Mountain Lion Attack

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If that cat hits you right there will be no chance of saving your friend. A neck bite will sever spine, veins, and air almost instantly. We are not the top of the food chain while in their territory.
Your comment is over-the-top rhetoric.

No, rhetoric is when one calls something "green" as though it had a negative connotation such as: "That statement is straight out of the Green handbook."

I never said exterminate them. In check means so many animals per so many square miles as required by the species to maintain a healthy population. That number to be determined by wildlife bio's who study these things and hopefully know what they are talking about.

There is very little whole sections of natural land remaining of sufficient size to support big cat populations. Most undeveloped areas in north america exist in small pockets that can't be traveled between without encountering areas populated by humans. The fact is for every cougar sighted near humans there are thousands that aren't which never pose a problem.

The only way to prevent any cougar attacks is to exterminate them from the wild. I do value an individual human's life over an individual cougars but don't believe an entire species of animal should be wiped out to prevent an extremely tiny number of potential human deaths. If the current numbers of human attacks justified eliminating cougars many other animals and things would need removed from our world as well.

There is no logical way one can argue that big cats should be exterminated without arguing the same thing for pet dogs as the latter kills far more people annually.
just where would I shoot the animal in order to force it to let go of the victim as quickly as possible.

Do you have no concept of mammalian anatomy? Is Google an unknown?

If you feel you can not take a head shot, then a round behind the shoulder will kill just about anything on 4 legs.
Weird. I used to have a "spot" on my friends farm, where a puma frequented. I used to watch it from a distance. It knew I was there. But I never felt I was in any danger. He was just scoping out the cattle.

He never made a move because of human presence. Big cats are amongst some of the most intelligent creatures on the planet, and post little risk to humans. The biggest mistake, like any other animal is to get near its young, or bait it's hunting instincts (fast movements, desperate dashes etc).
Sorry about the bogus cat picture. The internet suckers me all the time. I am glad the bridge I bought will make up for the embarrassment of this.
Sorry about the bogus cat picture. The internet suckers me all the time. I am glad the bridge I bought will make up for the embarrassment of this.

No need to apologize, the trail pics were real... It was the story that was not.
Do you have no concept of mammalian anatomy? Is Google an unknown?

If you feel you can not take a head shot, then a round behind the shoulder will kill just about anything on 4 legs.

What took you so long, Maple City?

FOUR pages and 81 replies later you FINALLY speak up.

We could've resolved this FIVE days ago had you graced us with your infinite knowledge in a more timely manner.

Better late than never, though, right?

Thread's closed, guys.

We figured this one out.

Good times, fellas. Thanks for comin.
Heh, there's more petty bickering on this forum than other, normal gun forums, where people supposedly do not hold themselves to higher conduct. Odd.

As for me and my thoughts, some people are only there to be an example for others. I'll take a weapon with me when I go for nature walks, and, if I get jumped by Bad Kittah, I will do my best to kill it and then I will have it stuffed.
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