7/28/05 Senate S.397 Discussion

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You mean the gun store proprietors in your area don't all look like that?
I'm not saying they all wear suits and ties, but most aren't 150 lbs overweight wearing an undershirt and suspenders, like a redneck Santa. :neener:
Feinstein said she won't offer the assault weapons ban as an amendment because it would be sure to lose, with the changes in the Senate's makeup. "We'll wait and come back another day,'' she said off the Senate floor.

Frist angered the bill's opponents by indicating he wouldn't allow many of their amendments to come up for a vote.

San Fran Chronicle
Night, call VCDL and tell then to yank Warner's tail so we can get to the good amendments of schumer... ohhhh. here we go... they are back...
Did ya notice how ALL THE Democrats voted for the trigger lock amendment?


All 30 no votes were REPUBLICANS.
Is anyone up for some good realtime chat on this tonight? I have a spare IRC server I can set up temporarily.
The Brady ad says:

A government report* says suspected terrorists can legally and easily buy .50 caliber sniper rifles.


*Suspect Organizations and Individuals Possessing Long-Range Fifty Caliber Sniper Weapons, Minority Staff Report, Committee on Government Reform, U.S. House of Representatives.

"Minority Staff Report, Committee on Government Reform, U.S. House of Representatives" means "some Democrat representative's staffers." Hardly a government report.

But hey, why tell the truth when a lie will do?
1642, 1615, 1619, 1620, and a couple other amendments to be considered and debated tomorrow, and the rest of today to CAFTA and the like.
Did I just hear Frist say that he was going to allow for a Kennedy amendment later on? :scrutiny:
Well, looks like that's it for today. I'm going to go wash the stink of politics off and think about anything but until tomorrow.
Is anyone up for some good realtime chat on this tonight?
You'll understand if I don't feel like typing anymore today. I admire your tenacity for politics, though. :D
Another day of this? My back hurts - gotta get a better designed copmuter chair - at least during dull moments i can turn the chair to the right, and hit the reloading press... :cool:
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