If you had your druthers..alternate weapon?

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Does anyone even practice with any of the crazy stuff you're suggesting? ;) I mean, some of the ideas are tres cool but come on...

Daniel F.,
Practice? Isn't it like a gun? (Just point and shoot?) My cousin had a training exercise when he was stationed at the DMZ in Korea. One of the UN contingents was a company of Gurkhas. The night exercise was that the Gurkhas would be the invading force. My cousins job was to protect a squadron of tanks with a company of soldiers besides the tankers.
The Gurkhas said that they would attack with only their Kukris..no rifles. It wasn't to be in your face, but it was their pride in their stealth skills.
The American troopers being the sportsmen that they were immediately made bets as to who would win.
The Gurkhas won without even one being wounded.
I heard of their combat skills, that's when I took some lessons in the use of a Kukri. Been practicing for a while with this weapon and also escrima. I like the way these weapons handle. I've also practiced with many other martial arts weapons and that would be my choice.
Good luck with yours.
Can I have one of those OC pepper ball guns? I do like a distance weapon. Serious choice here.

Or a ready to go quality crossbow - then the bag o' rattlesnakes in the trebuchet.

Spears, swords, ballbats - don't like contact sports.
A folding chair.

Hey if it works on a 285 lb wrestler, it should work on most intruders. :D

If I couldn't own a gun then I think a combination of a bow and a blade would be a good option.

As well as a German Shepherd.

Yes I practice.. I have to aim oven cleaner to clean the oven. Oven cleaner good because its very caustic and will $&#^$ up the bad guys vision. Plus its works great on mean #^$ dogs. I used to be a paper boy and one dog like to try and bite me everytime I went by the house it lived at (they didn't get the paper) so one day I had enough and let the dog have it with oven cleaner. Didn't have a dog problem anymore.

I play softball or baseball once in a while so I can swing a bat accurately.

Okay I need to practice with a dagger, anyone want to volunteer?

Charby- Don't practice with your guns either since you played Duck Hunt on NES :rolleyes:
If it were somehow possible to keep otherwise law-abiding citizens from blatently disobeying a complete gun ban...I'd make my own weapon.

Firearms are not that difficult to make from the ground up if you know what you are doing. When I was in high school I made gun powder from dirt, just to see if I could do it. Labor intensive, but plausible.

Also, one could easily make a very high powered stun gun. Increasing the power would make it much more effective than what is legally sold today. Think of a 1500 watt taser.

Necessity is the Mother of Invention ;)
"DIVORCE LAWYER"! Hey, those are dangerous....! No one liked the framing nailer? Man i have winged a lot of nails with one and they really spit them out hard, we used to target practice with them on slow days. As an aside, a used 7 1/4" skill saw blade makes a dandy throwing star.
My impression of kukri's- a great chopper, very like a barong in that respect, but no cross guard (again like a barong), and dangerous to stab with. A weapon that depends on swinging is questionable in tight quarters like a hall. And yes, I have tried it. Cut a door in half, top to bottom, glass and all with a kukri. A nice 19 century double fullered, 15" blade. It cut well. ( cut to Jack Nicholson in "The Shining"... "daddy's home!"). A katana is too long to swing in close quarters, a Wak is too short for comfort. Preacherman as usual has his head on straight- a short stabbing spear like an assegai is , I think, the choice. Of course, you do not have the "damn, I came home from the pub, laid my framing nailer, chainsaw, hammer, or what ever down and then this psycho busted in and I grabbed what was handy" excuse........
I'm with Flechette,
I have made several from scratch. No great trick.
A government that makes law that is to my detriment is a government whose law I cannot and will not respect.

Once I have 1 I can get as many as I want or need.

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