7/27/05 Senate | S. 397

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After bloviating for some time, Kennedy gets back to the subject at hand and blames the gun lobby and gun industry for trying to "strip victims of rights". The victims right to sue people completely unrelated to the crime apparently... or maybe it was the right of trial lawyers to bankrupt legal American businesses? The right of blowhards like Kennedy to force regulation through lawsuits that he can't get a majority of Americans to support?

Repeats the old lie about toy guns being more regulated than real guns. Obviously Teddy hasn't bought many guns lately...
Chapaquidic Ted is reading right from the Brady play book. Says that it will shield the gun industry even if they act negligently. :banghead:
Ahhhhhhh.....Diane Feinstein is up....my eyes, my eyes.

Yes, Diane, it's all about the NRA.....yup, it's a give away to special interests. Just keep saying that so that you make yourself look like more of an idiot. :cuss:
It irritates me to no end to see a Senator of the United States get up there and just flat out lie - not rhetoric, not hyperbole; but bald-faced lie about the topic at hand as though he is talking to a room full of schoolchildren who wouldn't possibly think to question whatever putrefication spewed forth from the gaping hole below his beady little eyes.
Feinstein is desperate and it looks like she has no way to stop the bill.

Ranting about the NRA......... :rolleyes:
The problem is Bart, that most of the Senators don't question much of what is spewed by their colleagues.
Yea! Feinstein just stated "I don't support meritless lawsuits against the gun industry"... I guess she'll be voting for the bill now :rolleyes:

She is basically complaining that if this bill passes victims won't be able to be reimbursed by gun companies for the criminal behavior of others and they won't be able to force manufacturers, distributors, and dealers to accept rules more strict than what Congress has passed.

Oooo! She goes on to say that it is "dreadful and despicable that the gun industry will get off scott-free unless they violate a law".
I figure that she has no amendments to offer or she would be talking about them.
She hasn't said more than a few things that she just keeps changing around a little.

Yep it is all the fault of Kahr arms that people were stealing from them. Just like it is your and my fault if someone steals a gun from us and then uses it in crime. :barf:
Feinswine just said words to the effect that 50 lawyers told her that a gun dealer could load up the back of an open pickup with loaded assault weapons, park it unattended on a city street for a week, and have NO liability whatsoever if someone steals and misuses them.
It irritates me to no end to see a Senator of the United States get up there and just flat out lie - not rhetoric, not hyperbole; but bald-faced lie about the topic at hand . . .
+1 on that. :fire: :cuss: :banghead:
I figure that she has no amendments to offer or she would be talking about them.

She won't talk about them yet because they haven't actually progressed to that point yet. If it passes the cloture vote at 2pm, then she will discuss the amendments that I am sure are already filed. The chance of Feinstein offering no amendments to a gun bill is less than zero.
Breaking news - the ABA, an association of lawyers, does not support legislation restricting the power of lawyers over American industry.
Feinstein just referred to unprecedented strict tests of "germaneness" that will be in effect this afternoon when the bill is seriously processed. She's whining, but does answer the question of what might happen (or not). In effect, only the minority needs to use their time for debate (50/50), because the underlying bill is as safe for passage as it can be at this point. The interest will be this afternoon in sorting out and qualifying any amendments as germane and then to what extent the liability protection provisions get watered down.
Feinstein: "I know we are going to lose on the motion to proceed and then watch, watch them try and stop us from putting any amendments on the bill. It is a sad day in the United States Senate".

I hope you're right Diane!
"Watch them try to stop us from putting any amendments on the bill" - Feinswhine

An hour (12-1) of majority time is next.

LOL, Feinstein almost started crying during while speaking. She even lamented that the bill would pass, and even with no ammendments. Perhaps this hit will drive her out of office finally.

Cornyn is talking about the upcoming hearings for Judge Roberts. Now he yields his time and calls quorum.
LOL, Feinstein almost started crying during while speaking. She even lamented that the bill would pass, and even with no ammendments. Perhaps this hit will drive her out of office finally.

We're not that lucky. She will probably try to attach a nation wide 50 cal ban. :uhoh:
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