CSPAN thread for Tuesday 03/02/04

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"Just left Sen Nelson of FL a message - yes they ask for a zip code"<P> Did yoiu give him a Florida zip code?
Is the measure to revoke the District of Columbia gun ban part of this debate, on separate legislation?
No, it's been tossed. It's no longer being considered with this bill. Apparently, our side gave it away and got nothing in return.
The Frist _Craig amendment about Law enforcement exceptions would only allow them sto sue gun dealers if they would have been able to under the original 1805. It was a substitute amendment to get rid of a antigun amendment. Does not change the actual law at all.
Let's see if this old man has something right...

With all these (expletive) amendments, if S.1805 fails, then all is static... nobody gets their pet project, but we get the ban removed.

Do I have this correctly understood?? There is no way to resurrect this AWB before sunset?
I am also seeing in all of this, that Democrats simply know how to fight Political War....and Republicans simply do not. Or choose not to.

Congressional Republicans have decades of experience at taking dives. The only change since they took control is that they're finding it hard to conceal it.
AWB can be brought up anytime before September or even after. If it was not added to this bill it would have been harder to bring it up later is all.
With all these (expletive) amendments, if S.1805 fails, then all is static... nobody gets their pet project, but we get the ban removed.
It will sunset in September as planned if this bill gets tossed out. If it does not get tossed, we are stuck with an extension and you can forget about September. It means nothing then.
Oooooooohh hell YES they can resurrect the AWB. It just turns out that S.1805 was the best vehicle for it. So far. As it stands, the soul-less devil-spawn can go back and tell their constituents that they voted for the lawsuit immunity bill. Conrad and Dorgan, Lincoln and Pryor. Keep those Red-state Senators in your thoughts...
Do I have this correctly understood?? There is no way to resurrect this AWB before sunset?
There is always a way :fire:

This just happens to be the anti's best chance. If it fails here, it will probably fail in all other attempts, but you can bet your sweet back side they'll put that to the test.
Anybody know what time they are taking the final vote?

I see a lot of pessimism that we won't be sold out in the House. Wasn't the initial vote approx. 280-140? And this SURE isn't the same bill anymore, so hopefully it will be seen now as more AWB renewal than gun maker lawsuit protection.

Damn. This goes WELL beyond compromise - gun locks, gun show background checks, AWB renewal, LEO carry (though the LEO carry would probably not be looked as as "gun control" by the average American, I think).

Dang, we didn't win anything.

Wonder if the hardcore anti- Senators will now vote "Yea" on the total bill, since its now all about gun control?
The Craig-Frist Amendment to S. 1805, which increases penalties for criminals who use AP ammo in violent crimes and calls for a study of the issue, passes.

Yays: 85

Nays: 12
Just sent this out . I sugest you do the same in voice , and email.
Dear Senator Murkowski ,
I am very pleased with your vote record against the AWB this morning during debates for 1805.I am glad that you recognize the right of the people to keep and bear arms . Sadly those against the second amendment have been able to tack on worthless amendments to 1805 and I must urge you to not vote for 1805 to pass. Gun owners across the nation are being woken up by Senator Kennedy naming 30-30 hunting ammo for banning . I believe in the coming elections the anti gunners will be handed walking papers from the Senate. We can pass this bill clean in the next session . Regrettably this bill must be put to pasture to stop encroachment on the rights of our people .Thank you for your time , and work for the State of Alaska , and the people of our nation.
The Larger Issue

I'm a political scientist, with at least a little political intuition. If you want to stem the tide on this, IMHO, you need to tie it to a larger philosophical and emotional theme. And the one I'm thinking of is the one demonstrated by that fourth hijacked plane on 9/11. Citizens are the "last line of defense," against the threat of totalitarian terrorism, so diarming them is a profound "mistake in doctrine." Tied to this is the idea of a different relationship to the state, that involves more responsibility adopted by ordinary Americans for crime and for quelling terrorism. This is a simple, comprehensive, theme that not only fits a lot of situations impacting on gun laws, but also one of the main themes in American politics (individualism and anti-statism). More to the point It's precisely why I changed MY mind on these issues. It's an easy and intuitive story to tell, and it'll put the opposition on the run.
GOD DAMN I WISH THAT WHALE WOULD JUST UP AND DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kennedy up, is screaming about sniper rifles and assault weapons. How some of the bullets can go as far as a mile. LOL
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