My new co-worker

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Dec 19, 2002
Nashville, TN, USA
We've had a new sales rep for the past few weeks. Today she found out that I also work on SWAT magazine, and she said cautiously, while making a finger gun, "SWAT... as in... guns?"

:scrutiny: "Yep." (waiting for the big "eew" face)

"Cool! So do you go out to the range?"

:p "Yep."

"Cool! So do I!" :D

( I sense a Ladies' Day Out at the range.)

It turns out she has a criminal justice degree. She really liked ballistics, though learning how to figure out what gun the bullet came from was really hard. She said she had quite a bit of range time and enjoyed it. Somehow she ended up taking care of misguided juvies. Her "kids" were gang members and other lost souls who would constantly get into fist fights with each other, do drugs, wind up pregnant, and do all sorts of undesirable things.

And then one day she was transporting a van load of these kids when one of them flips a gang sign at another kid on a street corner. The kid at the corner (around nine years old) opens fire, riddling the van with bullets. My co-worker hits the gas and leaves the area. One of her passengers was grazed on the ear. My co-worker found a safe place to pull over and called the police. The news crews arrived first. :rolleyes:

And then she had to split up a fight between two of her boys, and in the process gets punched in the face and knocked out. To top that off, a few days later another one the kids confided to her that he had recently murdered somebody.

So she's not in criminal justice anymore. Her brush with death and helping kids who didn't seem to want help was enough to make her move on.
Sounds like she needs a few drinks after that range session.

Just add her to the ole' band of shooting buddies list.

Nice, great to work with people you have something in common with.

A couple years ago, I had an EMT student from the local community college assigned to ride along with me. She was a very nice looking girl with beautiful long blonde hair. Once I found out she was married, I began checking out all my usual gun related websites on the net. She asked me if I was in to guns. I said yes. She told me that she was also. She has a CCW and carries a full sized government model. She has taken a few formal classes etc. We spent the next 11 hours talking guns. I guess I would be stereotyping, but I would have never expected her to be doing any of that stuff.
Years ago, I had a paramedic student assigned to be for training. She mentioned to me that she was an avid hunter, but her husband was not. One day I was making my rounds to all the local gun shops (on duty) and she saw a rifle she couldn't live without. But she didn't want to buy it because her husband would be mad. I gave her a few lessons on how to sneak it into the house.
It seems like all the good ones are taken.
Runt - your coworker found out that there is a very unglamorous side to law enforcement. Juvies are about the worse to deal with (as compared to convicts who know the system, know how to do time and know when not to cause trouble).

444 - your story about the lady who was afraid about sneaking a rifle home is too funny. Most of the time it's the other way around.
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