Do you have pro-gun bumper or window stickers?

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I usually put a motorcycle safety bumper sticker on my car. Something along the lines of "drive safe and share the road" or "watch for motorcycles". I don't ride anymore, but I do attend too many motorcycle accidents where the four-wheel operator is usually at fault and I'll probably consider myself a rider forever.

I used to display a yellow ribbon magnet, but after the fourth one was stolen, I stopped. Also, my brother used to have one until some knucklehead scrathed "war monger" in his paint near it. :fire:

My current car has no stickers on it.
Stickers I have:

Peace through superior firepower
Fred Thompson 2008
Clark Rifles (my gun club/range)
and a NRA decal in the rear window. Among others...

If someone doesn't like them then oh well. The only comment I've gotten about them was positive, btw. About the "gun" stickers, I choose not to live my life in fear an paranoia about what someone else might think or do.
I get a chuckle sometimes from clever bumper stickers. "Honk if you want to test your brakes" was pretty funny.

But I won't have any on my car, never have. I even take off the dealership logo if I can. Not paranoid, just don't like 'em.

Only thing I have on my current car came with it --a big university logo which was printed in reverse and stuck on over the inside of the rear window defroster conductors, and I'm reluctant to possibly damage the defroster strips in removing it. I bought a defroster conducter repair kit, but really don't want to chance it.

I did find that the defroster strip repair kit is great for fixing remote control, calculator, and other keypad-operated devices that go dead on you because the buttons wear out.
I have them, just not on my car.

In the past, I have come out of a location sometimes to find my car vandalized and no one to properly bring in. The only thing I can think of why is the bumper stickers I had on my car at the time. Nothing was taken, just busted lights and tires that had been knifed. Now, no more bumper stickers, no more vandalism.
A tasteful NRA sticker on the back liftgate window. I can understand the attitude of "don't tell, someone might rob you" but I think it is important to "show the flag" a little ... and let the populace know that gun owners are among us, and they are regular people, driving regular cars.
Do you have pro-gun bumper or window stickers?

No, not anymore. Here in Nazi Jerky, too many BUBBs believe such markers constitute grounds for a traffic stop and a "fishing trip". BTDT, and I don't need the aggravation.
I have an American Flag and a Ducks Unlimited Ducks head sticker, but no NRA or political stickers. Life is best lived under the radar, IMHO.:cool:
I've got an NRA sticker on the windshield of my Motorcycle (Honda Aero 750).

One day in the parking lot where I work I got into a conversation about my bike and bikes in general with an older, obviously well to do gentleman out for a walk. We talked for 5 minutes or so and then he started examining my bike right up to the point where he saw the sticker. He asked if it was an NRA sticker (stupid question since it obviously was) and when I replied in the affirmative he just turned around and walked away.

Sticker is still on the windshield.
No. I don't have any stickers which reveal what possesions are in my house.

Would anyone put a sticker on their car which proclaims that they have a fancy entertainment system in their house?

As for showing the world that we are firearms owners... I think only other firearms owners would really take notice. What's the point? Will an anti really see it and think "I'm against firearms, but now that I realize that the driver of this 10 year old car has one, I might just buy a revolver today!"
NRA on my truck, Ron Paul Bumper sticker also at the moment, US Flag.

I used to NOT do the NRA sticker for many reasons, then I had a change of heart. It *usually* signifies more than 'gun' nut to me anymore. The guy/gal with the NRA sticker will usually:

1) have tools
2) have cables
3) have knowledge
4) help you if asked when you're in a jam

Just my take.
A discreet black 'Molon Labe' on the corner of the tail gate... and an NRA sticker inside the tinted rear window.

I get a few questions about the Molon Labe sticker.

I don't leave unsecured weapons laying around. Not in my vehicle, or anywhere else. A good secure lock box isn't that expensive, and will defeat all but the most determined attackers. If someone steals my truck... hey, I've got insurance. I'll not let idiots dictate my actions, no matter how insignificant.
No stickers ON the car, but I did throw some in the driver and passenger side rear windows (not stuck on)

Anyone But Hillary 08

If guns kill people do pencils misspell words?

I've had great reaction to both, surprisingly enough mostly from women. I've had at least 10 women walk up to the car and tell me (thanking me) for putting up the Hillary one.

Wife has the same stickers and same reactions.
Just a few

A Maryland Shall Issue sticker on the bumper, and "Protected by Smith & Wesson" on the passenger-side window.

*EDIT* Oh yeah - a "Gun Ownership is Not a Crime!" sticker on the back windshield as well.
The area I live in has the highest crime rate in the state. Therefore , I go out of my way to NOT let anyone know I have guns. I don't leave my tools or any guns in any vehicles and definetely no bumper stickers. Even when I go to the range--I pull the vehicle up near the door and very discreetly load up the vehicle. I've seen some really clever and funny stickers that I wouldn't mind putting on a vehicle but I don't feel that advertising the fact that I have guns would be a wise thing to do --especially in my area.

how afraid people are of random pawn shop burglars but dont even see that their country is falling to fascism or will work to prevent it through education and activism.

YES I have bumper sticker, "Politicians LOVE gun control" with a swastika and hammer and sickle underneath in big clip art.

It's a great conversation starter...and besides my weapons at home are secure. They should pick another house.

i have some stickers in my windows that show i do support the cops... my dad in law was a cop and my bro in was a cop at one time and i've lots of friends who are cops... kd can you still get those terrorist hunting permit window stickers?? i have one i printed off from the puter a couple years ago and it's tacked to wall over my loading surface........i had some of those support the troops ribbon magnets on my car but someone ******* steals them.......................
Just an NRA sticker on my car, which is my everyday vehicle. My truck is pretty much a rolling billboard for the firearms industry and the Second Amendment.
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