pillow case robbers". They expect many more, Police said, "we can't stop this". People were coming home after 25 minutes at the store, and the bad guys were coming out of their house with all their valuables.
If they were home, someone may have been shot or killed. We were told by Vero Beach Police, last year, "we cannot protect you any longer", we don't have the manpower or budget to even patrol these developments. Buy a gun. The community relations sergeant told the HOA at a meeting. There are a lot more crimes than you are aware of, they bury them so as not to disturb the tourist trade.
I would say that FL, in general is "busting out with B&E, armed robberies, and assaults, over the past 2 years. You just aren't being told about most.
Mike I used to think like that also until 5 guys came through my front door 35 years ago, "1979" with a shotgun and pistols. If I would have been able to take out the first guy "which I would have" it probably would have ended there, they had 17 priors. They had to come in one way, and out the same. Right then I decided that if I survived that I would never leave my life and my family's up to the decision of some stoned out morons, who kidnapped the kids of another victim and tried to burn down the house on the way out, Lido beach LI, ""on the water", a very good neighborhood.
Most people are "set up" by someone they know, or someone who is given their information. That's why it's called organized Crime.
Also most people don't pursue these things, they are just happy that they are alive. My way of thinking is a bit different, as long as there is an active threat out there, it may come back, and usually does. If someone gets away with something, there is no reason why they won't come back and do it again, knowing the "lay of the land"
I wasn't prepared in 1979, no alarm, no dog, just a 6 shot revolver, vs 5 armed men, who did this for a living, and were Federal informants. So they were "off limits" to, local police.
If you want I will give you the name of the female who was the ringleader, she testified against her husband and he got life.
Meanwhile she was a respected business owner, in Hewlet Harbor LI, "a very upscale neighborhood".
She knew everyone in "my business" and was a talented businesswoman. But she also was a Gambino associate, who led a double life.
And according to the Feds was found Decapitated in LI sound, a long time after that. Which I don't believe either.
So maybe that has some merit as to having gone through these things at a relatively young age. I try to learn from the past, as ignoring it would be inexcusable in my eyes.
As far as the cars and cash go, I started out making $65 dollars a week, and no one gave me anything. My dad passed leaving me with my mom to support at 20 years old, and that's what I did. I don't bitch and moan about how tough life is, because in this country you have the opportunity to work hard and get ahead. If I want to drive a nice car, of my friend had 20 of them, I haven't seen him in quite some time, as I moved up North.He worked his ass off to get them, He's a household name who started with nothing, I grew up in a 1 bedroom apartment in Bed Sty, with 5 people in it, but if I want to buy something with the money I made, no one has the right to steal it from me or try to take what isn't theirs.
My dad dug his way out and ended up a plant manager with 1500 people under him. Once you make it sound garish to drive a nice car, or afraid to live in a nice house, that isn't America. The whole idea of this country was and is to better yourself, not to hide behind a façade so as not to attract attention. A piece of advice, don't leave your windows and doors unlocked and your garage door open, eventually someone will come in who was not invited. It will happen way before the plane crash.
If you think that you are more likely to die in a plane crash than have a B&E because you left your house unlocked and your garage open, you are living in denial. You will eventually get robbed if not worse. Just because nothing happened to you, don't assume that it will never happen. It just hasn't happened yet, I hope it never does, but I have learned that the odds are if you tempt fate it will bite you.
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Sorry you live in such a bad neighborhood that you feel that is a necessity...............
I never thought I would see a response such as this on a gun friendly forum. It's like asking, why are you bothering with fire insurance - you aren't expecting a fire are you?

Sorry you live in such a bad neighborhood that you feel that is a necessity...............
Well, now you have seen it - so what? SOME folks are highly paranoid that everyone is out to get them; after all, the voices in their head have told them so.... ;) and some of us prefer to NOT be so paranoid. If you truly want to prevent ANY bad things from happening to you, buy a mountain top somewhere miles from anyone and live there off the grid and be completely self-sustaining. Personally, life is too short to go through it in a constant state of fear and paranoia.
If you live where things are that bad, then take the advice of others on the thread about CA - MOVE.........I refuse to live in a constant state of fear and paranoia - prepared is one thing, taking a gun into the shower IMO is grounds for a mental disqualification.

SO flame suit on!
I live in a relatively good neighborhood, but carry 95% of the time, an have one near at all times. Its like a security blanket to me, not paranoia. There's a shotgun next to the bed, a pistol on the table where I'm sitting, I just like having good friends around....... ;-)
"Texas population is around 26 million and has just under 600,000 CHL holders with no unlicensed carry."

That is not correct sir! In Texas you may carry unlicensed in a private vehicle. That is a primary reason that there are not more CHL holders as many people feel that it is not necessary for them to actually have a gun on their hip as long as they have one in their car.
I don't know anyone who showers with a gun, they must be very lonely, nor lives in a constant state of paranoia. I would bet I get out more than you do. Nor do I care to live on a mountain top, "which is hard to do in FL. I think leaving your garage doors open and house unlocked in this day an gage is more grounds for mental disqualification, than exercising your legal right. You tend to exaggerate when you feel you are losing your grip
No exaggeration. I leave the windows open all night long without the need for dobermans or that

Read enough of these threads and you will see the folks who shower with a gun or have one on the counter because "they heard that is what the home invaders watch for", even if it has never happened. Don't leave the garage door up at night on purpose, but even when it has happened, gee, nothing happened. There are places where folks are not trying to steal everything from you like opening the back door of the delivery truck in NYC; sorry if you live in a place where they are. Life's too short to be paranoid

FLAME ON!..... :D
That is not correct sir! In Texas you may carry unlicensed in a private vehicle. That is a primary reason that there are not more CHL holders as many people feel that it is not necessary for them to actually have a gun on their hip as long as they have one in their car.

Vehicular transport of loaded accessible firearms is legal in many states without having to beg governmental permission.

This is the first time I've ever heard the suggestion that the ability to do so suppresses the desire of the citizenry to go armed while on foot.
No one can predict the future but tempting fate is never a good idea. If you have guns in the house, it's going to feel extremely disappointing to be held up when you could have avoided it. It also effects those around you. NYC is probably safer because of the huge police state that it has become, where FL doesn't have the tax dollars to hire or even keep their police.
If you have any LEO friends just ask them if it's a good idea to leave your home as vulnerable as you seem to portray. Guess my lab needs karate lessons and a new seal dog buddy.
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Don't yet have a permit, and might seldom carry when acquired next year. A friend who lives in a rural area never leaves home without his Polish P-64. This seems unnecessary.

We were in front of his garage on a bright, warm afternoon and saw two characters Walking down his populated, though rural road. This was very odd. Their hard facial expressions looked exactly like those of the county pen guys we see maintaining the trails at nearby Shelby Farms.

When I drove their direction and saw them sitting in the grass a few minutes later at a county road stop sign, one immed. turned his head completely away when he recognized my car.
I'm 58 and have Never seen That before.
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Well, now you have seen it - so what? SOME folks are highly paranoid that everyone is out to get them; after all, the voices in their head have told them so.... ;) and some of us prefer to NOT be so paranoid. If you truly want to prevent ANY bad things from happening to you, buy a mountain top somewhere miles from anyone and live there off the grid and be completely self-sustaining. Personally, life is too short to go through it in a constant state of fear and paranoia.
If you live where things are that bad, then take the advice of others on the thread about CA - MOVE.........I refuse to live in a constant state of fear and paranoia - prepared is one thing, taking a gun into the shower IMO is grounds for a mental disqualification.

SO flame suit on!
??? What about that .1 percent... that 1:1000?
"texas population is around 26 million and has just under 600,000 chl holders with no unlicensed carry."

that is not correct sir! In texas you may carry unlicensed in a private vehicle. That is a primary reason that there are not more chl holders as many people feel that it is not necessary for them to actually have a gun on their hip as long as they have one in their car.

^^^ this!!
There is rarely a reason or place not to be carrying..., if it's prohibited, I don't need to be there.
You didn't get the shower caddy with the holster and mag holder? Bolts right on to the bullet proof shower door.
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