CSPAN thread for Tuesday 03/02/04

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Reed from RI: Already not a clean bill with the Boxer Amendment. Lets add some sensible "safety" regulations as well. Assault weapons are bad, police hate them, gun show loophole exploited by terrorists, blah blah blah.
Reed from RI: Our bill excludes the sell or transfer of an item from private collection at a person's private residence. Remember Columbine.

Senator Kerry from Mass is up for 6 minutes.
Reed: The bill is already not clean, so we should add more safety measures. The idea that we're going to open up access to AW again is absurd. LEO have to face these guns on the street. Another is closing the gun show loop-hole. Harps on terrorists exploiting gun shows again. Craig has conjured up this fear of creeping gun control. That's why the McCain-Reed amdt does not apply to personal collections at private residences. We know guns are going into criminal and terrorist elements through gun shows. The potential customers of gun shows could be terrorists or criminals. Talks about Columbine.
Reed, back to the big lie....this is not the beginning/slippery slope for more future gun laws. Again, HOW DUMB DO YOU THINK WE ARE?
Among other things, his collusion with Feingold on the Incumbent Protection Act definitely makes McCain a RINO.

- Abe
Reed said that all private gun sales on the McCain/Reed Amen must be conducted at the private residence.

Does anyone know if this means either the sellers home or the buyers home?
"So you create a whole new hurdle for law-abiding citizens? "

We don't have enough criminals so we will create some.

The Vet up speaking for AWB. "I still hunt."

Looking for a willing intern in the cloak room isn't considered hunting Sen. Kerry.
Kerry with his big lie.....I'm one of you...I hunt....I support the Second Amendment.


Talk is cheap. You are a consistant leftists who ALWAYS votes against our God given rights in this area.

But, he's a hunter, a supporter of the Second Amendment.....because he tells us so.

"Gun owners support the renewal of the AWB."

Really? I'm a gun owner....so are all my friends. Your friends are mainly cocktail party elitist rich leftists. But he can tell me that "gun owners" support the AWB."

"Let's be honest about what we are facing."

YES, let's be honest.

"The NRA is defending the indefenseable."

PLOY...blaim everything on the NRA, thereby discounting 88 million gunowners who aren't members of the NRA.

DARN, I do not like John Kerry, the most liberal (leftist) voting record in the entire U.S. Senate (and that's saying something with Boxer and Feinstein around).
Kerry - "the people have no right to have military style weapons on the streeats pf America." (close quote)

He doesn't read the writings of framers, etc. does he?

Kerry is a lying sack of sh...

Or... he clearly has no idea what he's talking about.

Evidently for ten years Americans have been safe from the awful bayonet lug.

He just said gun owners across American support renewal of the AWB.
The NRA and lobbyists don't care about the common person. There is a difference between Field and Stream people and the NRA's Soldiers of Fortune.

Durn breaking up audio...
Kerry: The issue before us today can be summed up in one word. Responsibility. I first started hunting when I was a kid, and still enjoy it today. I believe strongly in the RKBA. I also believe with our rights come common sense responsibilities. The RKBA should be protected, but there is no right to place military style AW into the hands of terrorists and criminals. There is no right to have access to weapons of war. To those who wish to wield those weapons, we have a place for them. The military. If we don't ban these weapons, police are more threatened. For 10 years the AWB has stopped fugitives, rapists, murderers from getting AK47s. Not one honest American has had their gun taken away. A few months ago I was hunting with a sheriff. He pointed to a house they had raided where meth and crack was sold. Right beside the bed there was an assault weapon. Other LEO do not believe we should be selling these weapons. Gun owners support the AWB, and closing the gun show loop-hole. Speaks of terrorists using gun shows. The opposition to this common sense law is driven by the NRA, and by lobbyists. This is not the voice of responsible gun owners. There is a gap between field and stream owners, and the NRA soldier of fortune leadership. Says Bush needs to sign this, etc.
Kerry is now taking shots at Bush. Gotta fit the campaign in there somewhere...

edit: Reid yields the last time to Kerry...for more face time no doubt.
I have heard two words about not bringing lawsuits against manufacturers. Everything else is about the AWB. I thought this was about lawsuits.

Kerry is a lying SOS.

No policeman who carries a weapon to shoot American citizens should have to worry about being out-gunned!

Thank you Mr. Kerry
Mr. Kerry, the 2nd Amendment isn't about trap shooting or hunting!

I wish Sen Craig (or anyone ) would say this. If he cited the facts about semiautos being used in self defense (LA Riots, Hurricane Andrew etc) he'd put us on the offensive , and rock them on their heels for once.
Kerry trotted out the "anybody who wants an assault weapon should join the military" argument.

He's also complaining that we don't have enough Air Marshalls.

Hey, how about clearing the logjam preventing the arming of pilots?
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