CSPAN thread for Tuesday 03/02/04

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What a pathetic exhibition this was. No wonder they never get anything done in congress.

It also makes me realize how I need to know my legislators personally and cannot vote along party lines.

"Now more than ever the people are responsible for the character of their Congress. If that body be ignorant, reckless, and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness, and corruption. If it be intelligent, brave, and pure, it is because the people demand these high qualities to represent them in the national legislature."--James Garfield
Good thing they wasted all day working on that. Whew!!! I was worried that my elected officials might be wasting time or something.

Now, who do we need to contact in the press to get a retraction of that "The AWB was renewed" story that was reported earlier???
No Cheney but the ambiguously gay duo showed up.

We are still screwed as far as Senate goes folks. They just proved they have the backing for the re-introduction of the AWB in it's present form or worse.

Start those letters up again and don't stop until sometime in November!

They voted no because they want to be able to sue gun manufacturers. It helps their cause. They attached all of the tumors (ammendments) so that it would not pass. It is the way the Senate works.

Senate works

LOL! What an oxymoron!
No wonder they never get anything done in congress.
I would say 99.99% of the time that is a very good thing. The less they do or the slower they do it, the longer we get to keep the freedoms we still have.
Looks like the whole thing is dead. It looks like:

What we paid:
1) the loss of a decent, important bill to prevent groundless lawsuits against Mfrs. Now it's time to go out and support them (and pro-gun candidates) with our money.

What we got:
1) the AWB's best chance of renewal destroyed;
2) no further encroachments on gun shows and private sales, FOR THE MOMENT;
3) Senators ON RECORD as for or against this country's principles.

Painful. Worth it.

Wouldn't work... CV types are loaded with glorious comm equipment - they'd just vote by satellite.
ok so why did feinstein, boxer, kerry, edwards, kennedy and clinton all vote nea on this sucker?

Because it looks good on their voting record. No on can question whether they waffled on a topic or not. Also, no one will ask them why they didn't vote FOR the AWB, because it was buried in a dead bill.
yeah but how can feinstein get her bill to the floor? they would need a qurom vote of 60 votes and they don't have that?

just because she has 52 votes doesn't mean she bring bring her bill straight to the floor? can she?
Did Kerry and Edwards break off the campaigning to vote?

Yes, they both did, Kerry was given 15 minutes to make a campaign speech :banghead: I'm surprised that Edwards didn't just vote against the party line after getting snubbed so hard by them, even wasn't given any time to speak.
to quote slim pickens in blazing saddles "I am deeepressed" the one piece of pro legislation and the bloody Democrats screw it all up with their evil black gun hysteria "oh god 2% of gun crime won't some one think of the children
Guess I know where I'll be on Sept. 13, and it WON'T be downwind of the putrefied stench of this Congress.

Think the mfgs. will actually advertise pre-ban features that will become available?
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