7/28/05 Senate S.397 Discussion

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Durbin ask if gun dealer has history of selling to criminals, will S.397 say that negligent dealer cannot be held responsible to the victims of negligence? Kennedy says gun dealer gets free pass if they sell to 10 most wanted. Says gun dealers are NOT required to check Most Wanted list, they're being blocked by NRA Senators from offering amdt that would require this. Durbin back doing the same bit abot Defense bill.
Durbin keeps talking about "evil" dealers are selling trunk loads full of saturday night specials. Can anyone point me to a story or link where a dealer has done that??? :confused:

..and now I think Kennedy just had a melt down...
Ha ha ha... One of our side points out that the same Senators complaining about dropping the Defense Appropriations bill are the same Senators that voted against cloture for that bill and attempted to filibuster it.
Hatch just ripped the Demos for screaming that Repubs stopped the DoD bill for this, when the Dems were filibustering the DoD bill to deny cloture! He plain states the Demos "hate guns!" Plain speech! Can we elect him Pres?
Hatch saying these are some of the worst arguments he's heard. Says they couldn't move ahead on Defense bill because he couldn't get cloture from these very same Dems. If they were stopped, it's cause their amendments weren't germane. Says there isn't justification for mfg being held responsible for misuse of legally sold gun. Let's face it, the other side of the Senate hates guns. Look how they've argued against the RKBA, etc. These are same people arguing they have constitutional justification for things not explicitly listed like RKBA. Finds it amazing that after voting against cloture on Defense bill, they complain. Decent dealers should be able to sell to decent people. Says argument that it aids terrorists or gives free pass is absurd. The chief left-wing funders happen to be personal injury lawyers, whom are literally the reason we have these arguments. It's hard to believe they could make these arguments, I couldn't sit here and let it happen. "My gracious".
Hatch also nailed them on the point that most of the opposition funding of the bill is coming from trial lawyers.
I just tuned in...all i can gather from this is Hatch talking about some great legal prowess of someone...

Now hes adressing the president...

Why are all the seats behind him empty?

Soviets? Lat winter olympics? Im lost...i suck at this stuff :scrutiny:
Omg, there's like 20-some amendments they will consider for this bill, most of which are not to be announced until they are to be considered.
Word of warning to those watching my posts: I'm typing so fast that I'm making plenty of mistakes, so if something doesn't make sense check back in a few minutes, as I try to edit previous posts for errors. :)
I used to think term limits were the answer. Now I'm beginning to lean to life limits. Lying with immunity shouldn't be tolerated.
Omg, there's like 20-some amendments they will consider for this bill, most of which are not to be announced until they are to be considered.

Frist has filled the tree, so none of those amendments will ever be considered unless Frist allows them to be considered. So far only three amendments are going to get a vote. Two by Frist and Craig and one by Kohl (gunlock amendment from last year).

Frist can basically allow only those amendments he wants to see attached - with the important caveat that he still has to have 60 votes for cloture on Friday or the bill is dead. As of yesterday (no amendments filed) there were 67 co-sponsors. Now that they may not get their particular amendment allowed, we will probably lose some co-sponsors.
Someone just needs to draw a simple analogy for these screaming senators. If someone accidently drives off a bridge, and a female passenger dies, should the family have the ability to sue the car manufacturer?

Seems like a simple argument to me.
Jwmoore, Senator Craig used a similar analogy yesterday. But the hardcore antis simply don't care. They know the purpose of the bill and don't like it, so they will lie and try to add poison pills again.

Frist should have said no to any amendments. Just vote the bill straight up.
According to Thomas, amendments have been submitted by Schumer, Kohl, Warner, Levin, Feinstein, Lautenberg, Corzine, Clinton, Kennedy, Frist, and Craig. Of those, only Frist is a cosponsor. I have no idea how up-to-date they keep Thomas.
Checking in on this thread. I missed the morning comedy show :rolleyes: but will check in later. The temperature is below 80 degrees for once and I've got some yard work to do......
I did yard work two days ago, and am still sore. Don't ask a government employee to do manual labor..... :eek: :rolleyes: Hey, regraveling a driveway ain't easy! :p
Back to topic - I wish they'd get this over today.....
Craig is up. We're on Kohl trigger lock amendment for the next hour. 62 co-sponsors on S.397 now.
They stopped Brownback from blabbering about stem cells and now Craig is talking about 397... and the handgun lock amendment :fire:
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