Why I hate my town police.

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Billy the Kid

Apr 14, 2004
Because theyre all jerks!

I go today to get myself fingerprinted for my gun permit right? So I go in and i say so.. whats the 1st thing that happens? all the coppers start giving me the stink eye. Telling me i shouldnt need a gun, and why do i need a gun. Giving me a pamphlet about how youre more likely to shoot a family member with a gun in the house etc etc.. i wade through all the BS and ge tthe prints done.. goody.. Am i done there? Nope.. now i bring all my documentation to the records person.. in CT you have to have yourself printed, send a check to the police for thier trouble, then send a money order to the FBI for the background check, then you had to have already completed an NRA safety course. so thats 35, plus 35, plus 25 for the prints and registration fees, plus 140 for the course, oh then they want an additional 35 dollar check for the permanate pistol permit once i get it because the one im applying for now is a temp 60 day town permit. YAAAAY. so that bring sus up to what? 270 dollars just to register... O_O youd think after that theyd be more helpful.. nope... a HOOOOOST of problems they hand me.

A. you used blue ink on your form, re-do it in black *sigh* i do so.
B. your signature is too squiggly, re-do it again so they can see all the letters *sigh* i do so.
C. you forgot to sign this and get it notorized, what? no we dont notorize it here you got to go to town hall and do that... *sigh* i grab all my stuff and go to town hall
D. Come ack from TH with it notorized and signed. Opps she didnt stamp the notorizied section with her stamp, you got to go back and have her stamp it.

to which i refuse and say they said this should be it.

She says "i got to call her then" she does... hears the same thing i said.. then tells me to have a seat because she has to talk to the cop on duty... 35 minutes later she comes back and says ok its good.
E. OOPS youre supposed to give 2 money orders and a check, not 2 checks and a money order, the police station wont take a check from you.. *sigh* i go back to the bank and get another money order.

F. i come back and she takes it... she looks at my birth cert. and implies it looks fake because theres not seal on it... i insist there is one but its old and has been in my wallet for years, she brings it to the cop on duty again who says there is a faint seal and its ok. another 20 minutes.

G. SHE FIIIIIINNALLY take ALL my stuff and says we should be good to go. Im relieved it was a pain in the butt and harder than it should have been.

Heres the straw that broke my back.

Her: ok we will notify you by mail within 12 weeks if you are approved.
Me: CT state law says that you guys oly have 8 weeks to get back to me.
her: i know but its been slow around here.
me: the law is the law you have to give me my permit by 8 weeks, not 12. *getting mad*

her: i know but we have a lot of backlogs
me: tell you what... you got 8 weeks. if i dont have my permit by then im comming here with a lawyer and we're going to file an appeal and get a writ of mandamus and someone is going to lose thier job.
her: its going to be at least 12 weeks.

I'm sorry man...AHH FEAL YER PAIN (Clinton voice):eek:

You should have asked the cop if he takes his gun home since they're soooo dangerouse to his family.:rolleyes: :neener:
I'm glad I live in a free state. No BS; if I decide I want a gun one morning, I walk into the gun shop with cash, and walk out with a gun 15 min later.

One of my roommates, from NJ, is working on getting his first handgun. I don't know what the process is up there, but he expects a SIX MONTH wait before he is approved to buy one. Sheesh.

Good luck.
the laws are ridiculous.. the cop that was fingerprinting me actually told me "its a good thing youre geting this down now so youll be grandfathered in, theyre probably going to stop giving out permits not too long from now completely. (***?!)
Town permits can definitely suck depending on where you are. Mine wasn't bad at all though. What's the deal with 60 day town temporary? Mine was good for five years, so I'd have to say you're getting a lot less for your $35, even though town permits aren't really good for anything aside from being a necessary step to the state one.
It was the townies hassling you and not the State Police, right? It sounds like you were talking to an evil records clerk and not an actual officer?
It was a records clerk, but she represents the Police Station of my town.

Yes heres the deal you gotta do all this nonsense to get your TEMP TOWN PERMIT which is good for 60 days only and only allows you to carrya gun not buy one. Its not renewable either. Then once you have it you gotta drive to the state trooper barracks and get a permanate one for another 35 dollars...

The firearms board has been trying to get it so that you only have to deal with 1 organization for a permanate permit, but theyre met with a lot of resistence form local town cops and stuff because the permits DO bring in SOME money to the police station... it really sucks because you gotta do this whole thing then do it all again twice. why even have a temp permit? its just to get money i tell ya!
Yeah, CT does it funny. Looking at my old town permit, they got my FBI check back in early August, and didn't get around to issuing 'till second week of September. And mine is signed in blue ink! IIRC, you can buy with it if there's a gunshop in the town that issued the permit, but you don't get instant check, you have to wait a while for them to do it the hard way. The problem with some of the smaller towns is that records clerks are very cranky. When I interned at the states attorneys office there was one who'd just say "no." and hang up on me when I called to request reports. It's not like she knew me, or I was rude or anything either... I guess some people are just jerks.
Boy Im glad I dont live in your town. I just renewed my permit filled out the form had my prints taken gave them one picture plus $100 check was advised to pickup my permit after 8am the next morning.
I'm sure it was/is a pain to follow the CT process. But, I'll bet since you threatened to bring an attorney (to the police station) if you don't receive your permit in the required time period, your received time might just (accidently) be extended by a couple weeks. Hell, she might have lost your paperwork. Probably not a good move on your part, especially if the cops in your small town know you. You're not the same Billy the Kid in the movie "The Green Mile" are you? :eek:

BWAHAHAHARRR.............. :D

Just try to apply for a German firearms permit! :banghead: :cuss: :barf:

THAT can really drive you into a Jihad mood. :evil:

Your little problems with the CT Police are really small-scale, petty and insignificant, compared to the procedures a German firearms permit applicant has to endure. :fire:

You just don't know how lucky you are, Billy! ;)
"Why I hate my town police."

Not to make fun of your situation but just to your north, in the supposed gun-unfriendly People's Commonwealth of Massachusetts, my local police department is great about issuing permits. In fact several of the department stop in and socialize in our local gun store.

Now it took almost 75 days to get my permit back but everyone in the state knew there was a backlog and just had to deal with it.
And so the appropriate thing, OH25? Stay quiet and submissive even though the local representative of law is stating bluntly that she/they are going to violate state law? Nah, tell her the facts, then spend the money, get the attorneys and drag them through the mud if they DO violate their own laws. While it's making your own life more difficult it is the only way to make others lives easier in the future. So long as everyone is worried about offending the nice bureaucrat things will never change...unless they get worse.
shall issue state my a$$...they're basically trying to get you to give up so you won't get the permit......btw, my buddy just went through the whole permit process in Shelton.....15 weeks!!!!! After week 8 he called them everyday to ask if the permit is ready, makes you wonder about that department a little......

Even 12 weeks wqould be great around these parts. NYS law gives the state 6 months, but some people here are waiting almost a year. Then the local judges review each purchase, which adds several business days to the transfer time.They are justifying the reviewing of each transfer by claiming that they are catching people whose permits are no longer valid, but I don't see how thats the case.
Wow, BTK, that sucks. Like Wolf said, good thing you stuck through with it, It's said that your town makes it such a PITA to get a permit, I'm sure they do it on purpose as a deterrant.

I walked into the BCI here, paid my dues, took prints and photos, and got my permit in the mail in 5 business days (that was after I was told 4 to 6 weeks). Guess i;m just lucky on that one.
Me: CT state law says that you guys oly have 8 weeks to get back to me.
her: i know but its been slow around here.
me: the law is the law you have to give me my permit by 8 weeks, not 12. *getting mad*

her: i know but we have a lot of backlogs

Let us juxtapose that with a little similar scenario:

Officer: You were doing 60 in a 55.
Driver: Yes. But I'm in a hurry.
Officer: The law says you may not exceed posted limits.
Driver: Sure sure whatever. I'm in a hurry.

Does anyone see the one-sided absurdity of this?
The problem is, the law requires government employees to do certain things, and that includes meeting schedules set forth by law.

But if they DON'T comply with the law, there are NO penalties and NO consequences to the errant bureaucrats themselves. :cuss: :barf: :fire:
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