Armed militia protects its New Orleans neighborhood

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denfoote, undoubtedly these brave people have already been disarmed by the goon squad, and are either huddling fearfully in thier ransacked homes, or huddled fearfully in the cattle car, I mean, bus, going to an unknown destination, with everything they worked so hard to save being parceled out among the looters and vandals.
Off camera, of course. :fire:
It would be interesting to follow this story and see what becomes of things. To bad we don't have anyone, "on the ground", there to keep us posted.
"Pit Bull Will Attack. We Are Here and Have Gun and Will Shoot," said the sign
They forgot to add
If you're from local, state, or federal govt., please go away, we don't need or want your "help" at this property.
A kindergarden story. It could of at least been written in first grade text.

The sign was obviously written for the level of the intended audience. I'd say it was perfect.
Taurus 66,

Your comments disgust me. Since I'm a moderator here, I'll refrain from posting anything else about your opinion.
I too applaud their determination.
I also vote in favor of their literary style.
That is not the time/place for multi-syllable words woven together in eloquent prose.
Kudos to the Austin American-Statesman for printing this. I had a feeling stories like this were out there, but I didn't think we'd see any of them publicized.
Dan Boone didn't have much in the way of classical writing style either.

"Dan'l Boone kilt a bar on this tree"

Those folks make me proud to be an American and they exhibit the moxie that carved a nation out of the wilderness. Would that our shiny pants poseurs that call themselves politicians exhibit the same.
I read the article in the newspaper this weekend - note that they have running water, gas, and phone service. Sounds like they're doing OK - and I suspect that by now the goon squads are becoming a bit more circumspect in their actions.

BTW, over the weekend, i saw film footage of what looked like a SWAT team walking down the middle of the street at an intersection in NOLA . . . I don't know if this was just file footage, but it didn't match the voice-over which went on about how bad things were . . . in THIS area, at least, the power was back on. How do I know? The stoplights at the intersection were working.
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