CSPAN thread for Tuesday 03/02/04

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Dec 20, 2002
Louisiana, USA
Please use this thread for the ongoing discussion of events in the Senate.

In case anyone's wondering why we started new threads for each day: if you click on a thread, the entire thread is loaded. With these Senate threads running into so many pages, this places an enormous load on the server, and degrades the performance of THR. By starting a new thread, we minimize the load on the database each day.

Here's hoping for a positive outcome! We should know by this time tomorrow...
Debate will begin at 9:30am on McCain's gunshow background check amendment, followed by Feinstein's AWB amendment, and then Hatch's repeal of the DC gun ban amendment.

Starting at 11:35am Eastern, there will be a series of stacked votes on any amendments not yet considered (the ones above plus law enforcement CCW, AP ammo, and another attempt to gut S.1805 by Reed or Levin). It is my understanding that any amendments not voted on tomorrow within the allotted time will expire (same as voted down).

Currently the following amendments have been attached:

1. Boxer Amdt. No. 2620 As Amended; To amend chapter 44 of title 18, United States Code, to require the provision of a child safety device in connection with the transfer of a handgun and to provide safety standards for child safety devices.

Plain language: requires manufacturers to sell a child safety device with every handgun. Provides immunity from qualified civil liability suits to gun owners who use one.

2. Frist Amdt. No. 2628; To exempt any lawsuit involving a shooting victim of John Allen Muhammad or John Lee Malvo from the definition of qualified civil liability action that meets certain requirements.

The "certain requirements" are those outline in S.1805 - so basically if you were a DC sniper victim and you could sue under S.1805 before this amendment was attached, you still can. If you couldn't sue before this amendment was attached you still cannot sue - so basically this changes nothing in the bill.

Entire text of this amendment below:

Purpose: To protect the rights of law enforcement officers who are victimized by crime to secure compensation from those who participate in the arming of criminals) On page 9, between lines 21 and 22, insert the following:

(E) LAW ENFORCEMENT EXCEPTION.--Nothing in this Act shall be construed to limit the right of an officer or employee of any Federal, State, or local law enforcement agency to recover damages authorized under Federal or State law in a civil action that meets 1 of the requirements under clauses (i) through (v) of subparagraph (A).

3. Frist Amdt. No. 2630; To protect the rights of law enforcement officers who are victimized by crime to secure compensation from those who participate in the arming of criminals.

Same as DC Sniper bill - does nothing new...entire text of bill is below:

(Purpose: To protect the rights of law enforcement officers who are victimized by crime to secure compensation from those who participate in the arming of criminals) On page 9, between lines 21 and 22, insert the following:

(E) LAW ENFORCEMENT EXCEPTION.--Nothing in this Act shall be construed to limit the right of an officer or employee of any Federal, State, or local law enforcement agency to recover damages authorized under Federal or State law in a civil action that meets 1 of the requirements under clauses (i) through (v) of subparagraph (A)."
Bartholomew Roberts corrected me about Hutchison's vote on the original AWB. She DID vote for the original version of H.R. 3355, but that one did NOT contain the AWB. After the addition of the AWB, she voted NO.
If the amendments not voted on by 1130 are killed, why don't the Republicans stage a mass no show until 1130? No quorom, no voting.
aquapong: Wouldn't there be a quroum of anti gunners, and thus a vote of ~50-0 in favor of the AWB, and gun show loophole?
If that's the case, then the AWB is going to pass anyway, right? No, the real problem is that if not quite enough Republicans left to prevent a quorum, (And every last one of them would have to leave to make it work.) then the 40 some Democrats would outvote the few Republicans who remained. And you KNOW the RINOs would stick around for just that reason.
Nice Chess move

Has anyone one else noticed that Bill Frist has pulled Kerry and Edwards off the campaign trail on Super Tuesday to vote for gun control?
Has anyone one else noticed that Bill Frist has pulled Kerry and Edwards off the campaign trail on Super Tuesday to vote for gun control?

Yeah... that's a wake-up call for me. They're not just blindly following the crowd on this one, they're going out of their way to take my guns away. So far out of the way that they'll throw away a day of campaigning for it.

Me thinks I need to hit ammoman.com again.
I just called Edwards' office. I don't know if he will be in today, but I asked his staffer to ask Mr. Edwards to provide me with some evidence he is more electable than the Massachusetts liberal he is running against by voting against amending S. 1805 if he happens to be in town for the vote.

Calling Senator Smith again.
Yeah... that's a wake-up call for me. They're not just blindly following the crowd on this one, they're going out of their way to take my guns away.

No kidding... anybody who thinks the Dems are moderating their pro-gun control stance better wake up. Kerry missed 128 days where the Senate was voting and every vote since he started campaigning; but he is coming back for this one. Same for Edwards - missed every vote so far; but giving up any super Tuesday edge in a race where this is his last shot to win JUST to pass gun control laws.
I just called Kerry's office. "I note that Mr. Kerry is running for President this year. I also note that he has missed almost every vote in the Senate for the past six months but that he is coming in today to specifically vote against gun rights. I do not appreciate his lack of committment to freedom and will not under any circumstances vote for him in November if he votes to amend S. 1805."

I kinda got the sense that they knew I already would never vote for him. I reminded them I live in a swing state out here in Oregon, where most of us like our guns just fine and we have no state AWB.
We will have a verbatum record of the lies the anti's spout today. Could be useful to beat them with later. Too bad oratory in front of the senate can't be classified as perjury.
For what it's worth: Florida Senators' Numbers:

Sen. Graham: (202) 224-3041
Sen Nelson: (202) 224-5274

Both sets of staffers have been very polite and I can hear them typing into a computer terminal as I request to "Support 1805 and oppose Sen. Feinstein's amendment to ban certain semi-auto rifles." Sen. Nelsons's staffers will ask for your Zip code.
OK, there will be 3 votes starting at 11:35am...they will recess until 2:15pm Eastern for meetings and then finish the rest of the votes and the final vote on the bill
For what it's worth: Florida Senators' Numbers:

Sen. Graham: (202) 224-3041
Sen Nelson: (202) 224-5274

Both are pretty much a lost cause. Nelson is a little more open, but Graham is not. Graham is on his way out, anyways, so he's gonna vote for the AWB, and it pretty much won't matter what you think.
If you got time

Feingold (202) 224-5323
Dorgan (202) 224-2551
Conrad (202) 224-2043
Voinovich (202) 224-3353
Smith (202) 224-3753
Fitzgerald (202) 224-2854
Lugar (202) 224-4814

Call Now!
McCain up to push the gunshow background check that his masters at AGS have paid him to push. Lieberman named as co-sponsor along with several of the usual suspects.
3-day maximum wait on background checks and states can apply for a 24-hour maximum delay after a three-year delay. Have to have 95% of state misdemeanor, felony and restraining order records automated and available to NICS in order to qualify for 24-hr. check.
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