What do you think you might do ?

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Come on. He is not being robbed. No one in the group described by Ayoob has threatened him in any way. He states that he flips them a $5 to the leader to avoid potential trouble. That is a thousand miles from an armed confrontation.

Wait...wait... let me get this straight. M.Ayoob describes buying off or "tipping" the leader of a group of toughs -- with a $5 bill, no less! -- to avoid the potential of being threatened?

That is HILLARIOUS! I have GOT to find a copy of this book.

"Hey Vato ... er Holmes ... er Dude. I know you haven't actually threatened me or anything yet, but... Look here's a fiver. You nice fellows run along now and don't give me any trouble, o.k?"

Seriously, can I get that on Candid Camera or something? That would be a RIOT! :D
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and that you are so capable, that you will be able to get your gun out and shoot effectively before a man who already has a gun leveled at you can shoot and hit you.

OK, I'm not done yet. I never said any of this. Never even implied it. I might well get shot. You asked what I would do, I answered, and you have been disecting my responses as though I am corrupting the world with heresy.

It is simply what I would do. Might not work, might get me shot. Bottom line, if I am drawn on while I am armed, I am going to present my best moving target and give a fight. I am not a commando, I generally shoot two or three times per month, maybe 200 rounds total, I practice drawing from concealment, but I am far from well trained or as practiced as many.

You have a different approach, and that is fine. I am not preaching to others or seeking to instruct; I am simply responding to a question regarding what I would do.

When we reach the point where more heat than light is being shed on the subject at hand, it's the better part to gently close the door on the discussion.

Otherwise I'm apt to have to do things far less pleasant.

This whole "what if" scenario thing is becoming awfully wearing, and if the standards for such threads are not bumped up several notches (see the forum rules on 'reality'), then we may have another addition to the short list of verboten topics here (the list is TEOTWAWKI/SHTF and zombies, so far).

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